Jim Mora extension | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Jim Mora extension

Aug 27, 2011
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That’s not what Mora is saying at all. His kids are in NYC and his wife likes the CT location. I think he’s going to get himself a statue on campus or at The Rent someday. He’s loving it and he doesn’t need money. Not only is he very wealthy, he’s an heir to wealthy parents. He’s after quality of life and time with his family at this point. He’s proving that it is actually a great job for a competent coach. People know the brand name, the facilities are good and the location is convenient. . On top of that, the fans are happy as pigs in shizz at 4-5. He’s the toast of the town. Not a hard life to take at 60 years old.
Agree completely. He can go 6-6 the next three seasons at UConn and be considered a success. Why go to a middle of the road P5 school where that'll get him fired? He doesn't need the $ and if his family likes it here and he's close to his kids...what's the appeal of the Colorado/Arizona State's of the world?
Oct 25, 2018
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No. It’s been 1 year, almost to the day. Let’s see this thru beyond the honeymoon. Remember the last extension we gave to an exciting young coach - hint: we lost breakfast that day when we realized fish cakes was not a RKG.

l love what Jimmy has done, but let’s not panic. Let’s make sure he believes he has everything in place to win consistently. That’s the focus.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I truly think this is different. He sought out this job and it's turned out to be a perfect fit. You can't buy satisfaction. I don't think he needs to be "locked up."

I'm not saying it's a pressing need this week but I would appreciate it if the AD would reach out to Mora's agent just to see what else can be done rather than sitting back assessing the situation.
Jun 27, 2016
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If/when Mora gets his first offer and his response publicly is " My focus is on this week's game, etc., etc.," instead of "as I've said before, this will be my last coaching job", then we can start to worry

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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No. It’s been 1 year, almost to the day. Let’s see this thru beyond the honeymoon. Remember the last extension we gave to an exciting young coach - hint: we lost breakfast that day when we realized fish cakes was not a RKG.

l love what Jimmy has done, but let’s not panic. Let’s make sure he believes he has everything in place to win consistently. That’s the focus.

Umm, you do realize Mora is 60 with over 30 years coaching experience? Not exactly a young up and comer with no HC experience.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not saying it's a pressing need this week but I would appreciate it if the AD would reach out to Mora's agent just to see what else can be done rather than sitting back assessing the situation.
Pfft… Mora doesn’t need no stinking agent ;)

-> “With the sun about to set on their third day together in November, Jim Mora and David Benedict stood in the kitchen of Mora’s home in Ketchum, Idaho, and looked at each other.

“He was like, ‘Well, what do you want?’” Mora recalls. “I didn’t have an agent. I said, ‘I’ll take this.’ He goes, ‘I don’t know if we can do that.’ I go, ‘OK, I’ll take this.’ He goes, ‘OK.’”

“I go, ‘Are you offering me the job?’” Mora said. “He goes, ‘Well, yeah.’ I said, ‘OK, well, I’m taking it.’ It was pretty informal. Kathy was sitting over there and we had already talked about the fact that we wanted to do this. It was pretty easy when it got to that point. Then we went out and had dinner and a beer and laughed. We just took a deep breath, and then I went and packed and we got on a plane the next day.” <-


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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I truly think this is different. He sought out this job and it's turned out to be a perfect fit. You can't buy satisfaction. I don't think he needs to be "locked up."
I kind of agree. If Mora wanted a better job, he could have had one. I think he wanted the challenge.


Feb 19, 2013
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I’d say no. Give me 2 years with a winning record, that would prove he’s special, Diaco went to a bowl. Pay bumps to keep assistants around might be reasonable though.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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After the Ollie fiasco no premature contract extensions for anybody ever again.
It’s not the extension, it’s the buyout terms that are problematic. If we make a bowl, though, I wouldn’t mind making some kind of adjustment toward him and the staff.
Aug 28, 2011
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If he wants an extension, he can have one. It doesn't matter. With his credentials, only teams that afford his buyout will be after him.

All of that misses the point. He's not climbing the ladder at this point. If it leaves it will be because he wants to leave. If he stays it will because that is what he wants. He's good enough that he will be here as long as he likes.

All this is fine with me. We never had to worry that Randy 2.0 would be wooed away. This is much better.
Aug 26, 2011
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If he wants an extension, he can have one. It doesn't matter. With his credentials, only teams that afford his buyout will be after him.

All of that misses the point. He's not climbing the ladder at this point. If it leaves it will be because he wants to leave. If he stays it will because that is what he wants. He's good enough that he will be here as long as he likes.

All this is fine with me. We never had to worry that Randy 2.0 would be wooed away. This is much better.

It’s so nice to have a coach that actually wants to win football games.
Aug 5, 2017
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JM is unlike any other coach we've hired, in that he is all these:
Experienced, successful, older, highly regarded, financially well heeled, a caring teacher of players and coaches and comfortable in his own skin.

First, he doesn't need money except as a yardstick of how much he's valued in his respective position. He knows this isn't a P5 powerhouse, replete with unimaginable pressure and boatloads of money, but believes he should be paid fairly for this level and his performance at this level.

