Hire the Coordinator | The Boneyard

Hire the Coordinator

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Aug 26, 2011
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I don't think either Chris Ash or DJ Durkin had the level of stature that either Tom Herman or Chad Morris or Philip Montgomery had before entering AAC Universities. Nor Pat Narduzzi. Nor Bob Diaco. Nor Kirby Smart. Now, they both have $2m+ jobs in the P5 B1G and off they go.

That is a fairly full run of coordinators rising in the Eastern half of the US. (add in Matt Rhule, Justin Fuente, Barry Odom, Scott Frost, Tracy Clayes)

That seems to be a lean to the Coordinators (Durkin & Ash (and Narduzzi & Diaco) beyond the hiring of lower level HCs or retread guys. At big numbers ($2m ... remember Scott Frost turned down $1.2m from Syracuse). There will be a Muschamp amongst these. As you rise beyond our Group of 5, I think it is a more risky move for a Coordinator; that is a far higher starting salary & they are all getting 5 year contracts. Yes, I am saying maybe RU or Maryland reached some on this.
Aug 28, 2011
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I really wanted Frost when we hired Diaco. It will be interesting to watch how he handles his program over the next couple of years.
Aug 27, 2011
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I was surprised by the UMD hiring but not the RU hiring. UMD supposedly had all of this UA money they were ready to throw at a big name.

For RU it's pretty simple - the job is career suicide. The Diaco talk linking him there was nuts.
Aug 26, 2011
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All of these guys.

Frost comes in with a set list in his back pocket of 4-6 guys that can come with him. But he is a guy who with a Nebraska pedigree (and Northern Iowa and Stanford). How does that translate into the highly competitive Florida recruiting market where we just saw George O'Leary was getting knocked around by USF/Taggert. (let alone UF and FSU) Narduzzi has good Western PA guys on staff. Herman knew the Texas market ... as did Morris and Montgomery. My bias is towards the guy that can immediately get into kids homes because he knows the HS coaches you need to have. Durkin in MD/DC or Ash in NJ?

BTW ... Diaco's Iowa background has intrigued me. We do have parallels in how we recruit to what Iowa does.
Sep 17, 2011
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The Diaco talk linking him there was nuts.
Or it was his agent stirring the pot and making sure his name is out there not necessarily for today but for the next go around if he continues to have success.
May 23, 2013
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I was surprised by the UMD hiring but not the RU hiring. UMD supposedly had all of this UA money they were ready to throw at a big name.

For RU it's pretty simple - the job is career suicide. The Diaco talk linking him there was nuts.
What....thats a myth from before you guys even played D1 FB.......NFL is suicide..thats where GS went..Bill Belechic swears by RU developed players..... . let it go....its a B1G job now...Ash was told SU was suicide and passed to get the RU job...Narduzzi would have jumped for it last cycle.....that would'nt have been the case 10 yrs ago.JS.....YOU ARE SO TRANSPARENT.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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All of these guys.

Frost comes in with a set list in his back pocket of 4-6 guys that can come with him. But he is a guy who with a Nebraska pedigree (and Northern Iowa and Stanford). How does that translate into the highly competitive Florida recruiting market where we just saw George O'Leary was getting knocked around by USF/Taggert. (let alone UF and FSU) Narduzzi has good Western PA guys on staff. Herman knew the Texas market ... as did Morris and Montgomery. My bias is towards the guy that can immediately get into kids homes because he knows the HS coaches you need to have. Durkin in MD/DC or Ash in NJ?

BTW ... Diaco's Iowa background has intrigued me. We do have parallels in how we recruit to what Iowa does.

You'd have to be a flat out maniac to take the Missouri or Rutgers jobs. No surprise they did so poorly.

Maryland gives you a puncher's


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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What....thats a myth from before you guys even played D1 FB..NFL is suicide..thats where GS went..Bill Belechic swears by RU developed players..... . let it go....its a B1G job now...Ash was told SU was suicide and passed to get the RU job...Narduzzi would have jumped for it last cycle.....that would'nt have been the case 10 yrs ago.JS.....YOU ARE SO TRANSPARENT.

Can you google Rutgers to English?
Aug 27, 2011
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What....thats a myth from before you guys even played D1 FB..NFL is suicide..thats where GS went..Bill Belechic swears by RU developed players..... . let it go....its a B1G job now...Ash was told SU was suicide and passed to get the RU job...Narduzzi would have jumped for it last cycle.....that would'nt have been the case 10 yrs ago.JS.....YOU ARE SO TRANSPARENT.

LOL. Syracuse did light years better with Babers. RU is career suicide whether you like it or not. Doesn't really matter what you think. You think there's another reason why they had to dip in for a Co-DC that nobody else had on their list?
Aug 27, 2011
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Or it was his agent stirring the pot and making sure his name is out there not necessarily for today but for the next go around if he continues to have success.

Right. There was nothing to it. Diaco would have been insane to take that job. And if RU was really looking at Diaco it tells you what kind of pool they were swimming in during this search.
Aug 27, 2011
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Just so we're clear guys - Ash was offered the SU job but turned them down to take the RU job on the premise that SU was career suicide. SU then lucked into hiring Dino Babers by accident. Nevermind that Babers is universally considered a better hire than Ash. NickyNewark told us so.

You can't make up NickyNewark.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Got to side with Jimmy here - I was surprised at Maryland's hire. I think it will turn out to be a good hire, but just surprised that it wasn't a "bigger" name given all of the rumblings we heard about UA wanting to throw some loot around.

