How many redshirt frosh in 2015? | The Boneyard

How many redshirt frosh in 2015?

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Aug 28, 2011
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It has to be very few. We played a ton of true frosh, more than half the incoming class.

I can only think of Oak, Lawley and Atkins, did Hashemi ever play?
Sep 5, 2011
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I would guess that BD may get more of his second year recruits involved early in playing time. He needs to build depth, and if he was satisfied with the talent of upper classmen he inherited in 2014, there wouldn't have been a need to get fresh skill sets and attitudes on the field as soon as he did last year.

I'm guessing we see more of the same for the same reasons as he begins to define the team and program based on his recruits.

May be another tough year.
Aug 28, 2011
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I would guess that BD may get more of his second year recruits involved early in playing time. He needs to build depth, and if he was satisfied with the talent of upper classmen he inherited in 2014, there wouldn't have been a need to get fresh skill sets and attitudes on the field as soon as he did last year.

I'm guessing we see more of the same for the same reasons as he begins to define the team and program based on his recruits.

May be another tough year.
unfortunately, a fair assessment...
Aug 26, 2011
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Based off roster and participation chart - I got Atkins, Briley, Britton, Gallaer, Lawley, Moore, Oak, Thompson and R. Williams (includes walk-ons).
Sep 30, 2014
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I would guess that BD may get more of his second year recruits involved early in playing time. He needs to build depth, and if he was satisfied with the talent of upper classmen he inherited in 2014, there wouldn't have been a need to get fresh skill sets and attitudes on the field as soon as he did last year.

I'm guessing we see more of the same for the same reasons as he begins to define the team and program based on his recruits.

May be another tough year.

Yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up for year two. It'll probably be another year of getting young guys experience, which only means mostly uncertain results. 2016 will be the real test.
Jul 8, 2013
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Yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up for year two. It'll probably be another year of getting young guys experience, which only means mostly uncertain results. 2016 will be the real test.
I'm not sure I want to hang around the Boneyard if BD takes another mulligan next year to prepare for 2016. The suicide watch on here would become a 24/7 necessity.

To be honest, as much as I want to build for the future, I'm not sure I can handle another season of losing to the dregs of the conference. It's been real tough.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not sure I want to hang around the Boneyard if BD takes another mulligan next year to prepare for 2016. The suicide watch on here would become a 24/7 necessity.

To be honest, as much as I want to build for the future, I'm not sure I can handle another season of losing to the dregs of the conference. It's been real tough.
Um, UConn IS the dregs of the conference at present. Beating oneself on the field only accounts for a win by the opposition.:(
Aug 28, 2011
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I'm not sure I want to hang around the Boneyard if BD takes another mulligan next year to prepare for 2016. The suicide watch on here would become a 24/7 necessity.

To be honest, as much as I want to build for the future, I'm not sure I can handle another season of losing to the dregs of the conference. It's been real tough.

I'm in full Pasqualoni mode. Next year is a total loss. Never mind an energy bucket, I've got an empty piss bucket, and it's ready for the steaming, fizzing, stream of losses I expect to see next year.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I'm not sure I want to hang around the Boneyard if BD takes another mulligan next year to prepare for 2016. The suicide watch on here would become a 24/7 necessity.

To be honest, as much as I want to build for the future, I'm not sure I can handle another season of losing to the dregs of the conference. It's been real tough.

I'm waiting for the Courant article about Horde members picketing outside Warde's house demanding Diaco's firing...wonder when that'll appear by.
Aug 26, 2011
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Urban Meyer: I stole from Pete Carroll; we don't want to redshirt guys

>>“Really disappointed we didn't play them. A lot of those guys redshirted,” Meyer said of the class of 2013 players. “I was very disappointed, and they weren't ready. We don't redshirt. It's not like we are going to say, ‘Hey, let's save them for the '17 year and let's have a heck of a year.’ You can't do that now, because they are all gone, any ways, after three. If you're a great player, you're gone, so play them. If they are not good enough, don't play them.<<

>>So that's the mentality we have when we go out and recruit. When they are here, we don't say, ‘We are going to save you and let you mature a little bit.' That used to be a big deal in college football. Pete Carroll, I stole him from him. One day, I was listening to him talk at USC back in 2006, and he says, ‘We don't redshirt guys here.’ I thought, how cool is that? Go out and recruit guys that go play. Because kids want to play."

