Jacobs calling for non-P5s to crash the gate | The Boneyard

Jacobs calling for non-P5s to crash the gate

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Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Not a Jacobs fan by any means BUT I agree that the state needs to put pressure on ESPN and start with stopping any tax relief when able.
The Big12 was and is not a good fit. If invited, UConn would be foolish to turn it down.
There has to be some type of action put in place to even the $ playing field.
It kills me to think that BC, Wake Forest, Vandy and some others are raking in almost $50MM per year and putting squat on the field and in some cases offer only limited sports teams.
I fully understand that football rules the roost and Benedict needs to be kicking at HCBD's door first
The NCAA is corrupt and idiotic
Nov 10, 2014
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Most of the media sources have mocked the Big12 and their epic expansion dysfunction which played out on a national scale. I've even heard the Big12 referred to "the biggest loser" in the realignment sweepstake. But I completely disagree, the biggest loser is ESPN and they have the Big12 to thank for it.

It has been rumored going back to the first ACC raid on the Big East that ESPN was calling that shots. Moreover, throughout the multiple realignment sagas ESPN has steadfast denied it told the conferences what to do or that it monetized decision making to produce an ESPN desired result. But this most recent Big12 debacle, broadcast on a national scale, confirms the penultimate role of ESPN. ESPN can no longer say they have not actively influenced conference realignment and it is now a matter of public record that ESPN paid the Big12 $10 million NOT to expand. By playing a high dollar game of chicken the Big12 forced the ESPN to show its previously unacknowledged invisible hand in realignment and pay up. UConn fans should not blame the P5....it is ESPN which is hurting us.

As long as ESPN can obtain UConn content for $2 million a year it will never allow UConn to leave the American Conference. UConn is more valuable to ESPN in the American than in the P5. The American is a cash cow for ESPN with UConn as one of its corner stones...The American is so valuable ESPN was willing to pay the Big12 $10 million for no new content or benefit other than not expanding. That is $10 million which could have gone to UConn or the American but will instead go to the Big12.

For those saying improve UConn football, increase tickets sales, produce more winning seasons I completely agree. But understand those are not the reasons UConn is where it is now. If we want to change the outcome we need to change the cause. UConn is in the AAC because ESPN wants it that way. Until UConn/Connecticut can change the financial implication, ESPN will not relent. The good news is the cause of our problems are now clear thanks to Big12 expansion...."shift cross hairs to ESPN..."
Aug 26, 2011
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As I have said it many times, ESPiN is one the biggest reasons we are stuck where we are. I used to watch ESPiN. Now, I try to avoid it if UCONN is not on it. I wish there was a way to get rid of it from my cable lineup, but they are in the basic tier so it is just about impossible.

Make no mistake, ESPiN is hurting UCONN big time. ESPiN conspired with the ACC and destroyed the former BE. Now ESPiN conspired with the B12 to keep teams like UCONN out yet again. They are taking advantage of us while giving teams like BCU, Wake, Cuse etc. money they don't deserve. I am not sure what Aresco can do about it, but this joke of AAC conference media deal got to disappear. I rather see UCONN put all sports except FB in the Big East and just go indy if it means we will only get $2M per year for media rights.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Here's the rub....what exactly is anyone going to do to the Big 12 or ESPN or the P5?


Congress is never getting involved. Look at the state's with P5 schools. Look at the states without P5 schools. Unless you think we can storm city hall with Hawaii and the Dakotas, let's call that a dead end.

Pressuring the Big 12? Not sure what Jacobs means there, but whatever it is, I don't know who's going to do it.

ESPN. Aresco is going to talk to them, Benedict is going to talk to them - towards what end? That they voluntarily give us more money? They're in cost-cutting mode as it pertains to the smaller conferences and we lack leverage - we're getting screwed, but 75% of this conference has never had it so good and has no bone to pick with ESPN.

As for the state playing hard ball with ESPN.....you have the least popular governor in the entire country. His approval rating is in the low-20's. He doesn't have the weight to haggle at a yard sale let alone take on ESPN.

This'll have to wait until we're a) winning in football and b) you get over your collective predilection for electing the worst possible humans as governor.


Apr 19, 2015
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Here's the rub....what exactly is anyone going to do to the Big 12 or ESPN or the P5?


Congress is never getting involved. Look at the state's with P5 schools. Look at the states without P5 schools. Unless you think we can storm city hall with Hawaii and the Dakotas, let's call that a dead end.

Pressuring the Big 12? Not sure what Jacobs means there, but whatever it is, I don't know who's going to do it.

