Jeff Jacobs: Shirreffs Really Felt The Pain Of UConn Season (Literally) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Jeff Jacobs: Shirreffs Really Felt The Pain Of UConn Season (Literally)

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Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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If the horde doesn't challenge Diaco post-game on

a) Why Shirreffs was allowed to play with such a serious injury, especially considering our o-line and the vicious hits he was bound to receive every game and
b) Why Diaco repeatedly threw Shirreffs under the bus and then benched him without EVER explaining that he was badly injured and how that contributed to his performances post Virginia

then there is no point of even wasting the time and money with media coverage on UConn football. The one thing we've given BD credit for is that he cares about his players. This is strong evidence to the contrary--or at least that when push comes to shove and his job is on the line, he will sell his toughest player down the river. The press needs to strongly challenge BD on this. Thank God BS is getting out of this circus show.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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If this article doesn't drive Benedict to firing Diaco, I don't know what will. 3 years of poor coaching, poor staff hires, stubborn reluctance to alter his failures, throwing hurt captains under the bus, inexplicably burning a RS on a QB who is nowhere near ready to play at this level, and, worst of all, he's lost the team. Diaco back in 2017 crushes our program and school.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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If the horde doesn't challenge Diaco post-game on

a) Why Shirreffs was allowed to play with such a serious injury, especially considering our o-line and the vicious hits he was bound to receive every game and
b) Why Diaco repeatedly threw Shirreffs under the bus and then benched him without EVER explaining that he was badly injured and how that contributed to his performances post Virginia

then there is no point of even wasting the time and money with media coverage on UConn football. The one thing we've given BD credit for is that he cares about his players. This is strong evidence to the contrary--or at least that when push comes to shove and his job is on the line, he will sell his toughest player down the river. The press needs to strongly challenge BD on this. Thank God BS is getting out of this circus show.
exactly Phil. We'll get hin on risk of injury instead of coaching mlfeasance. Where there's smoke.....
Aug 27, 2011
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If this article doesn't drive Benedict to firing Diaco, I don't know what will. 3 years of poor coaching, poor staff hires, stubborn reluctance to alter his failures, throwing hurt captains under the bus, inexplicably burning a RS on a QB who is nowhere near ready to play at this level, and, worst of all, he's lost the team. Diaco back in 2017 crushes our program and school.

We all have to remember, Diaco is the ADULT in the room. If Bryant was playing this injured, it was up to him to sit him down (earlier than he did) and go to one of the back ups (wouldn't have burned the redshirt). Diaco has been completely irresponsible in this scenario. In my opinion, treatment of a player like Bryant even worse than the putrid on-field coaching decisions we've seen.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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We all have to remember, Diaco is the ADULT in the room. If Bryant was playing this injured, it was up to him to sit him down (earlier than he did) and go to one of the back ups (wouldn't have burned the redshirt). Diaco has been completely irresponsible in this scenario. In my opinion, treatment of a player like Bryant even worse than the putrid on-field coaching decisions we've seen.

1000% agree. At some point, you would hope that your 40-something year old head coach would say "hey Bryant, maybe playing with a ' displaced rib is not a good idea" and put in Anderson. But no, we got a QB change under the guise of "improving the offense"...nothing disclosed about an injury...and Sheriffs thrown under the bus. It's a wonder why any kid would come play football at UConn for this man after this. Simply disgusting.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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1000% agree. At some point, you would hope that your 40-something year old head coach would say "hey Bryant, maybe playing with a ' displaced rib is not a good idea" and put in Anderson. But no, we got a QB change under the guise of "improving the offense"...nothing disclosed about an injury...and Sheriffs thrown under the bus. It's a wonder why any kid would come play football at UConn for this man after this. Simply disgusting.

I'm almost starting to think that Diaco might be full of crap....
Aug 26, 2011
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exactly Phil. We'll get hin on risk of injury instead of coaching mlfeasance. Where there's smoke.....

Tap the brakes a tad - I don't like BD not explaining that BS was dinged up and it was impacting his play at all (even to the point of sitting him) but injured players play each and every week in college football.

Now if it's a Tim Beckman-Illini type scenario, different story.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Tap the brakes a tad - I don't like BD not explaining that BS was dinged up and it was impacting his play at all (even to the point of sitting him) but injured players play each and every week in college football.

Now if it's a Tim Beckman-Illini type scenario, different story.