I wasn't surprised at all about Rutgers' hire. We've hashed out all of the reasons why - no money, athletic department in shambles, program mired in criminal muck, lack of strong leadership, century of losing, etc. His salary fell in line with the range I thought they would max out at - $2M (which UConn could have very easily matched if Diaco was their guy). There was a better chance of Rutgers hiring me as their head coach than Bob Diaco.
Aug 28, 2011
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I really wanted Frost when we hired Diaco. It will be interesting to watch how he handles his program over the next couple of years.

I agree what your thinking... Hire a guy from the offensive side of the ball, but the powers that be at UCONN were hell bent on a defensive guy (again).. I don't mind, but we continue to look a bit inept on offense.. albeit we're getting better now.. I hope we finally truly get better and stay consistent on that side of the ball. I'm still not sold on what we have. I would hope no one is. So far, we've shown the ability to move the football from the 20 to the 20 but we struggle, for the most part, after that.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think the RU is a career suicide job is overstated. Schiano and Flood had okay success. Kansas State was career suicide and Bill Snyder got it done there. As always, every job comes down to hiring the right guy and then paying them enough to keep them. Hire a shittty coach, you will get shittty results. I also think the Kevin Plank Under Armour money thing is proving to be more of a myth than anything at UM. Their last two hires haven't exactly wowed people.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree what your thinking... Hire a guy from the offensive side of the ball, but the powers that be at UCONN were hell bent on a defensive guy (again).. I don't mind, but we continue to look a bit inept on offense.. albeit we're getting better now.. I hope we finally truly get better and stay consistent on that side of the ball. I'm still not sold on what we have. I would hope no one is. So far, we've shown the ability to move the football from the 20 to the 20 but we struggle, for the most part, after that.
You know what will help with those last 20 yds? Explosive players on offense. Diaco needs more than one full recruiting cycle before we can judge him on that. Everything can't be scheme. We need players that can make one guy miss and finish explosive plays. I'm hopeful Beals and Mayala can be that. Need more RBs to show flasher beside Arkeel.
May 23, 2013
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LOL. Syracuse did light years better with Babers. RU is career suicide whether you like it or not. Doesn't really matter what you think. You think there's another reason why they had to dip in for a Co-DC that nobody else had on their list?
Riiiigght....except its not what I think....its what Urban Meyer thought....suggested he steer clear of Cuse and take the RU job..check out the Buckeyes or even Cuse's board...you like Babers....follow Cuse. I KNOW......he removed himself from consideration to give Babers the Cuse job...of course you know CFB better than UM or anybody in your mind...LOL..the great Serrano is always right. BTW....I see bstimpy reinvented himself as HOO'S THAT or something similar on Cuses board ..3 yrs ago he was ''stimpycuse'' as soon as Cuse jumped to the ACC....A Cavalier fan on Cuses board with over a 1000 posts AND likes....he seems to be diligently eastern ACC...
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Sep 17, 2011
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Riiiigght....except its not what I think....its what Urban Meyer thought....suggested he steer clear of Cuse and take the RU job..check out the Buckeyes or even Cuse's board...you like Babers....follow Cuse. I KNOW.he removed himself from consideration to give Babers the Cuse job...of course you know CFB better than UM or anybody in your mind...LOL..the great Serrano is always right.
Says the guy who believes that wrestling is a self sustaining sport with a much broader fan appeal than hockey could ever hope to have.
May 23, 2013
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No, not everyone. But you? Yes. Absolutely. Without question.
YAAAWNNNNNNN....i doubt you know anything worth knowing except how to be disagreeable with anyone except those few who think you're right.....thats why 7 have you on ignore...
May 23, 2013
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Says the guy who believes that wrestling is a self sustaining sport with a much broader fan appeal than hockey could ever hope to have.
did i say that....no. Both are niche/olympics sports with moderate followings.
May 23, 2013
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Got to side with Jimmy here - I was surprised at Maryland's hire. I think it will turn out to be a good hire, but just surprised that it wasn't a "bigger" name given all of the rumblings we heard about UA wanting to throw some loot around.

I wasn't surprised at all about Rutgers' hire. We've hashed out all of the reasons why - no money, athletic department in shambles, program mired in criminal muck, lack of strong leadership, century of losing, etc. His salary fell in line with the range I thought they would max out at - $2M (which UConn could have very easily matched if Diaco was their guy). There was a better chance of Rutgers hiring me as their head coach than Bob Diaco.
Narduzzi was runner up according to their premium board according to most knowledgable posters there.
May 23, 2013
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Just so we're clear guys - Ash was offered the SU job but turned them down to take the RU job on the premise that SU was career suicide. SU then lucked into hiring Dino Babers by accident. Nevermind that Babers is universally considered a better hire than Ash. NickyNewark told us so.

You can't make up NickyNewark.
I did......but that you're real is scary.As far as who's the better hire....we'll know 3 yrs from now. On another thought...Make that 8 that I know of.
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Aug 27, 2011
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YAAAWNNNNNNN....i doubt you know anything worth knowing except how to be disagreeable with anyone except those few who think you're right.....thats why 7 have you on ignore...

God that post couldn't be more pathetic. Did you want me to acknowledge you after all of these years of not responding to your nonsense? Almost dinner time gramps.
May 23, 2013
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Why read the board........Junior has all the answers...let him give us all the answers.
Aug 27, 2011
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I did.but that you're real is scary.As far as who's the better hire....we'll know 3 yrs from now.But of course it MUST be BABERS....JS says so..

Of course Ash could be the next big thing and do wonders at RU. But based on their experience and accomplishments, the consensus among college football experts (as opposed to message board posters), is that Cuse got the better hire.
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