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interesting take on recruiting

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Aug 27, 2011
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The recruits that get highly rated are the ones that are the best players. There's a reason that one in every six 5 stars ends up being a first round pick. They just happen to be the best players. The data has shown that the highly ranked guys (4 and 5 stars) get drafted and produce at the college level at a much higher level than 2 and 3 stars.

You can make an argument about the parity of lower level classes, but at the same time the top two teams in the AAC this year both had very highly ranked classes for their upperclassmen.

People always point to Rutgers when bringing up recruiting rankings on this board, but I think they're an outlier more than anything.

You are still missing the point. I'm predicting Alabama to have a top 3 recruiting class in 2016. I also predict a few of their 5 star kids to get drafted in the first 2 rounds of the NFL draft in 2020. Let's see if I'm right.
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Aug 24, 2011
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People always point to Rutgers when bringing up recruiting rankings on this board, but I think they're an outlier more than anything.

No they are not. The very correct point is that outside of the top 20 classes or so, which are loaded with the players that everyone agrees are the best of the best prospects (meaning that the recruiting services offer no particularly useful insight), everyone basically has the same players.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm sorry you are right, he world is conspiring against UConn!

Are you saying that what noey is claiming doesn't happen? Don't be so naive. If Mike Farrell was so good at his job he'd be working for a university drawing a 6 figure salary. Instead he's relegated to hawking subsciptions to a website.
Aug 26, 2011
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I just gave him six guys who came to uconn as two stars and were drafted in the second round of the draft. They all played early in their careers at uconn which signifies they came in with more talent than the recruiting services gave them credit for. You would think just one of the six would have been adjusted to their "proper grade", no?
Aug 26, 2011
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George O'Leary says there are "selectors" and there are "recruiters"...

>>UCF brought in what many consider to be one of the program’s top recruiting classes in recent seasons. Though Rivals had the Knights ranked No. 73, others had UCF listed much higher. UCF coach George O’Leary talked about the process of recruiting in this cycle, and why he felt the Knights had so much success.

“The key to recruiting is you identify and select,” O’Leary said. “There’s still a couple teams in the country that they don’t recruit, they select. We’re not that stage. There’s maybe two or three that can select and everybody else has to recruit. … I think we did a good job grading people, from a character standpoint, academic standpoint and athletic standpoint, and then going out and going after and getting them to come here. … The key is to get them on campus and I think the coaches did a good job of getting that done.”

While each recruiting service has its own ranking system, O’Leary says he only worries about how athletes are graded within the team’s own system. He broke down how UCF looks at potential recruits as they approach the recruiting circuit.
“ We give two grades: Height, weight and speed, and then basically grade seven areas by position,” he said. “It’s worth 50 points. And the top is 5-5-5 for height, weight and speed by position. If they’re under 10, there better be a reason why we’re recruiting them because they’re too small for the position. And then academics. … you want kids you can coach on the move. Coaches know I’m going to always check academics because it doesn’t make sense if you have a great athlete you cant do much with because he cant learn. And then character.”<<


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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And then academics. … you want kids you can coach on the move. Coaches know I’m going to always check academics because it doesn’t make sense if you have a great athlete you cant do much with because he cant learn. And then character.”<<

How about academics because if you can't get the kid eligible, he can't play on the field? Any idiot can prove to be coachable. If that same idiot can't get a C in Geology 102, it's sort of a moot point, no?
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