I'll wait for the inevitable argument regarding the "quality/skill set" of tOSU-USCw recruits and UConn recruits but...
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Feb 21, 2012
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Urban Meyer: I stole from Pete Carroll; we don't want to redshirt guys

>>“Really disappointed we didn't play them. A lot of those guys redshirted,” Meyer said of the class of 2013 players. “I was very disappointed, and they weren't ready. We don't redshirt. It's not like we are going to say, ‘Hey, let's save them for the '17 year and let's have a heck of a year.’ You can't do that now, because they are all gone, any ways, after three. If you're a great player, you're gone, so play them. If they are not good enough, don't play them.<<

>>So that's the mentality we have when we go out and recruit. When they are here, we don't say, ‘We are going to save you and let you mature a little bit.' That used to be a big deal in college football. Pete Carroll, I stole him from him. One day, I was listening to him talk at USC back in 2006, and he says, ‘We don't redshirt guys here.’ I thought, how cool is that? Go out and recruit guys that go play. Because kids want to play."

I'll wait for the inevitable argument regarding the "quality/skill set" of tOSU-USCw recruits and UConn recruits but...

Sounds about right - he basically lies to kids. Says that "we don't redshirt guys" but if the kids aren't ready to play, then they don't play, and get red shirted. Call it whatever you want, that's a red shirt. Of course every big-time recruit thinks they will be ready to play right away. He uses their confidence to manipulate them, and knows for sure some of the kids he is saying this to will not be ready to play, particularly linemen. I am not saying that we don't do this also, but I do think it's funny that Myer openly tells everyone about it and acts like he's really disappointed he didn't "get to play them" like we are morons.

In any event, we are not at a level of recruiting where this matters (yet). I don't think we are actively looking to recruit guys who will red shirt, but at this point we either have to choose between the high upside guy who needs a year to build up to college level or a kid who can play right away but isn't as talented. I definitely prefer the high upside guys who need to red shirt, because once the lull us over after a year or two, there is a new batch ready to come off red shirt every year. It just delays the upswing. Hopefully Diaco improves a bit next year in his in game coaching we we get 5-6 wins and then get the big jump in 2016 when "his guys" are matured. I think it's pretty clear that is the plan now, and it's a good one for where we are at. Nick Saban might be the only guy who could have come in here and started pulling 4* guys right out of the gate. This sheet show wasn't getting turned around over night. Even if Diaco ends up not being the right coach, his style of recruiting and strength program will leave the next guy with some pieces to work with.
Aug 28, 2011
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Sounds about right - he basically lies to kids. Says that "we don't redshirt guys" but if the kids aren't ready to play, then they don't play, and get red shirted. Call it whatever you want, that's a red shirt. Of course every big-time recruit thinks they will be ready to play right away. He uses their confidence to manipulate them, and knows for sure some of the kids he is saying this to will not be ready to play, particularly linemen. I am not saying that we don't do this also, but I do think it's funny that Myer openly tells everyone about it and acts like he's really disappointed he didn't "get to play them" like we are morons.

You should take a look at his roster.

By my quick count (probably off by one or two, but the point stands) 67 players show the same class year as eligibility year. Meaning they haven't redshirted. Out of the 67 players who haven't been redshirted, only 23 are freshmen.

I think rosters are maxed out at 105. So roughly 2/3rds of his players have never redshirted. Of those, about 1/3rd are freshman.

If we eliminate the freshmen (even though statistics tell us that somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3rds of them won't redshirt) then 82 players remain, 44 never redshirted. 54% of his sophomores, juniors, and seniors, never redshirted. Factoring in the likely 2 or 3 players that took legitimate medical redshirts, and're claims his lying and manipulation just don't hold water.

But hey, it wouldn't be the internet if we let the facts get in the way of a good rant, amiright!
Aug 26, 2011
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Urban Meyer: I stole from Pete Carroll; we don't want to redshirt guys

>>“Really disappointed we didn't play them. A lot of those guys redshirted,” Meyer said of the class of 2013 players. “I was very disappointed, and they weren't ready. We don't redshirt. It's not like we are going to say, ‘Hey, let's save them for the '17 year and let's have a heck of a year.’ You can't do that now, because they are all gone, any ways, after three. If you're a great player, you're gone, so play them. If they are not good enough, don't play them.<<

>>So that's the mentality we have when we go out and recruit. When they are here, we don't say, ‘We are going to save you and let you mature a little bit.' That used to be a big deal in college football. Pete Carroll, I stole him from him. One day, I was listening to him talk at USC back in 2006, and he says, ‘We don't redshirt guys here.’ I thought, how cool is that? Go out and recruit guys that go play. Because kids want to play."

