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Hurley on PMT

Sep 16, 2011
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If It’s the right situation and the Knicks, Nets, Celtics, or Sixers call, then I would be worried that It’s better than 50-50 he makes the jump. I can’t see him going to coach an Oklahoma City, Denver, Atlanta, etc. I would highly doubt his wife would want to up and move half way across the country.

This is not the first time Hurley said in an interview that he would like to coach in the NBA one day. I don’t want Hurley to leave. That would really sting to have him pull a Calipari or Pitino where he fails in the NBA within a few years and he comes back to coach another school which possibly could be a rival.
Oklahoma City has their coach, UConn grad Mark Daigneault and he's coaching tonight.
Dec 14, 2015
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It’s REALLY hard to become an NBA coaching legend. Most of the legendary coaches we think of are from the college game. 30 years from now not many will remember brad Stevens coached at butler because he bailed for the NBA. They’ll remember Jay Wright. Besides the money I don’t see the lure of the NBA for college coaches who coach at blue bloods and have almost indefinite job security. You’re much more likely to make your stamp on history in the collegiate game than you are in the NBA. If legacy is important to Dan. Just become the greatest college coach of your era. It’s up for grabs
Nov 20, 2021
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I hope he doesn’t go to the nba…people who think assistant coaches can step right in.. most of the time doesn’t end well
Aug 27, 2011
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How did this turn into a thread about Hurley bailing for the nba?
I don’t know but this HAS to stop. For Chrissakes he just won his first national title and he wants to put his mark on the college game. He has an ideal situation now in the BE and with UCONN so I’m saying that people here, based on 1 trifling comment are making a mountain out of nothing.
We are still in the afterglow of this Natty and morons are talking nonsense at this juncture, pure nonsense, but it is after all The Boneyard.
Aug 17, 2011
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"That is something I aspire to down the road. You know, I love college," Hurley said. "I hope I can continue to put UConn in this position moving forward. I don't think we're going anywhere."

Alternate free access:

UConn men's basketball coach Dan Hurley to the NBA? Not quite yet: 'Gotta kind of continue to mellow'

Sep 6, 2011
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It should be clear to everyone that Hurley is ambitious as hell. Consider all the "little brother/son finally has his moment" pieces that were written over the last 2 weeks. This is a guy with a chip on his shoulder the size of Gibraltar and plans to match. Listen to the Andrea Hurley Field of 68 podcast where she basically described Dan like Hamilton: He's never satisfied.

But he's not impulsive. He's systematic. He climbed from HS coach to D1 coach. From low to mid major. From mid to high major. UConn is a destination job, though. It's not a ladder rung job. There's nowhere to go in college. But Dan has to have somewhere to go. He's gotta have a goal. And I'm sure it doesn't hurt that he had to watch his brother play in the NBA for a while and he never got there. So yeah. NBA. But not yet. When he's ready.
Sep 12, 2011
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There should be if it could affect commits. But right now it's just highjacking a thread.
Too funny, if one listened to the entire interview he mentioned his aspirations for the NBA in the future. Nobody hijacking a thread just folks commenting on Dan's comments. This on a forum of opinions on others opinions. ;)

He while dropping bombs three times in that interview may find it comfortable right here just like Jim and Geno did.
Obviously a sharp negotiator he has raised the bar for his next contract extension or bonus clauses.
NBA jobs are not all what they are cracked up to be for a coach. Possibly just a well placed negotiating comment.
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Sep 16, 2011
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It should be clear to everyone that Hurley is ambitious as hell. Consider all the "little brother/son finally has his moment" pieces that were written over the last 2 weeks. This is a guy with a chip on his shoulder the size of Gibraltar and plans to match. Listen to the Andrea Hurley Field of 68 podcast where she basically described Dan like Hamilton: He's never satisfied.

But he's not impulsive. He's systematic. He climbed from HS coach to D1 coach. From low to mid major. From mid to high major. UConn is a destination job, though. It's not a ladder rung job. There's nowhere to go in college. But Dan has to have somewhere to go. He's gotta have a goal. And I'm sure it doesn't hurt that he had to watch his brother play in the NBA for a while and he never got there. So yeah. NBA. But not yet. When he's ready.
I can see the appeal of wanting to coach the best players in the world and testing yourself but the rest of if never made sense to me for highly successful college coaches making the jump to the NBA. In college it's all about the coach you're the star, in the NBA it's all about the player. For the most part you're just some guy coaching the stars. I've seen enough college coaches with major reps head off to the NBA only to have it end pretty poorly or have the wheels fall off and their coaching careers never getting back to what they once had...

Maybe if there was such an enormous chasm in the money I could see it but there's not. Hurley will obviously have to be paid significantly more whenever that comes up but I don't think that's at all the end all be all or what drives him. Trading in a building legacy where you're loved by the entire state and a national media darling just to be another guy at the pro level has always seemed like a huge risk to me, the risks always seems to far outweigh the rewards...

