I Have Faith In HCBD | The Boneyard

I Have Faith In HCBD

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Jan 7, 2014
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Each day I look for a new thread that will offer some unemotional analysis of what is the current state of husky football. Today I was again disappointed. Let me start by stating what I perceive to be some facts. Notice that I’m not listing things such as talent level, offensive schemes, personnel decisions, etc.

FACT: HCBD is about the most competitive person that we could have ever hired to guide husky foot from the abyss.

FACT: HCBD and his staff have enough football experience to understand what it takes to win at the major college level and have not just suddenly decided to throw all that knowledge away.

FACT: HCBD and his staff “on average” probably know a little more about football than each and every boneyarder.

FACT: This team is the most difficult to watch of any husky football team that I have watched in the last 20 years.

So in spite of all of the yelling and screaming I have done either at the Rent or watching TV for our two away games this year, I couldn’t be more optimistic. Why, you may ask. Am I delusional?

FACT: HCBD is a goal oriented planner and has lived his whole life based on that premise. His professional coaching future is based on succeeding at UConn. He will do it the right way, but it’s guaranteed that he will do whatever it takes to succeed.

FACT: HCBD will not take shortcuts. It might hurt now, but that is one of his most important assets.

FACT: HCBD has a passion to coach. Passion at the top of an organization results in passion throughout an organization.

I do not think that HCBD plans to make UConn his final stop. Is that a bad thing? I don’t think so. UConn is just part of his long term plan to be a highly successful head football coach. He will live and die National Flag Blue until UConn is at the top of the mountain. He won’t care what criticism he hears during his UConn journey. Behind the scenes, 24 hours a day, he is planning what he needs to do to have the team improve. Behind the scenes he is demanding that each and every player and coach is doing what it takes to win. A person in charge that wants to win as badly as HCBD, will accept nothing less.

Can we argue about who should be getting more reps at a given position during a particular game? Sure. But that’s small potatoes. What’s going on behind the scenes (including their recruiting) is what’s most important.

Mark it down. Sometime in the future, after HCBD has turned this program around, we will all be frantic wondering if we can ever get someone as good, to lead the huskies again. Take a deep breath. We are eventually all going to enjoy this ride.
Aug 29, 2011
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What the head coach needs, is an education in being a head coach. he's getting it, paid. I want payback, in the form of wins and championships, and I want them sooner than later. What fans want, the paying ones, that have choices to make every year what to do with the $1, $2, $3 or more G's they put into UCONN football and athletics is to feel like the coach is actually trying to win - NOW. Planning night and day, is fine and good, as long as the plan is good. I'm not impressed with the plan through half a season. Did you watch the first defensive series against Tulane? What the hell was that? That's what they came up with having 2 weeks to plan? Why did we use a 4 man line? We switched back to the 3 man front we've been using all season, and held them to 3 points the rest of the game. I can sit here and make an argument that whatever led them to use a defensive scheme that we are not good at to open the game, cost us the win. I'm not impressed with the ability this coaching staff has shown to put together game plans and execute on game day, and their choices of handling personnel and reps during the course of the season, and expecting players to develop the ability to play well on the field, as a team, and develop as individuals goes against everything I've ever thought about football.

I don't matter much though - really. it's just an opinion I have of what's going on.
Apr 24, 2012
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I would agree with the OP in the most part. HCBD is coaching HCPP's players for the most part. They are not his recruits, except for Newsome and Johnson. It will take more time to get used to his system and it will be painful to watch but hopefully it will bear fruit. When he is coaching his recruits there should be a remarkable difference. You can only hope.
Aug 26, 2011
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They are not his recruits, except for Newsome and Johnson. I.

Just FYI... Newsome is not a HCBD recruit. He was committed to UConn well before PP got whacked. HCBD has a few more recruits than Johnson that are "his".


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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FACT: UConn and Diaco have looked inept on offense every game this season.

FACT: Diaco makes at least one decision every game that is mind boggling.

