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Jay Williams Tweet

Jun 9, 2012
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I'm no lawyer or anything like that. With that being said, I guess if Uconn has an out from paying Ollie, I guess they should take it because we badly needed a change. Personally it makes me sick that anyone anywhere doesn't pay someone what they owe. If Ollie did any wrong doing per the investigation, then screw him, but if he played by the rules, then so should the school and find the money and pay what you owe.
Jan 28, 2015
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Am I the only one who finds the whole firing for 'cause' thing kind of an orchestrated ploy from the University?

Because sure - there's arbitration and some legal nonsense - but with the investigation - it probably drags out. And for UConn the best scenario in a weird way is a small infraction that they can slap on Ollie to get out of the buy out without having a short term commitment to his money. They're framing cause and using it as an instrument to buy time to hopefully get out of the buy out. But if they had to buy him out, they obviously would. But it buys them time to hopefully wiggle out of it.

You can question the ethics of it all, but that's what it strikes me as being.
Jun 9, 2017
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Look, maybe I've just lived outside of Connecticut long enough to not be so defensive about these things but...

Why do you guys care so much about what someone tweets?

Furthermore, I think the coverage of the firing has largely been fair.
Aug 26, 2011
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It'll interesting to see how this pans out. I tend to agree with J Williams regarding JC's convo with Hurley, although there is no crime in that. It's obvious KO has not performed well as the coach imo. Yeah, the National Championship - but I felt like he got lucky at the right moment and the right players he inherited; and the coaching staff there already. He parlayed that with NBA interest to a huge deal, and subsequently did a horrible job. He really doesn't deserve his current salary much less any future money imo. However the contract was in place and hope it works to for UCONN financially.
Hurley brought in JC a few times for a motivation talk. I wouldn't make too much of it. It does provide an opportunity for JC to sell UConn to Hurley.
Unless there is a real reason for UConn to fight the buyout, KO deserves to be paid according to the terms of the contract. Nobody forced UConn to sign the contract.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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He may be right, I have to wait and see what just cause is. If it's about workouts of kids who were cleared to play and / or some affair violating some moral clause, Kevin will get paid something

If it's about serious violations, Kevin's not getting paid, and it ain't rocket science either

My guess is it's not the later, because I don't think Kevin or the Union beat a dead horse, but they may just to get something
Nov 15, 2016
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Hurley brought in JC a few times for a motivation talk. I wouldn't make too much of it. It does provide an opportunity for JC to sell UConn to Hurley.
Unless there is a real reason for UConn to fight the buyout, KO deserves to be paid according to the terms of the contract. Nobody forced UConn to sign the contract.
The real reason is that UConn wants him gone and Ollie has given them a reason/way to do it for less than $10m. Nobody forced KO to sign that contract either, btw. And he hasn’t lived up to the letter of the contract that would support him getting paid the full amount. He has absolutely committed violations within the very wide “for clause” component. If the argument is that they were not of a magnitude to constitute his dismissal....maybe (especially if he was winning on the court), but that’s purely subjective until a court would get involved and possibly rule otherwise. And UConn would have a strong argument that the contract states that ANY violation is a breach. Either way, that legal argument is a costly and lengthy process that Benedict is betting won’t play out as at some point Ollie’s attorneys are going to advise him to take a reduced buyout or risk walking away with no money and a pile of legal fees. The truth, whether anyone likes it or not, is that Ollie’s only claim to being wronged is if he were 100% clean of ANY violations within the contract that allow for his dismissal - NCAA, character-related or otherwise. He isn’t. Combine that with being an awful coach and here we are. Like it or not, Ollie put himself is this situation both on and off the court.
Aug 26, 2011
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Jay Williams is a big KO fan. That's all it is - he's covering for his guy. He'll never mention the crap job KO has done the last 2 years.

I find the Hurley thing interesting - what's he implying, that UConn asked Calhoun to check with Hurley on his interest in being the next head coach? I assume the answer to that is yes?

I am a big KO fan too. I just don’t want him coaching my team.
Feb 10, 2012
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The school is playing hardball. you don't start by asking Ollie if he would accept $9M. By starting the range at $0, the school is sending a clear message. Ollie can stick to his $10M, but if there is anything amiss from his contract, it gets harder for him.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Williams has been very critical of KO and the UConn performance this year on several talk shows as has J Bilas, Tom Crean, Seth Greenburg and others. The only one who tried to sugar coat KO was Dickie V
In fact he said yesterday that he could understand KO being let go for performance reasons but the just cause stuff looks like to him like a school trying to save money - the other host (can't remember his name" smiled and said - "we'll see as this unfolds but right now Kevin Ollie is out at UConn and they are now searching for a new person to get the program back on it's feet"


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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The real reason is that UConn wants him gone and Ollie has given them a reason/way to do it for less than $10m. And he hasn’t lived up to the letter of the contract that would support him getting paid the full amount. He has absolutely committed violations within the very wide “for clause” component. If the argument is that they were not of a magnitude to constitute his dismissal....maybe (especially if he was winning on the court), but that’s purely subjective until a court would get involved and possibly rule otherwise. And UConn would have a strong argument that the contract states that ANY violation is a breach. Either way, that legal argument is a costly and lengthy process that Benedict is betting won’t play out as at some point Ollie’s attorneys are going to advise him to take a reduced buyout or risk walking away with no money and a pile of legal fees. The truth, whether anyone likes it or not, is that Ollie’s only claim to being wronged is if he were 100% clean of ANY violations within the contract that allow for his dismissal - NCAA, character-related or otherwise. He isn’t. Combine that with being an awful coach and here we are. Like it or not, Ollie put himself is this situation both on and off the court.

