I know its something small but | The Boneyard

I know its something small but

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Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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Can we please get UConn football moved ahead of UConn Women's Basketball on the Courant website? If you hover over the sports button it gives you UConn basketball, UConn women's basketball, then UConn football. Thats all sorts of crazy
Aug 26, 2011
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Focus on getting fellow students to pack their section and stay the whole game.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Drew - I understand where you're coming from. When people outside of Connecticut think about UCONN, WBB comes to mind before football. That's not good for CR. But here in CT, there is a large number of WBB fans that are accessing a local website who only airs what the market wants. This market wants WBB. If we want more football coverage, this fanbase needs to figure out how we can all unite (WBB and MBB fans) as one in the fall and support football. That means sold out Rents and, as Butch alluded to, a packed and engaged student section at home games. Not just from the middle of the 1st quarter to halftime either. Once the Rent is an exciting place again, then fan interest goes up and the local media should increase their football content. Until then, just ignore the order.
Aug 27, 2011
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Can we please get UConn football moved ahead of UConn Women's Basketball on the Courant website? If you hover over the sports button it gives you UConn basketball, UConn women's basketball, then UConn football. Thats all sorts of crazy

Personally, I follow football and men's basketball very closely. I casually follow women's BB, mostly because of my daughter's interest in the team. But it is interesting that even on this site, Football is a distant 3rd in interest level.....postings as of a couple of minutes ago:

1. UConn Men's Basketball
Discussions: 17,886
Messages: 276,075
2. UConn Women's Basketball
Discussions: 15,265
Messages: 240,855
3. UConn Football
Discussions: 9,929
Messages: 187,025
4. Football Recruiting
Discussions: 531
Messages: 13,150


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Personally, I follow football and men's basketball very closely. I casually follow women's BB, mostly because of my daughter's interest in the team. But it is interesting that even on this site, Football is a distant 3rd in interest level.....postings as of a couple of minutes ago:

1. UConn Men's Basketball
Discussions: 17,886
Messages: 276,075
2. UConn Women's Basketball
Discussions: 15,265
Messages: 240,855
3. UConn Football
Discussions: 9,929
Messages: 187,025
4. Football Recruiting
Discussions: 531
Messages: 13,150

I notice the discrepancy every day when I log in here. I know it's football offseason and everyone, including me, has been absorbed by the Final Four madness. But a 50K+ difference between WBB and FB board posts is kind of tough to explain to the visiting fans who argue that UCONN football is irrelevant. Perhaps our Admins can fudge some numbers so when Delany checks the Boneyard stats (and you just know he's lurking here! :)), he will see football interest!!
Aug 27, 2011
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I notice the discrepancy every day when I log in here. I know it's football offseason and everyone, including me, has been absorbed by the Final Four madness. But a 50K+ difference between WBB and FB board posts is kind of tough to explain to the visiting fans who argue that UCONN football is irrelevant. Perhaps our Admins can fudge some numbers so when Delany checks the Boneyard stats (and you just know he's lurking here! :)), he will see football interest!!

I do think that there is much better and more frequent media coverage on the football team now (during the offseason) than in the past. Not sure if that is because of Diaco, Manuel or better strategy on the part of the SI department. Regardless, I think frequent coverage throughout the year can only help the interest level of new and casual fans.
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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I am all for whatever gets the new/casual fan excited. And I agree, there has been more coverage and social media exposure. A lot of that, I'm sure, has to do with Diaco and his staff.
Aug 26, 2011
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In addition to UCONN students, alumni, and other typical Huskies' fans, as women's basketball's perennial top program a lot of interest most likely exists among other people. Setting aside it's another Final Four week for both great UCONN teams, some groups of people are more interested in the women's team than other sports. Dwindling as the Courant's subscription base and ad revenues likely are, it's not unreasonable to believe the paper's chasing fairly steady interest and understands a still fairly new 1-A program and its fan interest were driven into the ground the 3 seasons.

Having many fans to varying levels of all Huskies' programs, men's hoops, football, hockey, baseball, women's basketball and other sports, is also only a positive for UCONN and this websites' views. Regardless of which order different teams appear, somehow Jim Delany and other people likely know a little about all of UCONN's fine Huskies athletic programs. Celebrate the positives, it's easier than whining or falling into a few too many CT residents' typical negatoidism <sic>.

