What a nice gesture. Thank you, and thanks for thinking of me. I'm wishing you and yours all the best this holiday season. May 2020 be the best year yet for you and your family. May God's blessings, mercy and favor be with you.
Family is the most important treasure that we have. NOTHING is more important than family. Family like life should
never be taken for granted. Tomorrow is not promised. I almost cashed my chips the week before Thanksgiving (blood clots in my lungs and heart). I'm OK now, but it was a very close call. I'm thankful for everyday I wake up. Everyday above ground is a good day.
There are thousands of people that have no one to share the holidays with, thus the holiday season is not a joyous time for them. Even if it's for one day, they would love to be able to spend a day with family or loved ones.
I'm long passed the need to receive gifts for Christmas. I became Santa Claus to my wife, kids and grands a long time ago. Being with my wife, children and grandchildren (and in laws) at our annual family Christmas dinner, watching them open their gifts and looking at the glee and satisfaction on their faces as they open their presents is more than enough Christmas cheer for me, although I keep looking for that new Ford F150 Lariat crew-cab pick up under the tree every year.
Nothing yet, but I'm not giving up hope. Maybe someone in the family will win the lottery and bless me.

Christmas for me is a time to reflect on the past year, and all that I have to be thankful for.
For many, Christmas is the one time each year when family members come together from all over the country, to enjoy each other's company and fellowship, and share stories about the their family, and where life has taken them the past year.
Remember the reason for the season. This is my favorite time of the year. I like to share what we have with others less fortunate. My church has an "adopt a family for Christmas" program every year that I participate in.
It blesses me as much to give as it does the family that receives it. There are a lot of people out there that are hurting and can use a little help. It really is more blessed to give than receive.
The other reason I like this time of year is because it's basketball season, and our girls are mounting their assault on the rest of WCBB, as they march towards another final four, and another national championship.
Having the Boneyard makes it a lot more fun. Think how dull and listless the season would be WITHOUT it.

Parish the thought. I admit it, I'm addicted to the yard.

I'm really looking forward to the second half of the season, especially the games against Baylor, Oregon, SC and Tennessee. We have not played a top 10 ranked team yet, so these games will tell us exactly where we are.
Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous new year to
all of my boneyard brethren, even our non-UConn regulars. Keep posting.
Be a blessing to someone this holiday season. It will bless you as much as it will them. Thanks again for thinking of me, I appreciate it. This roll call was a great idea. Let's do it every year. Go Huskies.
Carnac aka Scoop.