I was saying exactly the opposite of we're never going to land any recruits. I was saying from the start that this guys entire resume showed he was going to be killer on the recruiting trail. In fact, when it comes to recruiting, what happened with Warde saved UConn, because a certain New Yorker's people told the New York Post that he wasn't coming to UConn because of the interim tag. Thank god for that, because otherwise UConn would have recruited a kid who got in trouble for alleged s e xual assault. So that's good. But the fact is many of us took a lot of guff for NEVER doubting Ollie on this board, so I'm a gonna crow now that I knew he was the right choice, for a variety of reasons which we don't really need to go into, and that if he wants to max out now, he deserves it, and he can't be blamed. He's a rising star. And the fact is, even if Ollie isn't vindictive (I don't know why you phrased it like that, since this isn't a matter of revenge at all; it's a matter of playing hardball instead of taking a hometown discount), we do know that a whole slew of people in Ollie's camp were none too thrilled by the interim tag. They knew this guy was held in high esteem in many quarters, and they thought it was total bush league. And before people defend Warde on this one (Manuel actually gets a pass now for everything from me if only for the dumb luck of not landing Austin) realize that many of us took a lot of guff here for defending Ollie 100% from the start.