Hope Randy's dream job was worth it | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Hope Randy's dream job was worth it

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Aug 29, 2011
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One of my favorite memories of the FHCRE era was the entire stadium chanting "B-C-S" when we beat Cincy at The Rent going to USF... Classic.

that was only 4 years ago.

What's really sad, and is the worst part of the past few seasons, is that the student body has been disengaged. Us old farts that piss and moan about it all, will most likely all sign the papers and re-up for another year when the time comes, we'll all just think about it a little more.

But we have now an entire 4 year class of students that have never experienced a winning football program and what it's like. That's difficult for the program, given our unique arrangements regarding the home field location, transportation, and conference environment, and it's those students, that are the ones who are going to turn into the old farts like us, making decisions about such things.

Winning, doesn't fix problems, but it tends to cover up all the problems really well.
Nov 21, 2012
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I could never ever imagine putting in 12 + years into building a program from scratch, having success, only to leave at such a crucial time of change in college athletics as the program and all that work goes crashing into the ground in spectacular fashion.
Do you still sit up at night and cry about the girl who dumped you in high school?

You could not sound like a bigger cry baby. Get over it, move on.
Oct 13, 2012
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I'm sure he's quite happy with his decision, considering he's coaching in the B10 and going to a bowl game.

Not everyone is Jim Calhoun. Edsall put us in a good spot and made a jump that was good for him and his family. Had we not made the worst hire imaginable, we probably would've kept the success going and ended up in a P5 conference.

Our predicament is not Randy Edsall's fault at all.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm sure he's quite happy with his decision, considering he's coaching in the B10 and going to a bowl game.

Not everyone is Jim Calhoun. Edsall put us in a good spot and made a jump that was good for him and his family. Had we not made the worst hire imaginable, we probably would've kept the success going and ended up in a P5 conference.

Our predicament is not Randy Edsall's fault at all.

If Diaco is able to hold the recruiting class together he's put together, and make good on the simple numbers of players that he is bringing in, we will have finally have corrected the simple numbers game slide with NLI recruiting cycles that started the year after Randy Edsall first interviewed for a job elsewhere. That being the end of 2007 for Georgia Tech, and then with the 2008 recruiting cycle. Pasqualoni started addressing it, bringing in as many players from everywhere and anywhere in 2 1/4 seasons, and trying to stockpile them in prep schools as was the model 25 years ago, and Diaco has been scrambling and recruiting to build a class that will be in excess of 25 new scholarship and approaching 30 new scholarship players by fall 2015.

That is most definitely Randy Edsall's fault, and why I dislike the man. I could care less about the manner in which he actually abruptly left, the way he did that, was just symptomatic of his personality.
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