One thing people forget about last year's team is that Deandre Daniels had a big injury and missed games, and momentum. He played well tos tart the season, was very rusty when he came back, and he really rounded into form the last 8 or 9 games. People were not expecting what Daniels gave UConn. They weren't expecting what Boatright gave. Kromah and Giffey provided the seasoning on that lethal brew of Daniels-Napier-Boatright.
Looking back, people should not be surprised.
I also laugh when people like Stephen A. and Barkley and many others talk about Calipari's game-changing decision to go to the zone in the first half. Many of these analysts missed how Daniels and one other player left the game with 2 fouls, which quickly lead to a UK run.
Because UConn isn't scrutinized like other schools, people are simply not aware of which of our players was playing well prior to injury, or heck even in the NC, they didn't notice our stud PF going out of the game early with 2 fouls.