FACT: He's a first year head coach so he could be good, but hasn't shown anything to date to substantiate that. We have to hope he's great, but that's blind faith.
Sep 17, 2011
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Do you know the difference between a fact and an opinion?
[QUOTE="KennyD, post: 1091329, member: 4435"
FACT: HCBD is about the most competitive person that we could have ever hired to guide husky foot from the abyss.
This is not a fact it is an opinion. Every head football coach is a competitive person. One can not be a head coach with out being competitive

FACT: HCBD and his staff have enough football experience to understand what it takes to win at the major college level and have not just suddenly decided to throw all that knowledge away.
Debatable. Diacos lack of head coaching experience has not proven a benefit to this point and understanding what it takes to win is different than executing and succeeding.

FACT: HCBD and his staff “on average” probably know a little more about football than each and every boneyarder.
No argument on this one.

FACT: This team is the most difficult to watch of any husky football team that I have watched in the last 20 years.
Nor on this one.

FACT: HCBD is a goal oriented planner and has lived his whole life based on that premise. His professional coaching future is based on succeeding at UConn. He will do it the right way, but it’s guaranteed that he will do whatever it takes to succeed.
Goal planner may be a fact but How can success be guaranteed? While he may succeed, there is an equal chance that he will fail. Plenty of great planners have failed. For every success there is usually an equal number of failures. In sports, my opinion is that the failures way outnumber the successes.

FACT: HCBD will not take shortcuts. It might hurt now, but that is one of his most important assets.
Again, an opinion.Too short of a time to know if he does or does not take shortcuts as well as what is considered a shortcut. Is taking Jucos or 5th year transfers a shortcut? Is adapting your plan to fit the talent a shortcut? Is trying to win a shortcut!

FACT: HCBD has a passion to coach. Passion at the top of an organization results in passion throughout an organization.
Lane Kiffin says hello. Jeff Jagozindski says hello. Passion does not equal success.

I do not think that HCBD plans to make UConn his final stop. Is that a bad thing? I don’t think so. UConn is just part of his long term plan to be a highly successful head football coach. He will live and die National Flag Blue until UConn is at the top of the mountain. He won’t care what criticism he hears during his UConn journey. Behind the scenes, 24 hours a day, he is planning what he needs to do to have the team improve. Behind the scenes he is demanding that each and every player and coach is doing what it takes to win. A person in charge that wants to win as badly as HCBD, will accept nothing less.
Thanks for the speech. Results will mean everything. Demanding does not equate to leadership. Demanding does not always lead to success.

I accept this season as a step and for growth. I had no bowl game illusions. I am sure failure is not an option for Diaco. It really is not an option that people consider, ever. Failure, however, is a result. At this time next year, things need to look a lot different across the whole spectrum of the program or else I will starting getting the feeling that Diaco is just another in a long line of successful DCs that failed as a head coach.
Sep 17, 2011
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I think HCBD is what we needed to rise up from the level we fell to under PP/GDL. The youth, energy, commitment, and salesmanship on a vision. The rough start is just that and is partly due to having no room for errors and then committing them at a record clip. I also think the staff isn't a well oiled machine yet hence the sense of confusion there seemed to be in the Tulane game with the timeouts needed on consecutive offensive plays and starting the game in a 4-3 defense. Tough to watch now but I still think better days are on the way.
Apr 24, 2012
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Just FYI... Newsome is not a HCBD recruit. He was committed to UConn well before PP got whacked. HCBD has a few more recruits than Johnson that are "his".

Wasn't aware of that about Newsome, but exactly who, besides Johnson, areplaying on the team as freshman. I know Bloom is one. Who else?
Aug 28, 2011
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If you have to "perceive" it to be a "fact", then it's not a fact, and using all CAPS, doesn't change that.

I'm done defending Diaco. Even if we ignore the results, there are head scratching decisions all over the place. But it doesn't matter, he's going to get 2-3 years no matter how anyone feels about it. So I'm just going to hope his coaching catches up to his recruiting and vice versa. And hope that at the end of each season he's able to self-evaluate, and learn how to make adjustments to the plan when necessary.

