So much greatness about that, Ern.
Please tell me you can remember what words were coming out of your mouth in that moment captured on the video. I want to have that audio in my head when I watch the loop.
I get a kind of Adam Duritz vibe from the beard and impassioned gesturing.
Overserved or not, the refs were jobbing us horrendously and deserving of your ire. I was with a group of various well-seasoned sports industry professionals who, like me, are never-blame-the-officiating types and the number of texts, yells and comments from so many of them about the disparity and lack of "and-1s" for us was unprecedented in my experience. We just weren't close enough to the refs to threaten them physically (and maniacally).
Oh and the cookies weren't as good as the dark chocolate laced with chili spice. Hope you got to that treat from the gift bag before you were booted.