I'll wait for the inevitable argument regarding the "quality/skill set" of tOSU-USCw recruits and UConn recruits but...
That is OK if you get Florida or Ohio State type recruits. How many current UConn freshman recruits can be looked at as 2-3 year players?
Feb 21, 2012
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You should take a look at his roster.

By my quick count (probably off by one or two, but the point stands) 67 players show the same class year as eligibility year. Meaning they haven't redshirted. Out of the 67 players who haven't been redshirted, only 23 are freshmen.

I think rosters are maxed out at 105. So roughly 2/3rds of his players have never redshirted. Of those, about 1/3rd are freshman.

If we eliminate the freshmen (even though statistics tell us that somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3rds of them won't redshirt) then 82 players remain, 44 never redshirted. 54% of his sophomores, juniors, and seniors, never redshirted. Factoring in the likely 2 or 3 players that took legitimate medical redshirts, and're claims his lying and manipulation just don't hold water.

But hey, it wouldn't be the internet if we let the facts get in the way of a good rant, amiright!

I didn't have to fact check, it says right in the article that 7 freshman red shirted. So saying "we don't red shirt players" is more accurate and honest than "if you're good enough to play you will have every opportunity to play" if you only red shirt a certain amount of players? Is that your point? When you say that you absolutely will not do something that there is a real possibility you will do, it's manipulative in my book.
Aug 28, 2011
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I didn't have to fact check, it says right in the article that 7 freshman red shirted. So saying "we don't red shirt players" is more accurate and honest than "if you're good enough to play you will have every opportunity to play" if you only red shirt a certain amount of players? Is that your point? When you say that you absolutely will not do something that there is a real possibility you will do, it's manipulative in my book.

It's ironic you know, that you said he's talking to us like we're morons because sometimes the shoe fits.

He didn't say they absolutely do not redshirt players. What he is saying, which is both obvious from reading the entire article rather than adding the word "absolutely" (not his word) to a quote, and from looking at his roster is that if you're good enough, you'll play. If not, you won't. That's not lip service, he's put into practice what a lot of coaches say and don't do. He is being more honest than most coaches.

Perhaps you don't like him and are being intentionally obtuse, but he is obviously saying they don't have the mindset that they will automatically redshirt all freshman and save them for a later year regardless of how good they are. That was the old model, not his. What's clear from his word and his practices is that he plays the best players.

But maybe some of us are morons and can't understand how that honesty is manipulation.
Aug 28, 2011
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That is OK if you get Florida or Ohio State type recruits. How many current UConn freshman recruits can be looked at as 2-3 year players?

doesn't matter. If they are physically and mentally ready to challenge for a starting or backup position they should play. We need to win games now, the players that can win games should be the ones that get the most time. "Saving" players for future seasons is outdated. Most lineman aren't yet physically developed enough to play, this is true. So if they can't contribute, then redshirt them. But if they can, and they don't play, then we aren't trying to win, we are trying to tread water.
Feb 21, 2012
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WingU-Conn said:
It's ironic you know, that you said he's talking to us like we're morons because sometimes the shoe fits. He didn't say they absolutely do not redshirt players. What he is saying, which is both obvious from reading the entire article rather than adding the word "absolutely" (not his word) to a quote, and from looking at his roster is that if you're good enough, you'll play. If not, you won't. That's not lip service, he's put into practice what a lot of coaches say and don't do. He is being more honest than most coaches. Perhaps you don't like him and are being intentionally obtuse, but he is obviously saying they don't have the mindset that they will automatically redshirt all freshman and save them for a later year regardless of how good they are. That was the old model, not his. What's clear from his word and his practices is that he plays the best players. But maybe some of us are morons and can't understand how that honesty is manipulation.

"We don't redshirt" - Urban Meyer. And he says he stole from Pete Carroll, who said "we don't red shirt guys here". Both coaches redshirted players. Both known by the General college football public to be huge scum bags. You think if these guys say that to a 17 year old the kid is not thinking that I will be playing year 1? I know he goes on to say that it's not "his mindset" to red shirt guys, but it's very clear he's using "we don't red shirt" as a quoteable phrase to attract recruits
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