My fear is some very good coordinators have gone on to make terrible head coaches. Buddy Ryan, Charlie Weist, Lane Kiffin are the first three to come to mind.
Aug 28, 2011
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Wasn't aware of that about Newsome, but exactly who, besides Johnson, areplaying on the team as freshman. I know Bloom is one. Who else?


True Freshmen (9)
TE Alec Bloom, LB Luke Carrezola, OL Ryan Crozier, LB Vontae Diggs, TE
Steve Hashemi, TB Ron Johnson, RB Arkell Newsome, OL Troy Rutherford, CB Jamar Summers.

Redshirt Freshmen (10)
H Blake Feagles, DL Foley Fatukasi, OL Tommy Hopkins, LB Junior Joseph, WR Thomas Lucas, RB Josh Marriner, TE Tommy Myers, LB Cole
Ormsby, LB Cameron Stapleton, LB Jalen Stevens

Redshirt Sophomores (4)
C Kyle Bocheloh, OT Andreas Knappe, DL Sean Marinan, P Justin Wain

This is one of the few reasons for optimism. These 23 players have seen their first action this year, and all have 2-3 more years of eligibility.
Nov 8, 2011
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As an individual who is as pi$$ed, possibly more than most regarding our current situation, I have some insight to add. I have a friend who knows the coach, played with the coach, and is well connected in football. That's all I'm saying regarding that to ensure too much information is not disclosed. For those of you who feel compelled to write a wise comment about the person I know, save it for another thread bcuz I'm not interested, and am not disclosing anything else. Anyway, I have on several occasions expressed my extreme concern regarding the future of our conference affiliation as well as the state of the FB program. I recently called my buddy to "talk me off the ledge" after the last show performance last weekend. This is what I'm being told.... Uconn long term is going to be fine, and not to worry. As far as the state of the FB program, we are going to be back to a competitive level sooner than many of us believe. The one thing I'm hearing over and over is to "believe in the process" When I asked if I was listening to a Diaco press conf.... There was laughter, but again emphasis on "the process" and absolute conviction that Diaco is our guy so have faith. I will say this.. I'm not sure that there is any additional inside information there, as I try not to put my friend in an awkward position with to many questions but I will say that I feel more at ease with our future after our recent conversation. I share this because many on the board are looking for something to believe in, or hold onto regarding the future and I am one of them which is why I have shared this.
Go Huskies!!
Aug 26, 2011
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As an individual who is as pi ed, possibly more than most regarding our current situation, I have some insight to add. I have a friend who knows the coach, played with the coach, and is well connected in football. That's all I'm saying regarding that to ensure too much information is not disclosed. For those of you who feel compelled to write a wise a comment about the person I know, save it for another thread bcuz I'm not interested, and am not disclosing anything else. Anyway, I have on several occasions expressed my extreme concern regarding the future of our conference affiliation as well as the state of the FB program. I recently called my buddy to "talk me off the ledge" after the last show performance last weekend. This is what I'm being told.... Uconn long term is going to be fine, and not to worry. As far as the state of the FB program, we are going to be back to a competitive level sooner than many of us believe. The one thing I'm hearing over and over is to "believe in the process" When I asked if I was listening to a Diaco press conf.... There was laughter, but again emphasis on "the process" and absolute conviction that Diaco is our guy so have faith. I will say this.. I'm not sure that there is any additional inside information there, as I try not to put my friend in an awkward position with to many questions but I will say that I feel more at ease with our future after our recent conversation. I share this because many on the board are looking for something to believe in, or hold onto regarding the future and I am one of them which is why I have shared this.
Go Huskies!!

