if I ever ran into Jeff Hathaway | Page 2 | The Boneyard

if I ever ran into Jeff Hathaway

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Aug 27, 2011
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I think Randy aside from his warts enjoyed the support of 75-80 % of the Yard. Less than 20% when he walked out on us. Still think this was a Mc. JH job. PP did not know JH so his supporters worked through Mc. Susan would have NEVER gone along.

You're free to think whatever you like. But my position on this is not just my opinion. It's based on conversations I've had with people who are close to this.
Aug 26, 2011
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For starters, there were plenty of people on this board who wanted Randy gone. Even after the last 3 years they can't admit they were wrong.
Secondly, McHugh did not sell P to Hathaway. McHugh wasn't involved with the coaching search. Hathaway, being the hack that he is, hired P because he thought it would put him in good graces with McHugh. JH knew his job was in jeapordy and instead of trying to keep his job by making a good hire, he tried to salvage his job by placating McHugh. JH did this on his own. If you want to blast McHugh over anything rip him because he didn't veto the hire. Personally I think it's a bit unfair but whatever.

People have to stop blaming McHugh for this. It was all Hathaway.

What is there to admit? That Edsall was better than P. Well I admit it. Personally I've admitted Edsall did a very good job here over and over, but two things first Randy was and continues to be a pri-ck and he has had to humble himself with the local press down at UMD, because he is swimming in different waters, secondly and most important he seemed to want to get out since 2007 after the first Big East co championship, when he interviewed for the GA Tech job that went to Paul Johnson. Some wanted him here more than Randy himself wanted to be here. No doubt P was a collosal clusterphuck of enormic proportions, but enough of the cuckold attitude about Randy. He wasn't fired, and he didn't leave because a few posters on the boneyard got tired of his schmuck attitude. You want to act like Belichek, win like him.

I have no idea how Diaco will turn out, but the man never misses an opportunity to sell UConn and everything it has to offer. Edsall would go on TV and literally talk about all the negatives he had to overcome at UConn. WTF, who does that? I really can't think of one other college coach that does an ESPN interview and talks about no recruiting base, no history and trailers?? Because P sucked doesn't mean it wasn't best for both Randy and UConn to go their seperate ways.
Nov 30, 2013
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What is there to admit? That Edsall was better than P. Well I admit it. Personally I've admitted Edsall did a very good job here over and over, but two things first Randy was and continues to be a pri-ck and he has had to humble himself with the local press down at UMD, because he is swimming in different waters, secondly and most important he seemed to want to get out since 2007 after the first Big East co championship, when he interviewed for the GA Tech job that went to Paul Johnson. Some wanted him here more than Randy himself wanted to be here. No doubt P was a collosal clusterphuck of enormic proportions, but enough of the cuckold attitude about Randy. He wasn't fired, and he didn't leave because a few posters on the boneyard got tired of his schmuck attitude. You want to act like Belichek, win like him.

I have no idea how Diaco will turn out, but the man never misses an opportunity to sell UConn and everything it has to offer. Edsall would go on TV and literally talk about all the negatives he had to overcome at UConn. WTF, who does that? I really can't think of one other college coach that does an ESPN interview and talks about no recruiting base, no history and trailers?? Because P sucked doesn't mean it wasn't best for both Randy and UConn to go their seperate ways.

I tend to agree. I was in the state of mind where I thought Edsall was about at the end of his tenure at UConn. He built the program into a BCS level team along with consistently winning. To me Edsall went as far as he could go with UConn and needed to move on for both the school and himself to achieve a greater level of success. The way he left, rubbed me the wrong way, but I think he paid his dues the last three seasons and hope he has some success. P on the other hand, I hope he is miserable failure in Chicago.
Aug 26, 2011
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Hathaway had one major hire to make, one and he flubbed the sheet out of it. In the meantime he alienated Calhoun edsall and lord knows who else.

So if I ever run into Hathaway, I hope I'm driving and he is walking. Figuratively speaking of course.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Hathaway had one major hire to make, one and he flubbed the sheet out of it. In the meantime he alienated Calhoun edsall and lord knows who else.

So if I ever run into Hathaway, I hope I'm driving and he is walking. Figuratively speaking of course.

