I told you so | The Boneyard

I told you so

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Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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You can search my posts if you want, but I was one of the first to not get on the Boyle bandwagon. This was a bad idea in every way possible, and we are seeing the results. The whole purpose of replacing Pasqualoni was to get more energy out of this team, but then Weist threw that away by starting a QB that was entirely unready to start. Not only does it not give UConn the best chance to win, but it burns the redshirt of a player that could be very productive for UConn in the future and sends the message to the entire team that UConn is not playing to win this year. There is no reason to play for the future in college football. The most important thing a young team can learn is how to win.

UConn has at least a chance to win in each of its last 4 games. UConn should put the QB on the field that maximizes that chance. Boyle is clearly not that QB right now. I would prefer Whitmer, but I could live with Cochran.
Aug 28, 2011
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You r right bro. I can't take this anymore. We need something to hang our hats on. This ain't working. at all.
Aug 26, 2011
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You can search my posts if you want, but I was one of the first to not get on the Boyle bandwagon. This was a bad idea in every way possible, and we are seeing the results. The whole purpose of replacing Pasqualoni was to get more energy out of this team, but then Weist threw that away by starting a QB that was entirely unready to start. Not only does it not give UConn the best chance to win, but it burns the redshirt of a player that could be very productive for UConn in the future and sends the message to the entire team that UConn is not playing to win this year. There is no reason to play for the future in college football. The most important thing a young team can learn is how to win.

UConn has at least a chance to win in each of its last 4 games. UConn should put the QB on the field that maximizes that chance. Boyle is clearly not that QB right now. I would prefer Whitmer, but I could live with Cochran.
Did everyone miss FHCPP state that he was going to be starting Tim Boyle? This was right before he was let go. It was public knowledge but I continuously read people bashing Wiest for starting Boyle. It was happening regardless.
Aug 27, 2011
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Did everyone miss FHCPP state that he was going to be starting Tim Boyle? This was right before he was let go. It was public knowledge but I continuously read people bashing Wiest for starting Boyle. It was happening regardless.

One last shart o the way out the door. Thanks, PPGDL!!

Well, if it was PP's idea, Weist should have rejected it on principal. So it still falls on TJW, i guess.
Oct 1, 2011
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I've seen enough of Boyle. Good grief.

I'm not giving up on him yet BUT would like to see Casey start next game. Tim gets a re-set with the new coach.

By the way the biggest "I told you so" should be the decision to retain P last December. Worst $250K "savings" his history. I didn't think the Rent atmosphere could get worse than it did for the Cincy game last year. Boy was that wrong.
Oct 10, 2011
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Start Casey Cochran and see what you have. I think you have a better chance at this point. Last night Boyle was off on his throws and Cochran had a nice drive at the end even with the seconds on the field. Give him a chance and see what he does, nothing to lose. Great High School career maybe he's ready to apply it now.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not giving up on him yet BUT would like to see Casey start next game. Tim gets a re-set with the new coach.

By the way the biggest "I told you so" should be the decision to retain P last December. Worst $250K "savings" his history. I didn't think the Rent atmosphere could get worse than it did for the Cincy game last year. Boy was that wrong.

Agreed. Warde owes everyone an apology for that decision.
Jan 29, 2012
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You can search my posts if you want, but I was one of the first to not get on the Boyle bandwagon. This was a bad idea in every way possible, and we are seeing the results. The whole purpose of replacing Pasqualoni was to get more energy out of this team, but then Weist threw that away by starting a QB that was entirely unready to start. Not only does it not give UConn the best chance to win, but it burns the redshirt of a player that could be very productive for UConn in the future and sends the message to the entire team that UConn is not playing to win this year. There is no reason to play for the future in college football. The most important thing a young team can learn is how to win.

UConn has at least a chance to win in each of its last 4 games. UConn should put the QB on the field that maximizes that chance. Boyle is clearly not that QB right now. I would prefer Whitmer, but I could live with Cochran.
Boyle should have at least four td. He has the dtrongest arm of the three. I think the bad luck is starting to get to him. Casey has oerformed well and dont mind seeing him

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I disagree.

It was important to see what Boyle had and for him to audition for the next head coach. He needed real game time and he's gotten it.

The result, ironically, shows that next season Cochran should be the starter. If possible, redshirt Boyle.