ESPN. Aresco is going to talk to them, Benedict is going to talk to them - towards what end? That they voluntarily give us more money? They're in cost-cutting mode as it pertains to the smaller conferences and we lack leverage - we're getting screwed, but 75% of this conference has never had it so good and has no bone to pick with ESPN.

As for the state playing hard ball with ESPN.....you have the least popular governor in the entire country. His approval rating is in the low-20's. He doesn't have the weight to haggle at a yard sale let alone take on ESPN.

This'll have to wait until we're a) winning in football and b) you get over your collective predilection for electing the worst possible humans as governor.

ESPN provides 3000 or so jobs in CT. For arguments sake let's say avg. pay is $40k a year. That translates to $120 million per year in payroll a year without regard to other state and local taxes the employees and company are pouring back into the state and local economy. Not sure playing hardball with ESPN on taxes is such a brilliant idea. I'm sure other states would roll out the red carpet. UConn needs to find a way to build up their football program. That is where the money is and money talks. I don't think you can get around that one at this time.


Aug 26, 2011
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Here's the rub....what exactly is anyone going to do to the Big 12 or ESPN or the P5?


Congress is never getting involved. Look at the state's with P5 schools. Look at the states without P5 schools. Unless you think we can storm city hall with Hawaii and the Dakotas, let's call that a dead end.

Pressuring the Big 12? Not sure what Jacobs means there, but whatever it is, I don't know who's going to do it.

ESPN. Aresco is going to talk to them, Benedict is going to talk to them - towards what end? That they voluntarily give us more money? They're in cost-cutting mode as it pertains to the smaller conferences and we lack leverage - we're getting screwed, but 75% of this conference has never had it so good and has no bone to pick with ESPN.

As for the state playing hard ball with ESPN.....you have the least popular governor in the entire country. His approval rating is in the low-20's. He doesn't have the weight to haggle at a yard sale let alone take on ESPN.

This'll have to wait until we're a) winning in football and b) you get over your collective predilection for electing the worst possible humans as governor.
Agreed, except Chris Christie can give old Dannel a run for his unpopularity money.

Edward Sargent

Aug 28, 2011
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Here's the rub....what exactly is anyone going to do to the Big 12 or ESPN or the P5?


Congress is never getting involved. Look at the state's with P5 schools. Look at the states without P5 schools. Unless you think we can storm city hall with Hawaii and the Dakotas, let's call that a dead end.

Pressuring the Big 12? Not sure what Jacobs means there, but whatever it is, I don't know who's going to do it.

ESPN. Aresco is going to talk to them, Benedict is going to talk to them - towards what end? That they voluntarily give us more money? They're in cost-cutting mode as it pertains to the smaller conferences and we lack leverage - we're getting screwed, but 75% of this conference has never had it so good and has no bone to pick with ESPN.

As for the state playing hard ball with ESPN.....you have the least popular governor in the entire country. His approval rating is in the low-20's. He doesn't have the weight to haggle at a yard sale let alone take on ESPN.

This'll have to wait until we're a) winning in football and b) you get over your collective predilection for electing the worst possible humans as governor.
Fish, lets leave it at winning in football. We whine about being in the AAC and then end up middle of the pack at best every year. I just went to the BC v SU game last Saturday (actually went to the tailgate and blew off the game) and talk about two lousy teams. Well we play both this year and already found a way to lose to one, lets see if we can beat the other. I've known Dan Malloy since he was a kid - nice guy.
Feb 7, 2012
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I am very curious to see the reaction in 2024 after UConn posts its third consecutive 9-3 record in football and they are still left out of the P5. The writing is on the wall for any school caught in the G5 and it isn't pretty. Anyone who doesn't recognize that UConn will never be invited to s P4 conference is in denial. The networks will do exactly the same thing to the remaining Big 12 schools as it did to UConn and Cincy. The model has been set.

But I think the real issue will be the devaluation of live content. Ratings in 2024 will be far worse than they are today. The more relevant question becomes not if UConn will get invited but will the average sports fan, demo 18-35, even care. My guess is that the people watching sports at home will be an aging viewer on a limited budget and one advertisers won't pay a premium for. The day of the 6.00 carriage fee will be long gone. So what exactly will these networks bid on?
To me, while the kettle is still lukewarm I absolutely would like UConn and the state of CT to take a stand. Go after ESPN and the tax credits. Go after the NCAA and let Congress decide if these schools who don't pay their athletes, exclude flagship universities from admittance, but make 35-50 million a year on sports revenue are really worthy of tax exempt and non profit status. I agree that Congress would never force the P4 to accept schools like UConn but with the baby boomers retiring, generation x approaching 50, and the social security trust fund almost entirely gone, I do think they would generate enough support to change the p4 tax status. Yes, the college sports landscape has started to crumble. Thank ESPN with all their greed and arrogance on your way out.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Here's the rub....what exactly is anyone going to do to the Big 12 or ESPN or the P5?


