Congrats to the Chiefs, who have accomplished 40% of the Patriots did, but it's way too early to call them the New Patriots. For starters, Belichick was in his early 50s after the Patriots won the tail end of their back-to-back Championships. Reid is 65. Is he going to be coaching at near 80 years old? How much of an adjustment will Mahomes be forced to make when he does retire?
Among the reasons for the comparative lovefest for Mahomes is because he "creates" and is exciting to watch, while Brady was thought of as a "system QB" for much of his career. This, of course, is a copout. At the end of the day, all QBs (including Mahomes) are "system QBs." That said, the first skill to often erode is athleticism. Whether he is able to adjust or not, does Mahomes play at this high of level into his late 30s let alone mid 40s?
Brady was a pocket passer, but could scramble as needed. He had exemptional awareness, footwork, and was quick in the pocket. Brady also played the first 1/4 quarter of his career under vastly different enforcement, let alone interpretations, of the rules, where emphasis on player safety was not nearly what it currently is. Mahomes is playing 7 v 7 flag football by comparison and still often unnecessarily breaks containment too early.
Brady also took less pay for the betterment of the team. His cap hit was never more 13.6%. Mahomes is nearly double, which means KC will probably have to play Cap games for the remainder of Mahomes' career in order to surround him with workable pieces.
Most importantly, Mahomes was picked #10 overall. Brady was #199 and came out of comparatively nowhere. Pundits and haters don't like to admit they were, let alone actually be proven, wrong. So of course they are going to jump on the next new shiny model as soon as they can.