I'm sorry, are you on the UConn special council team looking into this and after a few drinks you forgot the adage loose lips sink ships?
If not how the hell can you say that with such certainty?
He may have committed some violations, he may not have
You are mixing your dislike for the man for his win/loss record (and I can understand that) with pure speculation to further your case. You talk like you sat in that room with AD David Benedict
Nobody forced KO to sign that contract either, btw. Yeah - find me one coach in their right mind who wouldn't sign that contract - LMAO
Feb 7, 2012
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Pay no attention to ESPN. Often times, they are the most uninformed. If they aren't pushing their agenda, they have no idea what they are talking about.
Jan 14, 2012
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I'm sorry, are you on the UConn special council team looking into this and after a few drinks you forgot the adage loose lips sink ships?
If not how the hell can you say that with such certainty?
He may have committed some violations, he may not have
You are mixing your dislike for the man for his win/loss record (and I can understand that) with pure speculation to further your case. You talk like you sat in that room with AD David Benedict
Nobody forced KO to sign that contract either, btw. Yeah - find me one coach in their right mind who wouldn't sign that contract - LMAO

Pretty sure he was referring to the clause relating to any violation being grounds for just cause dismissal, not the monetary value.


Apr 19, 2015
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People on this board are kidding themselves if they don't think we look like huge weasels trying to get out of this contract.

If it's something egregious, then fine. But if they're trying to wiggle free based on some technicality then it's a really bad look for the school.
As has been said here before it could be a negotiating tactic if KO refused a negotiated buyout. We just don't know.
No way they are going to offer him a $10 mil. walk with whatever they have for just cause. Atty for some west coast university (somewhere on the BY today) said the language of KO's contract does not help him because the "just cause" clause is very vague and favors the University. I don't really think this University would deliberately try to cheat him out of any negotiated settlement without having some pretty "just causes". That would go against the schools reputation and I think they are very conscious about that. They have made some bad personnel decisions but bad faith has never been part of the equation here. I think this will cool off and be resolved fairly quickly along with a new coach deal. It's in everyone's best interest. Looking forward to the changes and really, really hope for the best for KO. I don't know all or even some of the background other than what I can see. I think the divorce thing has been very unsettling to him and I really hope he can recover from all of this and be the person he was destined to be. He has not seemed to be himself for the past few years. I think he has a lot of heart and his determination in the past has taken him places. He probably needs to sort all this out and rebound.


Co~host of the Sliders & Curveballs Podcast
Aug 26, 2011
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When the NCAA finally announces what their investigation & problems with UConn are, who's problem
Is it? The schools or Ollie? Maybe both.

Right now, the schools using that as leverage. Divorces are ugly. This will be Ollies second.
Aug 26, 2011
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They have made some bad personnel decisions but bad faith has never been part of the equation here.

This seems like the absolute definition of bad faith. No one would care about KOs partying if he was winning. They are too poor to care about reputation.

Don't get me wrong, KO deserved to be fired but this is bush league.
Nov 15, 2016
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I'm sorry, are you on the UConn special council team looking into this and after a few drinks you forgot the adage loose lips sink ships?
If not how the hell can you say that with such certainty?
He may have committed some violations, he may not have
You are mixing your dislike for the man for his win/loss record (and I can understand that) with pure speculation to further your case. You talk like you sat in that room with AD David Benedict
Nobody forced KO to sign that contract either, btw. Yeah - find me one coach in their right mind who wouldn't sign that contract - LMAO
OK. I’ll get right on that.
Aug 13, 2013
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I tend to think that it's just business.

....KO had to go because of performance

.....KO had a $10 million buy out

.....Threaten the fire for "just cause" and then that gives some leverage for a settlement...UConn could save millions with the strategy.

....Business decision


Apr 19, 2015
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This seems like the absolute definition of bad faith. No one would care about KOs partying if he was winning. They are too poor to care about reputation.

Don't get me wrong, KO deserved to be fired but this is bush league.
I don't think anyone on this board are privy to what the administration has for facts on "just cause" and to speculate on that is just that....speculation. In addition, if you read my post, they may have (speculation) offered some buyout arrangement(s) that KO is not accepting. Hence, the firing with zero payout. Many have suggested that this may all be posturing but like the "just cause" we just don't know. In fact, depending on negotiations we may never know and that is OK.
Aug 26, 2011
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That’s great news. Ground work for Hurley already started. Watched a show about him last night on E60. He obviously looks for counsel from his dad. Not a bad resource especially in talent evaluation. I think UCONN will be the first school he would coach with a legit tradition of winning NC.

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