Congress is never getting involved. Look at the state's with P5 schools. Look at the states without P5 schools. Unless you think we can storm city hall with Hawaii and the Dakotas, let's call that a dead end.

Pressuring the Big 12? Not sure what Jacobs means there, but whatever it is, I don't know who's going to do it.

ESPN. Aresco is going to talk to them, Benedict is going to talk to them - towards what end? That they voluntarily give us more money? They're in cost-cutting mode as it pertains to the smaller conferences and we lack leverage - we're getting screwed, but 75% of this conference has never had it so good and has no bone to pick with ESPN.

As for the state playing hard ball with ESPN.....you have the least popular governor in the entire country. His approval rating is in the low-20's. He doesn't have the weight to haggle at a yard sale let alone take on ESPN.

This'll have to wait until we're a) winning in football and b) you get over your collective predilection for electing the worst possible humans as governor.

Brownback is now one point worse than Malloy! 49th baby.

Edward Sargent

Aug 28, 2011
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I am very curious to see the reaction in 2024 after UConn posts its third consecutive 9-3 record in football and they are still left out of the P5. The writing is on the wall for any school caught in the G5 and it isn't pretty. Anyone who doesn't recognize that UConn will never be invited to s P4 conference is in denial. The networks will do exactly the same thing to the remaining Big 12 schools as it did to UConn and Cincy. The model has been set.

But I think the real issue will be the devaluation of live content. Ratings in 2024 will be far worse than they are today. The more relevant question becomes not if UConn will get invited but will the average sports fan, demo 18-35, even care. My guess is that the people watching sports at home will be an aging viewer on a limited budget and one advertisers won't pay a premium for. The day of the 6.00 carriage fee will be long gone. So what exactly will these networks bid on?
To me, while the kettle is still lukewarm I absolutely would like UConn and the state of CT to take a stand. Go after ESPN and the tax credits. Go after the NCAA and let Congress decide if these schools who don't pay their athletes, exclude flagship universities from admittance, but make 35-50 million a year on sports revenue are really worthy of tax exempt and non profit status. I agree that Congress would never force the P4 to accept schools like UConn but with the baby boomers retiring, generation x approaching 50, and the social security trust fund almost entirely gone, I do think they would generate enough support to change the p4 tax status. Yes, the college sports landscape has started to crumble. Thank ESPN with all their greed and arrogance on your way out.
At my age I am hoping to be alive in 2024
Aug 26, 2011
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Fish, lets leave it at winning in football. We whine about being in the AAC and then end up middle of the pack at best every year. I just went to the BC v SU game last Saturday (actually went to the tailgate and blew off the game) and talk about two lousy teams. Well we play both this year and already found a way to lose to one, lets see if we can beat the other. I've known Dan Malloy since he was a kid - nice guy.

theres a difference between being a nice guy and a competent governor
Aug 28, 2011
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I've known Dan Malloy since he was a kid - nice guy.

Being a "nice guy" has nothing to do with being a worthless politician (but I repeat myself). Especially in what has effectively become a one party state.
Aug 28, 2011
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...with the baby boomers retiring, generation x approaching 50, and the social security trust fund almost entirely gone, I do think they would generate enough support to change the p4 tax status. Yes, the college sports landscape has started to crumble. Thank ESPN with all their greed and arrogance on your way out.

It's not just the college sports landscape. NFL viewership is dropping precipitously. The entire sports network revenue model is dying. By the time 2024 rolls around, it's very likely the eternal expansion of the NBA, MLB, and NFL salary caps will have stopped and reversed. You want to talk about chaos ? Wait until the NFL salary cap shrinks.
Feb 7, 2012
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It's not just the college sports landscape. NFL viewership is dropping precipitously. The entire sports network revenue model is dying. By the time 2024 rolls around, it's very likely the eternal expansion of the NBA, MLB, and NFL salary caps will have stopped and reversed. You want to talk about chaos ? Wait until the NFL salary cap shrinks.
Couldn't agree more. The music will stop even for those who have chairs.
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