Is today Press Conference day? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Is today Press Conference day?

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Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Don't you know he went to a game at Rentschler this year. So he gets to pass judgment.

This team is so brutal to watch that I have actually dozed off in the stadium twice this year (Stony Brook and Temple). What do I get to do?
Sep 17, 2011
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some of you dick heads are not true fans.
Just an attempt at humor. Diaco's pressers tend to be filled with some strange quotes, quips (the first 3 games are pre-season) and parables (I blame the ND influence for the parable thing) but the tapping the rock and breaking the rock thing is not that uncommon which is why I include it multiple times.

And just so you don't think I am such a large dick head, here is a very recent quote from another coach at another school about needing to crack/tap/break a rock -
"You're playing against strong defenses, you have to play strong defense too because there's a lot of three-and-outs and there's a lot of things that occur and you have to keep hanging in there until you crack that rock. Part of hanging in there to crack that rock is opportunities. We didn't get enough of them."
Diaco just does not explain it as well as in the quote above. Some schools have an actual rock that that they symbolically tap pre-game (Clemson is the most famous but Maine and UTEP also have it). Others like Saban and Urban Meyer have used large rocks/boulders symbolizing opponents and obstacles that need to be moved on their way to championships. They make the team physically move the rock/boulder during practice/pre-season as a bonding/team building exercise or in Saban's case, off the practice field when they defeat the opponent.

So in conclusion, lighten up Francis. Its a freakin bye week. Enjoy the crisp day that is forecast. Rake some leaves. Pick apples with you wife and kids. Enjoy some of the fine seasonal brews. Watch a ton of football. Got to the BB extravaganza. Watch the hockey team. Question your own perspective on this thing in a quiet and reflective moment. Most of all, relax. Its only college football.
Aug 29, 2011
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I wasn't paying too close attention and first thought it was an actual quote. Pretty close anyway. Excellent job.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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Just an attempt at humor. Diaco's pressers tend to be filled with some strange quotes, quips (the first 3 games are pre-season) and parables (I blame the ND influence for the parable thing) but the tapping the rock and breaking the rock thing is not that uncommon which is why I include it multiple times.

And just so you don't think I am such a large dick head, here is a very recent quote from another coach at another school about needing to crack/tap/break a rock -
"You're playing against strong defenses, you have to play strong defense too because there's a lot of three-and-outs and there's a lot of things that occur and you have to keep hanging in there until you crack that rock. Part of hanging in there to crack that rock is opportunities. We didn't get enough of them."
Diaco just does not explain it as well as in the quote above. Some schools have an actual rock that that they symbolically tap pre-game (Clemson is the most famous but Maine and UTEP also have it). Others like Saban and Urban Meyer have used large rocks/boulders symbolizing opponents and obstacles that need to be moved on their way to championships. They make the team physically move the rock/boulder during practice/pre-season as a bonding/team building exercise or in Saban's case, off the practice field when they defeat the opponent.

So in conclusion, lighten up Francis. Its a freakin bye week. Enjoy the crisp day that is forecast. Rake some leaves. Pick apples with you wife and kids. Enjoy some of the fine seasonal brews. Watch a ton of football. Got to the BB extravaganza. Watch the hockey team. Question your own perspective on this thing in a quiet and reflective moment. Most of all, relax. Its only college football.

I have to admit that I did chuckle at this...because it was pretty close to what BD says.

I think when BD is winning...his quotes will be folksy, quirky, inspiring, charming and just BD being BD. But now...they are just annoying, distracting, off-putting and ill-conceived. I am looking forward to thinking they are just quirky.
Aug 28, 2011
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And frankly, I'm ok with missing his pressers for the rest of the year.

Can't argue with that bro... Amen.... I can't wait til we see this thing turned around and start slapping teams around on the field...


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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I'll give you the quotes that you may have heard -
We grew as a team at Tulane. If you can't see the growth it is because you are not there with them loving them, filling their energy buckets and tapping the rock alongside of them. This all part of the process.

The turnovers are a symptom and we need to inoculate the whole team against the disease. No one was down after the turnovers. No one quit. We were in this game until the end. We just need to keep tappin the rock.

Bye weeks are so very important to the process and growth. We are going to coach them up with love and positiveness. We are going to make sure that they win not only practice, but geeing out of bed, breakfast, lunch, dinner and going to class. If we just keep tapping the rock it is going to break.

How do I feel about the progress? Are you familiar with the story of the scorpion and the frog. A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung during the trip, but the scorpion argues that if it stung the frog, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog agrees and begins carrying the scorpion, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature. That is where we are at in the process today.

The process is working and you will see the positive results down the road when it all just clicks in. You tap the rock enough it will eventually break.
HAHAHA... I love Diaco, but this is pretty hilarious.
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