Hope Warde is being this proactive | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Hope Warde is being this proactive

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Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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If and this is a big IF they score Narduzzi will their be enough dough leftover for asst coaches?
Aug 27, 2011
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WM is actively monitoring the situation...

I actually think WM will make the right call... Unlike CR, this is completely within his control and I think he's done pretty well with how he has hired coaches.
Better than 50/50 it's Weist. I tell you.
Oct 1, 2011
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Fwiw, my wife used to work for Burton at World Color. Now works for a Burton disciple that still maintains close contact. Here is what he told her today:

"the special committee to select the uconn football coach is made up of burton, his son mike, an outside consultant and the athletic director."

Again, this may just be Burton's ego but it sounds like he will have a lot of say

If it's Nutt or the other guy with a Murray State connection whose name escapes me this board will be asking BB to take his name off the facility. BB was 1,000 percent right about P and JH last go-round but hope Warde isn't ridiculously deferential this time. WM should listen, nod, confer and leave the room making BB think he made the decision to hire Naduzzi or his ilk.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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I hope that we, the Boneyard, can cope with and understand that we are not "in the know" with any of the happenings going on, nor should we be. I'm glad it's been quiet with no leaks. I just have to hope that Warde is doing his due dilligence and has his list vetted, which may or may not include Lembo. We shall see.
I agree with this and part of me wants to believe that the reason Lembo will end up going to Wake, if he does, is because we've already done our work and decided he wasn't what we were looking for. I know WM said he wouldn't make a decision to disrupt anyone's season but that's BS that he doesn't already know who his short list is by now and had some conversations with agents, etc....My hope is that we've already did our homework on Lembo and either decided to go in another direction or a higher preference candidate is more likely?? Just a hope! Helps with the sanity as well....
Aug 26, 2011
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Better than 50/50 it's Weist. I tell you.

I don't get it. Really just don't get it. And I like TJ but we need a name that is either recognized as big time or has a track record of success as a head coach imo. I happen to prefer the head coach but that's just me.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'd give Warde the benefit of the doubt, except he has already shown the inability to act boldly or lead.
Sep 21, 2011
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I'd love Narduzzi, but something tells me that it's just not going to happen.

It sounds just too damn good to be true. Or maybe it's just that the stench of the last 3 years is still in my nose.

Hope I'm wrong.
Aug 26, 2011
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Hmmm..... at first glance was not happy about Burton and his kid being 50% of the search committee. Not sure any one person, besides the AD, should have that much influence on something the entire state should have a vested interest in but.... if the guy is that passionate about UConn football and is (A)willing to throw his own money into the kitty to find the right guy and (B) donate his time for the cause, then let him have his fun.

As far as Weist goes, even if he blows out Memphis, can the guy and what ever staff he comes up with for next year recruit players capable of making UConn a perennial top 25 team? Bottom line is that P was supposed to be a step up from Edsall and that didn't happen. Will Weist simply be Edsall part-2? That might get you a winning season and a bid to a bowl game but will it get you a seat in the playoffs which looks like our only ticket into the B1G or ACC at this point. Next guy that takes the reins of the football team needs to rope in some ringers. Four stars have to start trickling in here.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I agree with this and part of me wants to believe that the reason Lembo will end up going to Wake, if he does, is because we've already done our work and decided he wasn't what we were looking for. I know WM said he wouldn't make a decision to disrupt anyone's season but that's BS that he doesn't already know who his short list is by now and had some conversations with agents, etc....My hope is that we've already did our homework on Lembo and either decided to go in another direction or a higher preference candidate is more likely?? Just a hope! Helps with the sanity as well....
We have some idea of who our candidate list is from twitter, but we don't know how much of that is speculation vs. actual inside knowledge from sources close to WM, what order the list is in, or how many of those names have mutual interest. It sounds like Lembo doesn't have as much interest, though until he is announced for Wake (or somewhere else) there might be a chance that could change. At this point it is also possible that WM is targeting people a few slots down the list that we don't have knowledge of, in case Narduzzi (or whoever are his top few choices) get scooped up over the next 7 days or so.

To quote The Dude (of LA, not of WV) - "lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous... "
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