I Just Want to talk BBALL | Page 2 | The Boneyard

I Just Want to talk BBALL

Jan 26, 2016
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Beg to differ. Not "typical human behavior". Respectfully don't agree with any of the reactions you ascribe in the back half of your post as typical to "the vast majority". I believe you're projecting your reactions to the majority, and I simply don't buy it. By all means speak for yourself, but unless you've conducted a poll of the rest of us, might be better to leave "us" out of the your conjecture. No offense intended.

No offense taken................I'll amend it to say many instead of the majority but I have a pretty good hunch that I'm more right then wrong based on the multitude of critical comments that I read any time there's even a tiny fly in the UConn ointment.............now there may be a silent majority out there that just reads the comments and chuckles but they aren't participating in the discussions..............
Jan 26, 2016
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Not for me. I enjoy watching the process, the development of the teams & players. The outcome is whatever it is. I'll admit it's comforting knowing the girls are likely to win most of their games and get to the NCAAs, but I just love watching them play the game - even when they're less than perfection.

wish I had that attitude but don't see that happening any time soon............you are clearly a better man/woman then me...........:)


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm a UConn fan. I'm also an adult. I also believe in a person's right to express their opinion regardless if others like it or agree with it or not.
I agree, people have a right to express their opinions.

Sometimes other posters take it upon themselves to fervently let a poster know that they disagree with their comment(s), and proceed to tell them why they are wrong.
And people have a right to do that also. If people did not want others to comment on their posts, then they wouldn't post them. Nobody who posts wants to be ignored. We are all looking for validation, or at least a response.

My question is why? Why must people be called out if they post something that is perceived to be "silly" ?
Because if we allow dumb/silly/inaccurate/false things to remain unchallenged, then the BY becomes a place where intelligent/creative/fun posters don't want to post anymore (and this has happened). It becomes known as a place where the posters post dumb/silly/inaccurate stuff. The BY becomes a laughing stock.

There are some people who feel obligated to right wrongs.

I really like Connie's suggestion/position of "IGNORING" comments we feel are not worthy of our consideration or response. Connie: "But I don’t think everything that one doesn't like warrants a response.
It doesn't necessarily have to do with liking or not liking. It has to do with dumb/silly vs intelligent, or comprehensive vs incomprehensible or truth vs inaccuracies.

I've changed my opinion on some issues because a poster(s) shared some information that I did not have previously. Opinions are formed on facts or information, or the lack thereof.
Exactly. We need to put out information so people on here will have the facts.

On the current episode of The Geno Auriemma Show, he says that he's really upset about the "tone and tenor" of the correspondence he's been getting lately. He said " these people have no idea what they're talking about".
Yes, just like Geno, we need to tell these people they have no idea what they are talking about.

Everyone here knows or has met someone who thought or thinks they know everything about everything. You can't argue with them. You can't tell them anything, and you sure aren't going to change their mind, because they're right, and you're wrong.......period!! :mad:
But you shouldn't let them go through life without at least trying to inform them. That's like not telling a drunk alcohol is not good for him, because, well he probably won't change anyway.

We have a duty to try and help these people. Just ignoring their posts is abdicating our responsibilities.
Sep 9, 2015
Reaction Score
I'm a UConn fan. I'm also an adult. I also believe in a person's right to express their opinion regardless if others like it or agree with it or not. Sometimes other posters take it upon themselves to fervently let a poster know that they disagree with their comment(s), and proceed to tell them why they are wrong. I've read several comments here lately from visitors that say they are either very careful of what they write or comment on, so as not to offend or incur the wrath of other posters.

My question is why? Why must people be called out if they post something that is perceived to be "silly" ? Who determines what is silly and what isn't.? I also read comments from others recently that because of this tendency by some of the more aggressive comments here that have assumed that position, they have resorted to being nothing more than lurkers to avoid argument/confrontation.