And just how many times has HCBD's "process" worked with him as a head coach leading a team from losing record to the promised land; and how long did it take?
Aug 26, 2011
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As an individual who is as pi ed, possibly more than most regarding our current situation, I have some insight to add. I have a friend who knows the coach, played with the coach, and is well connected in football. That's all I'm saying regarding that to ensure too much information is not disclosed. For those of you who feel compelled to write a wise a comment about the person I know, save it for another thread bcuz I'm not interested, and am not disclosing anything else. Anyway, I have on several occasions expressed my extreme concern regarding the future of our conference affiliation as well as the state of the FB program. I recently called my buddy to "talk me off the ledge" after the last show performance last weekend. This is what I'm being told.... Uconn long term is going to be fine, and not to worry. As far as the state of the FB program, we are going to be back to a competitive level sooner than many of us believe. The one thing I'm hearing over and over is to "believe in the process" When I asked if I was listening to a Diaco press conf.... There was laughter, but again emphasis on "the process" and absolute conviction that Diaco is our guy so have faith. I will say this.. I'm not sure that there is any additional inside information there, as I try not to put my friend in an awkward position with to many questions but I will say that I feel more at ease with our future after our recent conversation. I share this because many on the board are looking for something to believe in, or hold onto regarding the future and I am one of them which is why I have shared this.
Go Huskies!!

I agree with the importance of a tried and true process. My concern is whether the process was tried with ND type recruits or UConn level recruits, primarily linemen. It may still work but could take a lot longer. In the meantime:


The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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Meh, not to be a Debby Downer but "process" is buzzword and it don't mean squat. My company was taken over by the corporate mentality and it was all about processes. Two years and the most important internal department has had high turnover and is still a shambles. We're taking discounts even though we are paying preferred vendors late and everyone below the executive team has lost faith.

"Process" is a word and actions speak louder than...
Jan 26, 2014
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apply an industrial model to this situation; if you equal team ceo to a corporate vp in business and industry the corporate entity could not remain solvent with the level of personnel in place; a change would be made with rapidity only after conducting very professional and in depth assessment centers and it does not require a prophet to predict the outcome

the current husky approach is of hand grenade proportions

no fan expects any on field victories at this point but all expect the conduct of business to be professional with current state of program commensurate measureable objectives, but with grenades popping everywhere the future is just a pipe dream

its just so painfully obvious huskies have an intern in a vp slot which never ends well

it appears the huskies were so desperate for a recruiter of student athletes the decision makers forgot about what traits were needed to put the student athletes on the field
Aug 26, 2011
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Each day I look for a new thread that will offer some unemotional analysis of what is the current state of husky football. Today I was again disappointed. Let me start by stating what I perceive to be some facts. Notice that I’m not listing things such as talent level, offensive schemes, personnel decisions, etc.

FACT: HCBD is about the most competitive person that we could have ever hired to guide husky foot from the abyss.

FACT: HCBD and his staff have enough football experience to understand what it takes to win at the major college level and have not just suddenly decided to throw all that knowledge away.

FACT: HCBD and his staff “on average” probably know a little more about football than each and every boneyarder.

FACT: This team is the most difficult to watch of any husky football team that I have watched in the last 20 years.

So in spite of all of the yelling and screaming I have done either at the Rent or watching TV for our two away games this year, I couldn’t be more optimistic. Why, you may ask. Am I delusional?

FACT: HCBD is a goal oriented planner and has lived his whole life based on that premise. His professional coaching future is based on succeeding at UConn. He will do it the right way, but it’s guaranteed that he will do whatever it takes to succeed.

FACT: HCBD will not take shortcuts. It might hurt now, but that is one of his most important assets.

FACT: HCBD has a passion to coach. Passion at the top of an organization results in passion throughout an organization.

I do not think that HCBD plans to make UConn his final stop. Is that a bad thing? I don’t think so. UConn is just part of his long term plan to be a highly successful head football coach. He will live and die National Flag Blue until UConn is at the top of the mountain. He won’t care what criticism he hears during his UConn journey. Behind the scenes, 24 hours a day, he is planning what he needs to do to have the team improve. Behind the scenes he is demanding that each and every player and coach is doing what it takes to win. A person in charge that wants to win as badly as HCBD, will accept nothing less.

Can we argue about who should be getting more reps at a given position during a particular game? Sure. But that’s small potatoes. What’s going on behind the scenes (including their recruiting) is what’s most important.

