From her freshman to sophomore seasons, Stewie improved in virtually every statistical category.
Yes, but in those things Stewie already did, the improvement was not as great as the raw numbers would indicate, since she was on-court for 1221 min in 2013/14 versus 854 min in 2012/13. One stat was reduced (in
red), and two were virtual ties (in
blue, arbitrarily defined as differing by less than < 7%).
Per-40-min stats 13/14
FGA 17.61/19.20
3FGA 3.93/4.59
3FGM 1.31/1.57
FTA 5.25/6.22
FTM 4.07/4.82
OR 3.65/
DR 7.07/7.60
TR 10.73/
PF 2.82/2.03
AST 1.64/4.00
TO 2.53/2.19
PTS 23.28/25.45
The free throw, PF, TO and assist numbers are the biggest improvements from year to year. I think the FTs show she has already been going inside more. Adding a dribble drive should pump that number up considerably. And I think adding some strength will help the FT percentage as well. The TO number is pretty damn good for a big, though I don't know how it compares to her peers. At first I thought maybe she should become a bit more aggressive, get 20-25 shots a game, but the A/TO ratio mitigates against that and she's more of a defensive problem if she keeps the shoot/pass mix she has.
OOPS! David pointed out an error in my post above, which included some games twice. I have corrected the figures above. Fortunately, it didn't require me to change my conclusions

(Though the eagle-eyed among you will have noticed I moved my arbitrary tie metric.)