I really like Connie's suggestion/position of "IGNORING" comments we feel are not worthy of our consideration or response. Connie: "But I don’t think everything that one doesn't like warrants a response. My hope is that others feel the same. That does not stop anyone from saying what they want, and I would hope that they do. It’s just that the burden is on them to convince me (and others) that whatever they are saying is worth a response."

I agree with Connie's comment. I read most of the comments posted here daily. I only respond to a scant few of them. Some I agree with, some I don't. I simply move on to the next comment. I don't feel the need to convince a poster they're wrong if their take (opinions) is different from mine. Everyone here is grown. We're old and set in our ways (and way of thinking) It would take Divine inspiration to get us to change our minds about anything. Nobody likes being told how or what to think, so why try? If you wish to "debate" differences of opinion, that's fine. I respect and encourage that. But to call someone out, or tell them their opinion or take is wrong, is a form of bullying. We've all seen it. There is a fine line between having a "debate, and bulling. I enjoy reading the thoughts and opinions of others. That's one of the reasons I come here daily. It doesn't mean I have to agree with them.

I've changed my opinion on some issues because a poster(s) shared some information that I did not have previously. Opinions are formed on facts or information, or the lack thereof. It's funny how opinions can change when some "gaps" are filled in. There are two sides to every story. Sometimes we only hear one side. Fans that habitually challenge Geno's actions might change their opinions if they knew HIS reason(s) or thinking behind those actions. On the current episode of The Geno Auriemma Show, he says that he's really upset about the "tone and tenor" of the correspondence he's been getting lately. He said " these people have no idea what they're talking about". Everyone here knows or has met someone who thought or thinks they know everything about everything. You can't argue with them. You can't tell them anything, and you sure aren't going to change their mind, because they're right, and you're wrong.......period!! :mad:

Being longtime fans of a program that as Quentin Hillsman said: "UConn has forgotten how to lose", has made some of us very cynical and critical. WE take winning for granted here. If UConn loses, or comes close to losing, the critics come bailing out of the woodwork. As one poster wrote recently, "UConn wins 111 games in a row, they lose a game by 2 points in overtime, and he thinks Geno should make some changes immediately".

We were all upset and disillusioned after the loss, some more than others. We all read the comments here posted immediately following the game. Some complimentary, some not. Many were very critical. It's hard to just be fans of the program, and support the players and staff regardless of the outcome. This is WCBB here. It's not life or death. Since no one or no program is "perfect", and I do enjoy watching women's college basketball played at its finest, I'll just continue to enjoy watching the UConn women play, and reading the comments here, and taking them both at face value. Have a wonderful day. :)

This is quite the response. When I said that people "will be called out," I didn't say they MUST be called out, nor do I believe they should. But when you post here you can expect people to react one way or another to what you say, though sometimes there is no reaction. I was saying that rather than try to stifle posts ("drown them out"), we should accept them for better or worse. If they're problematical, anyone is free to say so, to "like" them, or to ignore them. I enjoy your generally thoughtful posts; thanks for being interesting. PS/I have no idea where you got the notion that (UConn's) WCBB "is not life or death."
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction Score
Transfers, recruiting, and substitutions are still "basketball". We are not, for example, talking about how Geno goes about stocking his wine cellar or manages his restaurants. In my time on the boneyard I have not seen an adequate post that can challenge Geno on the Xs and Os of basketball, nor do I EVER expect to. I have seen several posts here that have challenged (critiqued) some of the things that Geno has said and how he has handled certain situations. Those critiques are fair in my mind. Each BY is free to agree or disagree with the critique. The words @GoUconn7961 used is "denigrate Geno" and frankly I do not see that being done very much here.

That we as fans know very little about what goes on behind the scenes and at practice makes UCONN no different from any other program. The 11 UCONN Nationals Championships is amazingly distinctive but not nearly as distinctive as the pillar of the program and the process of striving to improve every day and get # 12. Reasoned critique is essential towards that process. Reasoned critique results in an outcome that says " you know what I could have handled that better". That process includes Geno and it also includes all of us as fans.