Mark it down. Sometime in the future, after HCBD has turned this program around, we will all be frantic wondering if we can ever get someone as good, to lead the huskies again. Take a deep breath. We are eventually all going to enjoy this ride.

Most of those facts were merely subjective opinions and emotional in nature. Irony.
Sep 30, 2014
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I have faith in his defensive cache, but he's gonna have to show me something before I have faith in wherever he's going with this offense. Hopefully he's not in over his head on that side of the ball. That's been the Achilles heel of this football program for a good while now.
Sep 23, 2011
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It all starts with the guys up front. Anyone see the Giants against Philly Sunday night? Giants have excellent skill players but Eli had zero time to do anything and got sacked 6 times/ 8 total for game. Giants also had 3 fumbles and 2 interceptions. Giants lost 27-0. It felt like I was watching UCONN all over again. I was at the Tulane game Saturday and watched the Giant game from my hotel room. I have had enough bad football for a while. I hurt thinking about East Carolina and will be there too! I might have to see a shrink. I might be a masochist. Still love both teams and will endure. I believe in process too! Let's start with some 6'7 320 lb monsters on the O line who can block !
Dec 9, 2013
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There is plenty to criticize at this point in the season. However, you have to let a new coach install his system , learn his personnel and recruit his own players.. Its not going to stop us crazy fans from let our emotions get the better of us and criticize certain play calling or game planning. Diaco, to his credit, has shown a tremendous amount of energy and enthusiasm for the program. I don't understand use of his 2 tight end sets but maybe by the end of the year the players will learn how to block out of those formations. Michigan wasn't very patient with Rich Rodrigues and now in retrospect it looks like a bad decision. We have to give Diaco 3 years but it is going to be a very painful process for us fans. Hopefully we start to see some tangible improve in the offense at some point this year.
Aug 28, 2011
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I sincerely hope that Coach Diaco pulls us out of this funk.

However faith is defined as believed based on no proof. I don't have that.
Aug 24, 2011
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I sincerely hope that Coach Diaco pulls us out of this funk.

However faith is defined as believed based on no proof. I don't have that.

Reasons to think that he may work out:

1) he has put together a competent defense that is actually improved over last year, at least statistically.

2) the players still seem to be behind him, and we haven't seen signs of the team quitting like they did in many games last year.

3) we are running the ball slightly more effectively than we were earlier in the year.

However, we still appear very disorganized on offense. He's made some really strange in-game and personnel decisions. His sideline demeanor and comments indicate that he may be overwhelmed by the job.
Aug 29, 2011
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Reasons to think that he may work out:

1) he has put together a competent defense that is actually improved over last year, at least statistically.

2) the players still seem to be behind him, and we haven't seen signs of the team quitting like they did in many games last year.

3) we are running the ball slightly more effectively than we were earlier in the year.

However, we still appear very disorganized on offense. He's made some really strange in-game and personnel decisions. His sideline demeanor and comments indicate that he may be overwhelmed by the job.

My gut tells me that he's come up with some kind of plan for the offense, developmentally, long term wise, that he wants followed, and Cummings, Patterson, et. al., down the line, are just following along with the plan and goals. I'm talking specifically about the rotations of players, the lack of an actual starting lineup, playing 2 QB's - all of it - which translates to division of reps during the practice week. It may work out long term, because we have so many young players that are going to be around for a while, but it's really hurting us now. There is just no excuse for a player, even a true freshmen, 6 games into the season, that's been playing all along, for example - to not be able to line up at scrimmage in a fundamentally sound stance. That only happens when they're not getting enough reps. The timing, the play clock winding down over and over again - all comes down to reps in practice.

If I'm right, (and I'm always right ;-) ), it's simply a coach that is very, very much defensive minded, applying his football knowledge, to the offensive side of the ball to build a team and develop players. Entirely predictable.

THe last thing you do, when you are trying to build consistency in an offense with young players, and get a rhythym, timing going, when you have an experienced leader and senior QB, is to pull that QB out of the game. It's just not what you do on offense, the QB is the field leader. Just a defensive coach, coaching offensive football. UGGG.
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