International Recruiting a Growing Trend in WBB | Page 2 | The Boneyard

International Recruiting a Growing Trend in WBB

Jun 16, 2016
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Even state universities get $ from Uncle Sam (research grants, etc), as well as from individual donors, corporations, etc. All in addition to student paid tuition. Virtually impossible once a $ is in the system to really control where it goes, so seems rather silly to put limits on "state funding" spent on foreign students, whether athletes or scholars. Really now, who cares?


hopeless West Coast homer
Feb 16, 2017
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Washington St. has 8 foreign players from 7 different countries. Plus 2 from Hawaii. Only 3 from the mainland US (2 from Cal., only on in-state player from Washington). They have trouble recruiting against other Pac 12 schools for regional talent, so that's the route they've gone.
Apr 10, 2015
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Here's what Kobe Bryant said when comparing young European players to Americans:

“Horrible, terrible AAU basketball. It’s stupid. It doesn’t teach our kids how to play the game at all so you wind up having players that are big and they bring it up and they do all this fancy crap and they don’t know how to post. They don’t know the fundamentals of the game. It’s stupid.” -Kobe Bryant.

Coming from one of the grea
All those good words without College. AAU isn't alone in the lack of coaching---way too many schools --have teams without effective coaching---it sometimes appears school come in two shades---those with a history of top teams and the rest--who abdicate the coaching and therefore the games. In my experience AAU is, mostly, all Kobe says and maybe more. Reading isn't the only thing that is Fundamental..
Apr 10, 2015
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I brought up 'foreign aid' which the US spends quite a lot of money on (though proportionally a lot less than most developed countries) as another form of US taxpayer money being spent on 'foreigners'. The reason we spend that money (and support all sorts of foreign outposts and staffs) is because we see a value to creating goodwill in foreign countries. The goodwill created by US funded disaster relief worldwide is another form of this promotion of goodwill.) Having foreign students spend four years at US schools and then return home is another way of creating that goodwill and understanding and one which I suspect is more cost effective and less corrupted by big money interests.
I do not see the foreign recruited players as the athletic department abusing their parent school - if by recruiting foreign players they are creating a better product on the court/field, then they are likely creating better goodwill for the school as well as generating more revenue.
During my life in Puerto Rico, USA--I wanted to find out what those opposing Status Quo/Statehood (independentista's) wanted. So I went to their Headquarters and spoke with their leaders: I expected a bunch of laborers/dockworkers--about 6 of their top leaders graduated from Yale, Harvard, Princeton ---educated via US programs, obviously not Aid to Foreign student these are Americans. All spoke against Americans, it's aid to PR, it's subjugation of PR peoples and Latin people--all wanted independence--without thinking of how to sustain that alone. US education programs don't always end with foreign students loving us or our life style. Puerto Rican are Americans, brought up under Spanish law. (Fyi --while I was in PR they blew up a tv tower and machine gunned as enroute empty school bus)


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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During my life in Puerto Rico, USA--I wanted to find out what those opposing Status Quo/Statehood (independentista's) wanted. So I went to their Headquarters and spoke with their leaders: I expected a bunch of laborers/dockworkers--about 6 of their top leaders graduated from Yale, Harvard, Princeton ---educated via US programs, obviously not Aid to Foreign student these are Americans. All spoke against Americans, it's aid to PR, it's subjugation of PR peoples and Latin people--all wanted independence--without thinking of how to sustain that alone. US education programs don't always end with foreign students loving us or our life style. Puerto Rican are Americans, brought up under Spanish law. (Fyi --while I was in PR they blew up a tv tower and machine gunned as enroute empty school bus)
True - same happens with the US students at US universities! :eek:.
But the vast majority do gain a real appreciation of the US system, and many try to figure out a way to extend their stay/get green cards. So many in fact that it becomes an issue with the foreign sponsoring agencies that are frequently subsidizing their studies in the US. We have been for years an overall importer of educated workers in medical, scientific research, and computer industries.


La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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USF has two such players in the 2017 class.

2017 International Players | Prospects Nation

I just watched the videos of Prieto and Serrat, and they look impressive. Good skills, athleticism, and basketball IQ.

If he can get his people healthy, USF figures to be a much stronger team next year. Pujol is the only significant graduation this year. Jespersen and Flores will be seniors, Laksa a junior, and Henshaw a sophomore.

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