The speed of the game is too fast for Boyle. He does a good job trying to make reads, he just holds on to the ball too long against college competition.

When PP was fired the only QB who had taken snaps was Whitmer and he wasn't coming back. There is now film on both Boyle and Cochran.
Oct 1, 2011
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Agreed. Warde owes everyone an apology for that decision.

I'll give WM the benefit of the doubt on that one. Think Herbst -- at McHugh's behest -- vetoed canning P to 1) save money and 2) because P was McHugh's buddy. But they did give WM a short leash, which, unfortunately, which should have been a lot shorter.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I was speaking with another boneyarder last night at halftime. It may be time to shut Boyle down just to not completely destroy his confidence. Making Casey the #1 QB with Whitmer (I still would like to see what he could do with a running game, which we seem to have now) as backup would not be a bad idea.
Aug 30, 2011
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The result, ironically, shows that next season Cochran should be the starter. If possible, redshirt Boyle.


Boyle can get his redshirt back next year, he needs to work on his footwork (throws flatfooted) and he will also need to learn the new offense with the new coach. Redshirt Boyle next year, we have plenty of depth at QB to do this with Whitmer/Cochran/Taylor/McCummings
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Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Troy Aikman's first season with the Cowboys was a disaster. The team was 0-11 in the games he started and he threw 18 INTs and only 9 TDs.

Peyton Manning was 3-13 and threw 28 pics his rookie season.

And there's plenty of other examples too. QB is one of those positions that you have to get live snaps in a game to get better. All the practices where the QB is hands off to the defense can't replicate game speed or conditions.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I, too, disagree with the premise that starting Boyle was a bad idea. This season was toast the very moment that Towson came in and rolled up on us. The rest of this season should be dedicated towards playing everyone and trying to, in some way, win a game. Boyle can be redshirted next season if the new coach decides to go with Cochran, Taylor, Whitmer, or McCummings. He definitely has good size and a strong arm. Just needs some confidence and timing. But as far as the rest of the season goes, I'd like to see Cochran get more snaps in pre mop-up time. He doesn't have nearly the arm strength that Boyle does but he seems to have good presence out there and makes good reads.
Aug 26, 2011
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Tim has taken a step back for reasons that are entirely understandable. Thrown into a tough situation with an offense in turmoil as a true freshman. He starts out playing well and loses what should have been a blowout because of a dropfest. In successive games he gets pounded and begins to lose confidence.

This and the possibility of injury were the 2 reasons I felt we should have gone with Casey as he's had time to learn the system and adjust to the speed of the game. He also knows his guys strengths and weaknesses just a little better. And thinking back to HS Tim had a dominant team and was maybe kept under tighter reigns than Casey in terms of his role.

I still believe Tim Boyle is our future but he/we would have been better served if we didn't try to force him to be the savior of the present. Moving forward they could start Casey while schooling Tim on the sidelines and during practice. He could also focus on a few situations where he could be put in when his skills are needed. He's far from done but this experiment always had the potential to hurt as much as help him.

I think I was first before Nelson but he waved his hands around.
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Aug 26, 2011
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I'll give WM the benefit of the doubt on that one. Think Herbst -- at McHugh's behest -- vetoed canning P to 1) save money and 2) because P was McHugh's buddy. But they did give WM a short leash, which, unfortunately, which should have been a lot shorter.

That's assuming an awful lot.
Aug 28, 2011
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At this point, give Cichran a shot. he deserves it. What else can keeping Boyle in there possibly do? Especially now with all the changes coming in December. We already have a short term coach holding this thing together for another guy. Time to give us a shot ending the season on a high. Get the W.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not going to 2nd guess the move. But it's clear Boyle doesn't deserve to keep the job. Just too many bad throws.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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I'm not going to 2nd guess the move. But it's clear Boyle doesn't deserve to keep the job. Just too many bad throws.

Correct. Boyle was pretty darn good his first game. He is not the best option now. No game of Thrones, play the best option. Cochran.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll give WM the benefit of the doubt on that one. Think Herbst -- at McHugh's behest -- vetoed canning P to 1) save money and 2) because P was McHugh's buddy. But they did give WM a short leash, which, unfortunately, which should have been a lot shorter.

Your wrong. I talked to Larry McHugh and he had nothing to do with FHCPP and wanted something totally different...Think Pro coaching ranks
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