empiraclly, human animals are peak physical efficiency (maximum utility, minimum damage) between around 4pm to 9pm. forget the last few minutes of evolution history, wearing pants and all that, overall the sun and, by extension, the season are large and in charge. take lions for example. 20 hours or so snoozing, then wake up for sex, or sunning, or jibberjabber, then killing something and eating, maybe a little nappy time, maybe then some more jibberjabber, then back to snoozing. while its also been found that some are hardwired as 'morning people' and some are 'night people' ("to thine ownself, be true."), for most, life is simplest working with the rule, and not the exception. lots of folks lately livin in the exception though, guzzling coffee by the gallon in response to their screen addictions. my dawgs snooze a lot too. sounds about right. Brady, Kevin Durant, Aaron Judge don't do their greatness in the a.m. 12:45pm? you must be one of those 'early risers.' lol.