80 mph winds and wind chill of -65 degrees on summit of Mt Wash today (Thanksgiving). Wind gust of 231 mph world record.
When I was still married, my ex and I took our 3 YO daughter to the top of Mt. Washington. It was July and at the base, it was a gorgeous summer day in NE. By the time we got to the top, it was hailing.
Because it was JULY, we had some long pants but no long sleeve shirts. We bought fleeces in the gift shop wherever the gift shop is on the mountain because it was so freaking cold.
One of my favorite pictures, ever, is of my daughter and I hazed out in the clouds at the top of the mountain. We are laughing our head’s off because we’re cold and IN A CLOUD!
I would love to go to the top again but I’m a bad driver. There are few people I would trust to drive to the top of that mountain. While he’s an ex, I can say it says a lot about him that I would trust him today to drive me to the top of that mountain. He’s truly one of the most reliable drivers and has such fear of everything that there is no way he would let his 3 YO daughter off the road. Even me because I’m the mother of that 3 YO (now 13). One of the scariest roads to drive on ever.
Happy Thanksgiving, BY!