...also alienated donors. Part of the blame for our pitiful endowment level in comparison with our peers.
Aug 27, 2011
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What is there to admit? That Edsall was better than P. Well I admit it. Personally I've admitted Edsall did a very good job here over and over, but two things first Randy was and continues to be a pri-ck and he has had to humble himself with the local press down at UMD, because he is swimming in different waters, secondly and most important he seemed to want to get out since 2007 after the first Big East co championship, when he interviewed for the GA Tech job that went to Paul Johnson. Some wanted him here more than Randy himself wanted to be here. No doubt P was a collosal clusterphuck of enormic proportions, but enough of the cuckold attitude about Randy. He wasn't fired, and he didn't leave because a few posters on the boneyard got tired of his schmuck attitude. You want to act like Belichek, win like him.

I have no idea how Diaco will turn out, but the man never misses an opportunity to sell UConn and everything it has to offer. Edsall would go on TV and literally talk about all the negatives he had to overcome at UConn. WTF, who does that? I really can't think of one other college coach that does an ESPN interview and talks about no recruiting base, no history and trailers?? Because P sucked doesn't mean it wasn't best for both Randy and UConn to go their seperate ways.

Sure, he was a Richard. And the way he left, coupled with his actions at MD have exposed him as a complete phony. But he did a great job here. Not a good job. A great job. We may not like the way he talked about all the obstacles to overcome here at UConn but he wasn't wrong about any of them. The problem I have is that Edsall detractors would continually move the goalposts. Many said he'd never bring us to a BCS and when he did, they diminished the accomplishment by insulting the league, our offense, etc. Nothing short of a national championship would be good enough for some people.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll give you great job, but he seemed to want to leave so bad, he gets downgraded to very good job. Everyone should love it at UConn. That he didn't is a character flaw of his.
Aug 30, 2011
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I'll give you great job, but he seemed to want to leave so bad, he gets downgraded to very good job. Everyone should love it at UConn. That he didn't is a character flaw of his.

Question to all: Jeff Hathaway is your boss. Given what we have learned (or think we have), are you staying or leaving?
Sep 7, 2011
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Let's take a Boneyard vote. It's Feb 1 after the Fiesta Bowl. Randy is still coaching us, no Maryland. Do you still want him??? I will be the 1st to say yes. Please cast your ballots.
Sep 12, 2011
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For starters, there were plenty of people on this board who wanted Randy gone. Even after the last 3 years they can't admit they were wrong.

Secondly, McHugh did not sell P to Hathaway. McHugh wasn't involved with the coaching search. Hathaway, being the hack that he is, hired P because he thought it would put him in good graces with McHugh. JH knew his job was in jeapordy and instead of trying to keep his job by making a good hire, he tried to salvage his job by placating McHugh. JH did this on his own. If you want to blast McHugh over anything rip him because he didn't veto the hire. Personally I think it's a bit unfair but whatever.

People have to stop blaming McHugh for this. It was all Hathaway.

VETO THE HIRE??? No spitting match here but he praised and gushed publicly over it. You could not be more wrong! LM was the chair! He was all in and made it easy for Jeff to derail what Lou started.
Nobody promoted Paul more than Larry, you must have missed it........


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I'll give you great job, but he seemed to want to leave so bad, he gets downgraded to very good job. Everyone should love it at UConn. That he didn't is a character flaw of his.

If you are Edsall can you separate UConn and Hathaway?

Employees don't always feel like alumni or fans. It's nice if they are both or they do - but coaching is a profession and it would be like saying Diaco didn't love Notre Dame.
Aug 27, 2011
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VETO THE HIRE??? No spitting match here but he praised and gushed publicly over it. You could not be more wrong! LM was the chair! He was all in and made it easy for Jeff to derail what Lou started.
Nobody promoted Paul more than Larry, you must have missed it...

Yeah he should've done what all the BOT Chairs do at all the other schools: trash the hire.

Serious question are you guys posting this based on your gut instincts only? Cause I'm not.
Feb 4, 2012
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I would kick him in the nuts

Atomic Wedgie.

Sep 12, 2011
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Yeah he should've done what all the BOT Chairs do at all the other schools: trash the hire.

Serious question are you guys posting this based on your gut instincts only? Cause I'm not.

To your comment I am sure you would like to take it back to sound some what... ya know......Don't want to slander.
To your question NO...


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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I started this thread September 28, 2013. After two disappointing seasons, we just went to 0-4 in 2013 with the University of Buffalo kicking our tail all over the field

PP might be the worst coaching hire in modern history

having said that, I love where we are today across the boards. Jeff, however, does not get any credit save for maybe getting himself fired
Aug 27, 2011
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Question to all: Jeff Hathaway is your boss. Given what we have learned (or think we have), are you staying or leaving?
Leaving at the FIRST opportunity I get!
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