Go UCONN! (all Huskies' teams!)
Aug 26, 2011
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Personally, I follow football and men's basketball very closely. I casually follow women's BB, mostly because of my daughter's interest in the team. But it is interesting that even on this site, Football is a distant 3rd in interest level.....postings as of a couple of minutes ago:

1. UConn Men's Basketball
Discussions: 17,886
Messages: 276,075
2. UConn Women's Basketball
Discussions: 15,265
Messages: 240,855
3. UConn Football
Discussions: 9,929
Messages: 187,025
4. Football Recruiting
Discussions: 531
Messages: 13,150

I would guess that the CR board takes more messages/discussions away from the football board away from any of the other boards. Probably more importantly it seems that the football board is mostly made up of people who were fans of UCONN's other sports and became fans of football too and therefore post on many boards. While the MBB and WBB have more fans that are unique to that particular sport. My guess this will only change with success by our football team and time.
Sep 15, 2011
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We should be more impressed that so many seniors are actually able to surf the net and find the WBB forum. Pretty cool. :rolleyes:

Be very careful what you say about WBB fans. They swing a mean cane or walker when aroused. Maybe aroused is the wrong word at their age, but you know what I mean.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I think it changes based on the season. Both Men's and Women's Basketball are in the Final 4. Football is in week 2 of Spring Practice. Me thinks the Courant is actually on the ball on this one.
Sep 12, 2011
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Can we please get UConn football moved ahead of UConn Women's Basketball on the Courant website? If you hover over the sports button it gives you UConn basketball, UConn women's basketball, then UConn football. Thats all sorts of crazy

I can only say "wow" to this and some of the comments here bashing senior citizens. First you must be really young and not very well read to realize this is first and foremost a basketball state. Second you must have missed the fact the two basketball teams have a combined ELEVEN national championships in recent history and two Hall Of Fame coaches. This while football is in it's D1 infancy. One would have to ask if you were running a news paper where would you place your chips? I find it hard to believe how many people think The Hartford Courant is a department at UCONN.

As for those who bash the seniors, I can only hope you realize it is most humans dream to become one. Don't knock it. See you next Saturday with a group of six, a couple of us will have canes. Be forewarned many who sit around us often suggest we should be in the student section.
A UCONN fan of all sports ...No malice, just say'n...
Aug 26, 2011
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Woof 101 said:
I can only say "wow" to this and some of the comments here bashing senior citizens. First you must be really young and not very well read to realize this is first and foremost a basketball state. Second you must have missed the fact the two basketball teams have a combined ELEVEN national championships in recent history and two Hall Of Fame coaches. This while football is in it's D1 infancy. One would have to ask if you were running a news paper where would you place your chips? I find it hard to believe how many people think The Hartford Courant is a department at UCONN.

As for those who bash the seniors, I can only hope you realize it is most humans dream to become one. Don't knock it. See you next Saturday with a group of six, a couple of us will have canes. Be forewarned many who sit around us often suggest we should be in the student section.
A UCONN fan of all sports ...No malice, just say'n...

Aug 26, 2011
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I can only say "wow" to this and some of the comments here bashing senior citizens. First you must be really young and not very well read to realize this is first and foremost a basketball state. Second you must have missed the fact the two basketball teams have a combined ELEVEN national championships in recent history and two Hall Of Fame coaches. This while football is in it's D1 infancy. One would have to ask if you were running a news paper where would you place your chips? I find it hard to believe how many people think The Hartford Courant is a department at UCONN.

As for those who bash the seniors, I can only hope you realize it is most humans dream to become one. Don't knock it. See you next Saturday with a group of six, a couple of us will have canes. Be forewarned many who sit around us often suggest we should be in the student section.
A UCONN fan of all sports ...No malice, just say'n...
This is exactly the type of thing a senior citizen would say.... ;) (J/k)
Aug 27, 2011
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I notice the discrepancy every day when I log in here. I know it's football offseason and everyone, including me, has been absorbed by the Final Four madness. But a 50K+ difference between WBB and FB board posts is kind of tough to explain to the visiting fans who argue that UCONN football is irrelevant. Perhaps our Admins can fudge some numbers so when Delany checks the Boneyard stats (and you just know he's lurking here! :)), he will see football interest!!
Why would we want to run away from 8....EIGHT national championships and counting? Why run away from being the leader of only a handful of schools who can turn a profit in a third sport? A team that makes other teams money just by visiting them? Football has vecome my larger passion but no need to run from what gog us here.


Can you say UConn? I knew you could!
Aug 26, 2011
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Can we please get UConn football moved ahead of UConn Women's Basketball on the Courant website? If you hover over the sports button it gives you UConn basketball, UConn women's basketball, then UConn football. Thats all sorts of crazy

The original post is much more embarassing to UConn football than the Courant's placement on a drop down menu. Sure sounds like whining to me.
Aug 30, 2011
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I can only say "wow" to this and some of the comments here bashing senior citizens. First you must be really young and not very well read to realize this is first and foremost a basketball state. Second you must have missed the fact the two basketball teams have a combined ELEVEN national championships in recent history and two Hall Of Fame coaches. This while football is in it's D1 infancy. One would have to ask if you were running a news paper where would you place your chips? I find it hard to believe how many people think The Hartford Courant is a department at UCONN.

