I had some mixed feelings reading this. On the one hand, I have been a proponent of savoring this year. A decade from now, we will be talking about this year and this period. I hope it will be in the context of "can you believe we are still ding so well?" rather than "remember when we were good?" but whichever, we will ne reminicing about the year with fond memories.
On the other hand, while of course we should be impressed that we beat a qulity team like Baylor by double-digits, it can get tiresome and repetitive to explain "we won again yippee"
I also get that Geno wants us to revel in the accomplishment and not simply nitpick the areas needing improvement, but I guarantee he is doing that. It may be fair to n9te that Geno working on shortcomings will actually turn into improvements, while Boneyarders pointing out shortcomings accomplishes little. I also get that there is a difference between an insider pointing out shortcomings, bbetter accepted than complaints from outsiders, but the very nature of the UConn program is to make us feel like family, to make us feel like it is "our team" so it hurts a bit to be reminded that we are not insiders. Even if true.