Everything you say is SPOT ON---you call them critiques I call them OPINION's . I can't think of one single coach in any sport, even the Great John Wooden that didn't receive "advise on how to coach" it goes with the territory. Poster can accept or reject any apparently negative comment on Geno--as long as they are not of a physical or personal nature--to me PERSONAL is off limits.
OPINIONs on the BY are just that --OPINION and all except those note above should be viewed, with out other posters reaming those post opposing views. A forum like the Boneyard works only when it is fairly and open to all OPINIONs.
Back on the old CPTV Geno shows he allowed callers to voice their opinions--even then , like me,he didn't take criticism on how he did his job very well
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction Score
I agree, people have a right to express their opinions.

And people have a right to do that also. If people did not want others to comment on their posts, then they wouldn't post them. Nobody who posts wants to be ignored. We are all looking for validation, or at least a response.

Because if we allow dumb/silly/inaccurate/false things to remain unchallenged, then the BY becomes a place where intelligent/creative/fun posters don't want to post anymore (and this has happened). It becomes known as a place where the posters post dumb/silly/inaccurate stuff. The BY becomes a laughing stock.

There are some people who feel obligated to right wrongs.

It doesn't necessarily have to do with liking or not liking. It has to do with dumb/silly vs intelligent, or comprehensive vs incomprehensible or truth vs inaccuracies.

Exactly. We need to put out information so people on here will have the facts.

Yes, just like Geno, we need to tell these people they have no idea what they are talking about.

But you shouldn't let them go through life without at least trying to inform them. That's like not telling a drunk alcohol is not good for him, because, well he probably won't change anyway.

We have a duty to try and help these people. Just ignoring their posts is abdicating our responsibilities.

Meyers7--is this working towards getting me ejected from this forum--for my silly comments?? You see, I believe that along with the serious--the silly can add some fun elements. If only those with significant knowledge of ALL WBB--I'm in trouble because I joined with ONLY UConn Women BB as my team .
Further, If I think Geno is wrong ==is that such heresy as to not be voiced?
I do agree--and I have--ignored replies or posts from constant pokers---whose only goal in life is to take the wrong side and be royal pains in the glutus maximus.
Apr 10, 2015
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Appreciate your thoughts. I think most would agree. One strategy to consider is for readers to ignore comments they deem of little value. Responding can, under some circumstances, simply increase attention better directed elsewhere. If you disapproves of the general tenor of a thread, one easy solution: start another that shifts the focus onto something positive! You get enough people doing that, and the naysayers are eventually drowned out.
yOU ARE so right!!


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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I agree with many of your points, & might add another idea about the Miss. State game. My opinion, which is worth exactly what it’s costing you to get it, is that when you win a majority of your games in a comfortable fashion, when players get thrown into a pressure situation in an environment they aren’t at ease in (final four), when they miss a couple of easy shots their tendency is to start rushing everything. That usually leads to the snowball rolling down the hill getting bigger and going faster as the game progresses. This might explain some of the easy misses, and the results of the final offensive possession.
I had an assistant coach tell me once when our team was in a similar situation that it wouldn’t make any difference if we had 20 timeouts because the players were in a trance, and it wasn’t going to change until the game ended, and they relaxed. I’m not saying this 100% accurate because I wasn’t privy to what the coaches were, but it had a lot of the earmarks of those emotions. JMO
Geno would agree with you whole heartedly and has said as much on a couple of occasions. To paraphrase Geno: The team found themselves in an unfamiliar situation and all of a sudden the little things that you are used to going your way doesn't.
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Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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I want to start an OT thread but I don't wanna get yelled at "during the season"
Jan 26, 2016
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I want to start an OT thread but I don't wanna get yelled at "during the season"

Why would anybody yell at you for starting an OT thread? I see plenty on here................if somebody isn't interested they can simply ignore it............


Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
Because if we allow dumb/silly/inaccurate/false things to remain unchallenged, then the BY becomes a place where intelligent/creative/fun posters don't want to post anymore (and this has happened). It becomes known as a place where the posters post dumb/silly/inaccurate stuff. The BY becomes a laughing stock.

All depends on how one does it. People who point out that something is inaccurate or false, and why, do everyone a service and make for a better board. Some people are good at it. Others may be coming from a different place.

The key is to deliver one's critique civilly. "Dumb" and "silly" are pejoratives that can be wielded in an uncivil manner amounting to a personal attack.

Whatever one may be thinking, if uncivil "hit words" or personal ridicule are actually used in reference to another's post it's going to attract our attention.

We've had individuals who were masters at thinly disguising their personal attacks as "attacking the post, not the poster." Does anyone think "Stop putting up moronic posts" complies with the maxim?

There are some people who feel obligated to right wrongs. . . .
We have a duty to try and help these people. Just ignoring their posts is abdicating our responsibilities.
If righting wrongs means correcting unsupported, inaccurate statements by supplying the facts, if it means supplying a more realistic perspective, then the people who feel thus obligated should have at it.

There are people, though, who enjoy confrontation. People who enjoy putting other people down. People who really would like to run those whose attitudes they don't like off the board.

People like that (a small but sometimes prominent minority) don't mind if their aggressiveness intimidates some lurkers or visitors into not posting, or provokes others into pissing matches, either way to the detriment of the board.

We do mind.

Everybody can have at it. Set the record straight. Have a vigorous debate. Be fervent, to use a word seen somewhere in this thread.

But if one's aggressive methods cross into incivility, we will take steps of our choosing to remedy the situation.

Policing the board to make it work, as nearly as possible, for everyone is our job, not the job of self-appointed Posting Police.

We won't tolerate vigilantism.
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction Score
This is quite the response. When I said that people "will be called out," I didn't say they MUST be called out, nor do I believe they should. But when you post here you can expect people to react one way or another to what you say, though sometimes there is no reaction. I was saying that rather than try to stifle posts ("drown them out"), we should accept them for better or worse. If they're problematical, anyone is free to say so, to "like" them, or to ignore them. I enjoy your generally thoughtful posts; thanks for being interesting. PS/I have no idea where you got the notion that (UConn's) WCBB "is not life or death."

I agree most with Scoop and with you. Opinions are just opinions but when voiced one must know there may be opposing views. Opposing views can being with--you idiot --or stupid --or some other personal degradation--which only incites anger.
You can disagree without being disagreeable and most can take disagreement that isn't an attack.
Apr 10, 2015
Reaction Score
All depends on how one does it. People who point out that something is inaccurate or false, and why, do everyone a service and make for a better board. Some people are good at it. Others may be coming from a different place.

The key is to deliver one's critique civilly. "Dumb" and "silly" are pejoratives that can be wielded in an uncivil manner amounting to a personal attack.

Whatever one may be thinking, if uncivil "hit words" or personal ridicule are actually used in reference to another's post it's going to attract our attention.

We've had individuals who were masters at thinly disguising their personal attacks as "attacking the post, not the poster." Does anyone think "Stop putting up moronic posts" complies with the maxim?

If righting wrongs means correcting unsupported, inaccurate statements by supplying the facts, if it means supplying a more realistic perspective, then the people who feel thus obligated should have at it.

There are people, though, who enjoy confrontation. People who enjoy putting other people down. People who really would like to run those whose attitudes they don't like off the board.

People like that (a small but sometimes prominent minority) don't mind if their aggressiveness intimidates some lurkers or visitors into not posting, or provokes others into pissing matches, either way to the detriment of the board.

We do mind.

Everybody can have at it. Set the record straight. Have a vigorous debate. Be fervent, to use a word seen somewhere in this thread.

But if one's aggressive methods cross into incivility, we will take steps of our choosing to remedy the situation.

Policing the board to make it work, as nearly as possible, for everyone is our job, not the job of self-appointed Posting Police.

We won't tolerate vigilantism.


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