It would be purely symbolic, but please fire Weist | Page 2 | The Boneyard

It would be purely symbolic, but please fire Weist

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Aug 27, 2011
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Weist has been a marked improvement over the prior regime. I didn't like his decision to start Boyle, but I don't think Weist was the one making that decision.

From what I hear of the level of effort being given right now, I am not sure that Weist has been an improvement whatsoever. He's an interim coach who fails on the #1 task...discipline.
Mar 30, 2012
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Weist has been a marked improvement over the prior regime. I didn't like his decision to start Boyle, but I don't think Weist was the one making that decision.

I agree with this. Weist jumped into the HC role in the middle of a season, left with a team in utter disarray. The team has glaring deficiencies in places where you cannot afford to have them. The porous offensive line impacts every other position in the offense. The D-line is unable to put consistent pressure on the QB. We get angry that the d-backs line up 10 yards off of receivers pre-snap, but with their playful habit of getting burned badly by opposing WRs, I can see why. Prevent the big play, and make them work down the field. It hasn't worked, but I can see the logic (even if I don't agree with it).

I don't think he is ready to be a head coach, but he is better than the alternative. He probably is gone at the end of the year, but as a coordinator, I don't mind the idea of keeping him (I like the things he did at Cincy).

As for Boyle, I would have preferred red-shirting him. I understand the idea of getting him reps, but putting a true freshman in the game to lead a team so bereft of talent in key areas was a recipe for disaster. He might show flashes (which he did early), but it seemed likely that he was going to have a hard time of it. Cochran had a better chance of handling the adversity with his time in the system.
Aug 24, 2011
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This team and will struggle till they can recruit better lineman. Even with Edsall they struggled more than not with line play. Sure they had Donald Brown bowl people over but he had what...2 years doing that? Some will say I'm wrong but I ask many offensive lineman made it to the NFL from UConn? No matter who coaches this team in the future if they can't get 3 and 4 star lineman in here this team will never be a perennial top 25 ...heck.. top 40 ranked team. And it's hard to coach these guys when they are injured, which has been a curse the last three years(when was the last time they actually had 5 1st stringers start 3 games in a row?), or when somebody selfishly decides pot smoking is more important than honoring your scholarship commitments. The next guy in has to start there and work his way out and good luck to him.

You are wrong. And by an unbelievably large amount. You could not be more wrong.
Aug 27, 2011
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This team and will struggle till they can recruit better lineman. Even with Edsall they struggled more than not with line play. Sure they had Donald Brown bowl people over but he had what...2 years doing that? Some will say I'm wrong but I ask many offensive lineman made it to the NFL from UConn? No matter who coaches this team in the future if they can't get 3 and 4 star lineman in here this team will never be a perennial top 25 ...heck.. top 40 ranked team. And it's hard to coach these guys when they are injured, which has been a curse the last three years(when was the last time they actually had 5 1st stringers start 3 games in a row?), or when somebody selfishly decides pot smoking is more important than honoring your scholarship commitments. The next guy in has to start there and work his way out and good luck to him.

I will continue to ask for as long as you post ridiculousness.....

Are you related to P or GDL?

This post....not good.
Mar 30, 2012
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LOL we also have struggled at having a running game. We've never been good at that either.

With hard work over the last two seasons, it has gone from struggling to cringe-inducing. But, Durks is still having fun (in a masochistic sorta way).
Dec 18, 2012
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Terrible thread....

On Weist though, as terrible as this team has been he has them fighting each and every game. Whether or not he is a sound fundamental coach isn't very important to me in this scenario considering he'll be gone/demoted in December. PP ran this ship aground and all we can really ask now is no the energy to keep the team going and fighting to represent UConn well. I think TJ has done a decent job of motivating the team considering all of the negatives.
Aug 26, 2011
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With hard work over the last two seasons, it has gone from struggling to cringe-inducing. But, Durks is still having fun (in a masochistic sorta way).

Next year will be fun. When we win, everyone will want to fire their coach.

We're going to get a good one and we will be winning again.
Aug 28, 2011
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Next year will be fun. When we win, everyone will want to fire their coach.

We're going to get a good one and we will be winning again.

I hope we will win next season... if not, the AAC will be known as the worst conference ever...(It is!!). Until we get someone who'll recruit 4 and 5 stars...we'll be stuck in the AAC (the FBS version of D2).


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I hope we will win next season... if not, the AAC will be known as the worst conference ever...(It is!!). Until we get someone who'll recruit 4 and 5 stars...we'll be stuck in the AAC (the FBS version of D2).

If you think someone is coming here and recruiting 4 and 5 star players. Wow.
Jan 12, 2013
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I hope we will win next season... if not, the AAC will be known as the worst conference ever...(It is!!). Until we get someone who'll recruit 4 and 5 stars...we'll be stuck in the AAC (the FBS version of D2).

Are you for real? 4 and 5 star players are not coming to UConn any time soon...No matter who we get. The new guy has to build a program! Build it and they will come. We need a guy who can find diamonds in the rough, athletic but raw players, JC transfers, etc. Build the program. The road map is at Boise St. We can do it. It all starts with a coach who can excite and recruit.
Aug 28, 2011
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Are you for real? 4 and 5 star players are not coming to UConn any time soon...No matter who we get. The new guy has to build a program! Build it and they will come. We need a guy who can find diamonds in the rough, athletic but raw players, JC transfers, etc. Build the program. The road map is at Boise St. We can do it. It all starts with a coach who can excite and recruit.

I know we can't get 4 or 5 stars, but we got to get a coach who'll REBUILD so that 4 and 5 stars can say at NOI day, "I'm going to play Football at BCS Champion UConn." Right now, after the PP mismanagement, I doubt that a 1 star would be coming here.