I'd venture to say that it is more than just a run of the mill injury, especially given the blows BS was taking on a weekly basis. Here's an article about Zach Ertz of the Eagles suffering a similar injury and sitting out. Their coach, Doug Peterson, is quoted as follows:
"It's a dangerous situation with a displaced bone because you're talking up around the neck and head area, so any type of blow again could do further damage to that." Granted, Shirreffs injury may not have been in the same proximity to the head, but the fact remains that this kind of injury can become very serious with further damage. I guess that there's a very blurred distinction between being hurt and injured that exists in football, but I think it at least warrants some level of questioning and concern towards BD.
Source: Eagles' Ertz ruled out with rib injury

Edit: I didn't see alum's post. I don't think that BD could get fired because of this--and I'm assuming what you've implied is that it would wipe out his buyout? Not any evidence for that. But it is still a terrible and unethical coaching move IMO. When you have a player as tough as BS, you need to understand that they'll be willing to play through anything and you need to step in at times.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'd venture to say that it is more than just a run of the mill injury, especially given the blows BS was taking on a weekly basis. Here's an article about Zach Ertz of the Eagles suffering a similar injury and sitting out. Their coach, Doug Peterson, is quoted as follows:
"It's a dangerous situation with a displaced bone because you're talking up around the neck and head area, so any type of blow again could do further damage to that." Granted, Shirreffs injury may not have been in the same proximity to the head, but the fact remains that this kind of injury can become very serious with further damage. I guess that there's a very blurred distinction between being hurt and injured that exists in football, but I think it at least warrants some level of questioning and concern towards BD.
Source: Eagles' Ertz ruled out with rib injury

I completely understand that and NOT defending Diaco outside of saying - injured players play every week. The comment I replied to was about taking legal action for risk of injury/voiding contract. Some injuries without context sound worse than others. I have no clue which rib may be subluxated (could be the 12th rib lower down the spine) and what the risk for further long term damage is. Would it be different in theory only if it was a shoulder/knee?

I think it sucks he never alluded to the fact he was banged up (without putting a target for opposing team to aim for) and battling through it.

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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We all thought for sure Whitmer was gone and then stayed on when Diaco got hired. Maybe something similar happens when Bob gets axed.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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He didn't tell Donovan Williams' family what they needed to hear and he didn't tell Bryant Sherriffs what he needed to hear.

He told them what they WANTED to hear.

Being a head coach is about making tough decisions for people when they can't see them. He can't do it.


Aug 26, 2011
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Is that 3 QBs in a row who have been utterly destroyed by an atrocious OL? Goddammit this sucks.
Aug 29, 2015
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Is that 3 QBs in a row who have been utterly destroyed by an atrocious OL? Goddammit this sucks.

Let's just hope it's not #4 with Williams. I see a lot more potential in him than most here, but the situation around him hasn't changed at all. He's not been put in a position to succeed, that's for sure.
Aug 26, 2011
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If this article doesn't drive Benedict to firing Diaco, I don't know what will. 3 years of poor coaching, poor staff hires, stubborn reluctance to alter his failures, throwing hurt captains under the bus, inexplicably burning a RS on a QB who is nowhere near ready to play at this level, and, worst of all, he's lost the team. Diaco back in 2017 crushes our program and school.

The term "coaching malpractice" has been used sporadically on this forum to describe game situations but in this context it defines the poor judgement and incompetence we've seen for 3 years. I would be shocked to see BS back if BD returns, and it's a shame that we'd lose the leader and keep the cheer-leader.
May 7, 2014
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When being hurt impacts your play to the degree that you become a detriment to the team, you are injured and ought to sit.

The fact that Shirrefs was that badly injured where he couldn't take a deep breath without feeling significant pain, and especially due to the nature of the injury (thanks @uconnphil2016 for the quote), makes Diaco's decision to play him coaching malpractice in several aspects.

The fact that he then turned around and repeatedly threw Shirrefs under the bus was just beyond dickish and I'm sure was a major major factor in losing the team, besides the awful coaching and verbal BS. Their quarterback is out there getting killed, playing injured, all for a deranged clown who seeks to shift blame in every direction besides the most obvious: himself. Not at all surprised that the team grew tired of him and his BS.
Oct 28, 2014
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I know I'm late to this 'party' but there's a lot of people who post on this board who also owe Shirreffs an apology. Kid's an above-average, perfectly servicable, tougher-than-most quarterback who caught way too much undeserved crap on this board from people who have unreasonably high expectations of what a UConn QB should be. Hope he goes to an FBS school with an offense that fits his skills and lights it up. I
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