i was mostly complacent aboot the result, given the state of the the current situation. anger and hate are mostly wasted energy as far as im concerned, but when i saw this vid, that changed quickly. our supergenius marketing department doesn't make certain that wherever we go, there isn't
always a husky banner, and a roll of duct tape, to prevent this nonsense of holding a presser with the opponents flag behind us? some things are
easily corrected with
reasonable foresite. pathetic. embarrassing for a fan.
ok, i lied. suffice it to say, anytime i see 'sir stop touching me' on the floor for a significant amount of burn, well, let's just say that game-watching mates start slinking away from me as the fleabag mutts just bolt for any other place. yesterday, when 'mr superstar anyday now' appeared early, those hounds beat feet, to head outside into the cold and now falling snow. we got around 2 more inches.
lovely. as far as the reporters, im still waiting for any of them (4 years!) to ask coach 'polley stinks, and can't rebound, pass, handle, block, dunk, or d. why is it that anyone thinks he brings game to the floor, other than a few,
very few, times per year? what's up with that?' iffn anyone answers that question with 'studebakers are cars, too,' i'll just clock 'em, upside.
currently, in conference play, martin is shooting 48% from 3, sir special is at 36%. but hey, and playing minutes twice as many as josh, at least he equals josh in dimes (3!), tho his block total at 1! (6'9''!) is way better than my 3 mutts. they'll only jump for food.
2020-21 BIG EAST Men's Basketball - Connecticut (sidearmsports.com)
but hey! his steals total (2!) is awesome! and having played a lot moar minutes than gaffney in conference, at least his point totals are now only 1 behind jalen. those total free throws by him, 11!, show that he really, really, attacks the rim, too! mebbe not.