What we need is a coach who'll stay here - the FB version of either Geno or Jim - I want a coach who want to stay there (like JoePa at PSU -- 50+ years at PSU).
Aug 29, 2011
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Nice vision but I think it is pretty unlikely. If we get someone who stays for ever, it is likely to be a Tom O'Brien type who never quite gets over the hump. And while that might be not so bad, considering where we are right now, I suspect it will be unacceptable in a year or so. I actually think the Boise model won't quite work for UConn, in part because Boise State accepts pretty much anyone who can fill out an application. Boise accepts 85% of applicants, UConn about 47%. Just as one example. SAT scores, academic background, class rank, but virtually every measure UConn is not just more selective, but significantly more selective. Boise takes football players who can't get accepted to the more prestigious PAC schools, even the less prestigious of the more prestigious places like Washington and Oregon States. We aren't going to do that. We'll even be hard pressed to follow the Louisville model. If Louisville is a community college(75% acceptance rate), Boise is a continuation of high school. You can get a turnip into either place if its a good football player, but its easier at Boise. The UConn model will likely be something along the lines of what Edsall did. Find late bloomers, and diamonds and coach them well. Once you get a competitive program, you can upgrade recruiting. But with schools filling their classes earlier and earlier, there are a pretty fair number of good players available who either get missed or blow up as seniors. Edsall was very good at identifying those guys. Not to say you have to precisely follow his formula, but most likely some variant of it will be the model for the short term at least.
Aug 28, 2011
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Nice vision but I think it is pretty unlikely. If we get someone who stays for ever, it is likely to be a Tom O'Brien type who never quite gets over the hump. And while that might be not so bad, considering where we are right now, I suspect it will be unacceptable in a year or so. I actually think the Boise model won't quite work for UConn, in part because Boise State accepts pretty much anyone who can fill out an application. Boise accepts 85% of applicants, UConn about 47%. Just as one example. SAT scores, academic background, class rank, but virtually every measure UConn is not just more selective, but significantly more selective. Boise takes football players who can't get accepted to the more prestigious PAC schools, even the less prestigious of the more prestigious places like Washington and Oregon States. We aren't going to do that. We'll even be hard pressed to follow the Louisville model. If Louisville is a community college(75% acceptance rate), Boise is a continuation of high school. You can get a turnip into either place if its a good football player, but its easier at Boise. The UConn model will likely be something along the lines of what Edsall did. Find late bloomers, and diamonds and coach them well. Once you get a competitive program, you can upgrade recruiting. But with schools filling their classes earlier and earlier, there are a pretty fair number of good players available who either get missed or blow up as seniors. Edsall was very good at identifying those guys. Not to say you have to precisely follow his formula, but most likely some variant of it will be the model for the short term at least.

Thanks for the optimism freescooter. Looks like we have a lot to look fwd to...
Aug 29, 2011
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Thanks for the optimism freescooter. Looks like we have a lot to look fwd to...
I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but I am not too concerned about the direction of the program if we land a good coach. I think if you look at BC, Vandy, heck even Duke, you see that it isn't impossible to turn things around fairly quickly, and I think UConn has a higher upside than any of those programs. We're not a glorified high school so the Boise model isn't that relevant to us. We have to selectively land JUCO kids, and we have to focus on landing players who have high upsides, but who might not be there yet and from time to time get a higher ranked player. And coach the heck out of the guys we have. that was the problem with Pasqualoni. He didn't coach players up and he didn't coach his team well as a team.
Aug 28, 2011
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Nice vision but I think it is pretty unlikely. If we get someone who stays for ever, it is likely to be a Tom O'Brien type who never quite gets over the hump. And while that might be not so bad, considering where we are right now, I suspect it will be unacceptable in a year or so. I actually think the Boise model won't quite work for UConn, in part because Boise State accepts pretty much anyone who can fill out an application. Boise accepts 85% of applicants, UConn about 47%. Just as one example. SAT scores, academic background, class rank, but virtually every measure UConn is not just more selective, but significantly more selective. Boise takes football players who can't get accepted to the more prestigious PAC schools, even the less prestigious of the more prestigious places like Washington and Oregon States. We aren't going to do that. We'll even be hard pressed to follow the Louisville model. If Louisville is a community college(75% acceptance rate), Boise is a continuation of high school. You can get a turnip into either place if its a good football player, but its easier at Boise. The UConn model will likely be something along the lines of what Edsall did. Find late bloomers, and diamonds and coach them well. Once you get a competitive program, you can upgrade recruiting. But with schools filling their classes earlier and earlier, there are a pretty fair number of good players available who either get missed or blow up as seniors. Edsall was very good at identifying those guys. Not to say you have to precisely follow his formula, but most likely some variant of it will be the model for the short term at least.


I think that you are right, however. what I want is someone who'll promote UConn, and maybe stay here for a lifetime (JoePA) or maybe someone who'll be known as the coach (like, Bear Bryant at Bama, even though he been at other schools)
Jan 29, 2012
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I personally would rather see them give Weist a three-year deal he I would love to see what three years of Weist can do he seems to be doing a decent job with the offense and it doesn't look like we're attracting any other good coaching names and I think we can have him rather inexpensively
Aug 28, 2011
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I personally would rather see them give Weist a three-year deal he I would love to see what three years of Weist can do he seems to be doing a decent job with the offense and it doesn't look like we're attracting any other good coaching names and I think we can have him rather inexpensively

I would like to have him if we were in the CAA, but we are SUPPOSED TO BE a 1A team, so lets go and get someone who'll restore the team to what it was (Fiesta Bowl).
Nov 28, 2012
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He's actually a worse OC than HC, if that's possible. He won't be back with new coach, so just start now.
Idiotic. He is an interim coach. His tour of duty ends Dec 8th. although I'm sure he will be around for a transition period.
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