CRDA salaries/bonuses and the politically connected lobbyists, who get paid for the work to support the continuation of those cash sucking relationships - both at XL and The Rent.
Despite the second and third parties cash draining - is either a better customer experience than Gampel - a production UConn does by themselves?
The State pays for all or at least the vast majority of all construction on campus, on all state campuses. Always has. The entire school infrastructure is paid by the tax payers through bond funds. The school cannot support itself. UCONN doesn’t do much financially on its own.
CRDA would gladly hand the money draining XL and RENT off to anyone else who would take them. Otherwise CRDA makes money through debt and equity positions.
The State pays for all or at least the vast majority of all construction on campus, on all state campuses. Always has. The entire school infrastructure is paid by the tax payers through bond funds. The school cannot support itself. UCONN doesn’t do much financially on its own. Of UCONN had to pay for its own infrastructure, it would out of business. CRDA would gladly hand the money draining XL and RENT off to anyone else who would take them. Otherwise CRDA makes money for the State.
Who do you think paid for the Rent? It wasn’t UCONN.
Frankly I would rather the $3 BILLION we put into the campus (with bond funds) since 1995 should have gone to relocating the entire campus to Hartford rather than forcing everyone into the sticks At Storrs.