As for those who bash the seniors, I can only hope you realize it is most humans dream to become one. Don't knock it. See you next Saturday with a group of six, a couple of us will have canes. Be forewarned many who sit around us often suggest we should be in the student section.
A UCONN fan of all sports ...No malice, just say'n...

Maybe I'm oversimplifying, but could the alphabet have anything to do with the order in which the categories are listed? All three lead with "UCONN." the "B" in "Basketball" comes before the "F" in "Football" and "M" ("Men") comes before "W." Make sense?
Sep 15, 2011
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I can only say "wow" to this and some of the comments here bashing senior citizens. First you must be really young and not very well read to realize this is first and foremost a basketball state. Second you must have missed the fact the two basketball teams have a combined ELEVEN national championships in recent history and two Hall Of Fame coaches. This while football is in it's D1 infancy. One would have to ask if you were running a news paper where would you place your chips? I find it hard to believe how many people think The Hartford Courant is a department at UCONN.

As for those who bash the seniors, I can only hope you realize it is most humans dream to become one. Don't knock it. See you next Saturday with a group of six, a couple of us will have canes. Be forewarned many who sit around us often suggest we should be in the student section.
A UCONN fan of all sports ...No malice, just say'n...

My comment on canes and walkers was in no way meant to " bash" senior citizens. I myself am a proud member of that group, being retired for over 12 years, and I walk with a cane as I consider the prospect of knee surgery. It was just a dig at the way so many of my CT peers take WBB as an important sport. Geno, and a few others have managed to make a pretty good living out of what is at best a minor sport on the national level. The level of play would not hold up in a good high school boys league and as far as fan interest goes, outside of Storrs and Knoxville, nobody really cares.

There I said it. Now all I have to do see if there is someway to get into the witness protection program before the WBB board puts a contract out on me.
Sep 3, 2011
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UConn football? Throw the ball like they did against Memphis. Score TDs (not settle for FGs) like they did in the last three games. And win, especially against P5, OOC games. Do all this. Make the games exciting. And the rest will take care of itself.
Mar 31, 2013
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My comment on canes and walkers was in no way meant to " bash" senior citizens. I myself am a proud member of that group, being retired for over 12 years, and I walk with a cane as I consider the prospect of knee surgery. It was just a dig at the way so many of my CT peers take WBB as an important sport. Geno, and a few others have managed to make a pretty good living out of what is at best a minor sport on the national level. The level of play would not hold up in a good high school boys league and as far as fan interest goes, outside of Storrs and Knoxville, nobody really cares.

There I said it. Now all I have to do see if there is someway to get into the witness protection program before the WBB board puts a contract out on me.
Not sure
Mar 31, 2013
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Not sure
Not sure I will ever understand this insane jealousy of those who favor one sport over another. I have season tickets to football, and men's and women's basketball. Each is exciting in its own right without bashing the others.
The men's BB success this year can only help the quest to move up to another conference.
The women's BB team is actually the rock star equivalent of Michael Jordan's Bulls. When they are in town, it's that teams biggest attendance of the year. That hurts us how?
Sep 12, 2011
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My comment on canes and walkers was in no way meant to " bash" senior citizens. I myself am a proud member of that group, being retired for over 12 years, and I walk with a cane as I consider the prospect of knee surgery. It was just a dig at the way so many of my CT peers take WBB as an important sport. Geno, and a few others have managed to make a pretty good living out of what is at best a minor sport on the national level. The level of play would not hold up in a good high school boys league and as far as fan interest goes, outside of Storrs and Knoxville, nobody really cares.

There I said it. Now all I have to do see if there is someway to get into the witness protection program before the WBB board puts a contract out on me.
You are a strange pup to say the least. You want to dig your peers calling WBB an unimportant sport? What mushroom have you been eating or sleeping under? Do you not realize the womans program has made more money for the school than football to this point? A football season ticket holder here that will always appreciate what the womans program has done for this school.
You do not have to like what has been done but your peers GET IT and maybe you should give them a little more ear rather than mouth. How many minor sports draw national tv contracts? To say the level of play would not hold up to a boys high school game is simply sexest and dumb. They practice against men all the time.
Would this be an olympic sport if the only ones that cared were from Storrs and Knoxville?
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