He clearly likes a challenge, likes building things, and proving himself but he would be leaving something really special behind that few have. I could see him going for it down the road but he seems to just be getting started here so if he ever makes the jump it seems like a long ways off.
Sep 21, 2013
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Too funny, if one listened to the entire interview he mentioned his aspirations for the NBA in the future. Nobody hijacking a thread just folks commenting on Dan's comments. This on a forum of opinions on others opinions. ;)

He while dropping sh&t bombs three times in that interview may find it comfortable right here just like Jim and Geno did.
Obviously a sharp negotiator he has raised the bar for his next contract extension or bonus clauses.
NBA jobs are not all what they are cracked up to be for a coach. Possibly just a well placed negotiating comment.
Right on what a turnaround from in Jan when we weren’t sure about if he was the guy to April when we don’t want our guy to leave too soon!
Aug 30, 2011
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I can see the appeal of wanting to coach the best players in the world and testing yourself but the rest of if never made sense to me for highly successful college coaches making the jump to the NBA. In college it's all about the coach you're the star, in the NBA it's all about the player. For the most part you're just some guy coaching the stars. I've seen enough college coaches with major reps head off to the NBA only to have it end pretty poorly or have the wheels fall off and their coaching careers never getting back to what they once had...

Maybe if there was such an enormous chasm in the money I could see it but there's not. Hurley will obviously have to be paid significantly more whenever that comes up but I don't think that's at all the end all be all or what drives him. Trading in a building legacy where you're loved by the entire state and a national media darling just to be another guy at the pro level has always seemed like a huge risk to me, the risks always seems to far outweigh the rewards...

He clearly likes a challenge, likes building things, and proving himself but he would be leaving something really special behind that few have. I could see him going for it down the road but he seems to just be getting started here so if he ever makes the jump it seems like a long ways off.

Yup, who would you rather be in history Coach K/Jim Calhoun/Bobby Knight or Doc Rivers/Eric Spoelstra? Surest way to become a Hall of Famer like his dad is to stick with college.

Also, I think it's clear that the portal actually makes recruiting easier for the top coaches in college. The portal is going to funnel talent to the best coaches. It's easier to "reload" now than ever. That doesn't happen in the NBA. In the NBA the coaches have to move to the talent. (Doc Rivers) Greg Popovich is a legendary coach but who knows if he will ever have a winning season again.
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Aug 14, 2011
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Too funny, if one listened to the entire interview he mentioned his aspirations for the NBA in the future. Nobody hijacking a thread just folks commenting on Dan's comments. This on a forum of opinions on others opinions. ;)

He while dropping sh&t bombs three times in that interview may find it comfortable right here just like Jim and Geno did.
Obviously a sharp negotiator he has raised the bar for his next contract extension or bonus clauses.
NBA jobs are not all what they are cracked up to be for a coach. Possibly just a well placed negotiating comment.

It's almost as if there was nothing else to talk about.


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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Don’t see Hurley as an NBA coach right now.

His biggest pros are his recruiting and the way he’s able to motivate players.

NBA players motivate themselves and you can’t recruit there. I don’t think he’s seriously considering it anyways, just moreso a “can’t rule anything out” statement.
Mar 21, 2016
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This was a tremendous listen. Coach Hurley was relaxed and enjoyed bantering with the guys... especially the Villanova fan. I really appreciate how he speaks about the program as an organization. He is on top of everything. As for the NBA, it is very consistent with his ambitious, hard driving nature that he has given it some thought. If he winds up there, kudos to him. Such an opportunity would hopefully come on the heals of a few more seasons like this one.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Trading in a building legacy where you're loved by the entire state and a national media darling just to be another guy at the pro level has always seemed like a huge risk to me, the risks always seems to far outweigh the rewards...

I don't disagree with the sentiment of your post but let's not act like half the fanbase wasnt saying he should be on the seat if he didn't perform this March and invariably the comparisons to Ollie the first time they lose a bad game next season.


The Hebrew Hammer
Nov 27, 2018
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The NBA question & response was the only interesting part of the entire interview. That Q&A made me pause the podcast and come here to see if anyone else picked up on it. Definitely not grasping at straws here. He expressed a real interest in coaching the NBA one day, more than Calhoun ever did.
Sep 21, 2013
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That's more of a "you" than a "we".
Fair but I think I was surprised that he took it to winning a Natty this quickly - it was a huge jump from getting run out of the gym by NM State a year ago.
Aug 25, 2011
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Fair but I think I was surprised that he took it to winning a Natty this quickly - it was a huge jump from getting run out of the gym by NM State a year ago.

That’s an odd take on what happened against NMSU.
May 27, 2015
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Fair but I think I was surprised that he took it to winning a Natty this quickly - it was a huge jump from getting run out of the gym by NM State a year ago.
Again, that's more of a you problem than a we

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