Secondly, he seems to have welcomed the challenge of doing something the world likely felt impossible: making a success of UConn football and perhaps helping UConn gain admission to a major all sports conference.

Finally, he sounds like such a genuinely fine, caring, and thoughtful man he would go down in the history of UConn sports as one of the greatest coaches in school history if he's successful and that may mean more to someone like him than more money at middle of the road schools like Colorado and Arizona State which are being left behind in CR and won't ever reach the top in any sports.
Aug 26, 2011
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And all this came out after I posted. I hadn’t seen it yet.

Mandel loves Mora. Feldman and Mandel had Mora on as a guest right after he was hired. Based on the interview it sounded like he knew those guys on a personal basis.

It’s a small thing but it’s like we hit the jackpot with this guy. Mora is a made man in this business and he brought us some credibility. And someday maybe even an identity.
Aug 26, 2011
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JM is unlike any other coach we've hired, in that he is all these:
Experienced, successful, older, highly regarded, financially well heeled, a caring teacher of players and coaches and comfortable in his own skin.

First, he doesn't need money except as a yardstick of how much he's valued in his respective position. He knows this isn't a P5 powerhouse, replete with unimaginable pressure and boatloads of money, but believes he should be paid fairly for this level and his performance at this level.

Secondly, he seems to have welcomed the challenge of doing something the world likely felt impossible: making a success of UConn football and perhaps helping UConn gain admission to a major all sports conference.

Finally, he sounds like such a genuinely fine, caring, and thoughtful man he would go down in the history of UConn sports as one of the greatest coaches in school history if he's successful and that may mean more to someone like him than more money at middle of the road schools like Colorado and Arizona State which are being left behind in CR and won't ever reach the top in any sports.

Well said.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm not saying it's a pressing need this week but I would appreciate it if the AD would reach out to Mora's agent just to see what else can be done rather than sitting back assessing the situation.


Any agent is going to immediately say more cash.
Aug 26, 2011
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It’s not the extension, it’s the buyout terms that are problematic. If we make a bowl, though, I wouldn’t mind making some kind of adjustment toward him and the staff.

If the staff are on one year contracts then there is no way some of them won’t get raises. Hilliard and Sammis for sure.
Aug 12, 2017
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Yes, contract extension and pay raise are in order. If we happen to finish the season 6–6 and are invited to a bowl game he will be on peoples radar, and we will be back to square one looking for a coach.
He is already on everyones radar. He has totally rebuilt our program from the bottom up. He did not go the route and hire his cronies. He interviewed and hired a lot of extremely young,african american coaches and they have produced. The players love him and respect him. Hopefully he will stay long enough to see us get picked up by a P5 conference.
Aug 27, 2011
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He is already on everyones radar. He has totally rebuilt our program from the bottom up. He did not go the route and hire his cronies. He interviewed and hired a lot of extremely young,african american coaches and they have produced. The players love him and respect him. Hopefully he will stay long enough to see us get picked up by a P5 conference.

From your text to God’s ears/eyes.
Aug 26, 2011
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Agreed. I was gonna say he is doing this more for fun than a career ladder. Thought he was living in Idaho and spending time in Ketchum (Sun Valley).

That said, I am sure AD David Bennett is well aware of what would be appropriate under the circumstances and will make that happen.

In the Mandel and Feldman interview, he said that he was disappointed with the opportunities that came his way after UCLA. Ultimately he decided to not coach until his youngest left for college.

His last half of his time at UCLA he dealt with a bad divorce and he was clearly distracted which is understandable. But it seems like a lot of people wrote him off forever.

I’m glad Benedict was open minded.


The CT-TX-US Connection: Historic, Alive and Well
Aug 26, 2011
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unnecessary concern.
obviously, mr. mora examined his life recently, and decided the next chapter was going to be aboot doing something for fun, and no longer just aboot career ladders. UConn fit his criteria perfectly, and so he decided 'yeah, im doing that.' a gentle float down the river of semi-retirement, with enough juice to make him want to get out of bed in the morning to coach up some young folks, mebbe win some big games, and, all around, do something worth his while, and have a blast in trying.
mebbe, just mebbe, his attitude could change if the world, watching his results, came along and offered a pantload of jingle to grab him, but i doubt it. even if it was gumby gold, i still doubt it cuz for smart people, peace of mind is priceless. i think that geno's situation (he could go anywhere and get paid fort knox cash) is a guiding light for coach mora.
^^^ I can only speak for myself here as someone who's been in the highly competitive business world for 40+ years and nearing (I hope) the way less turbulent end of my career, but this is spot on.

And not to put too much amateur psychology into it but, what he said in his post game comments about Jackson Mitchell's play in the 4th quarter leaving a legacy at UConn may be where his head is at, too. Coach Mora does not want his coaching career to end with what what happened at UCLA.

I say he stays at UConn until he's proven the doubters wrong and he's done something truly extraordinary and legacy-worthy to end his career, like turning UConn football into a top 20 contender and motivating many around him to excel and succeed along the way (while gently floating down the river of semi-retirement as it were).

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