I have a feeling that Stewie (the player) will pop up on campus sometime during Paige's tenure. I'm hoping that Stewie (the dog) also comes to visit or stay.Paige never got to play with UConn's Stewie but she got to hold Azzi's Stewie. ^^^^
Every time I watch one of these I find new things to marvel at. She is such a complete player. The no look passes, the jumper on the run, the stutter step to free herself up, the great outlet passes, the fake pass into a layup... I cannot wait for the games to start so that I can watch those jaw dropping moments in real time.OMG, a wizard with a deceptive grin and no-look passes.Who wouldn't like to play with her? You run the floor, you get the ball. I can see her getting a lot of assists because Aubrey and Christyn love to run the floor on fast breaks.
Good point, I have noticed that on her videos as well. We have a team that will want to get out and go, so Paige may have to be sped up a bit. By the way that is not an issue with Nika at all, you can see on her clips that she always seems to push the pace. The good news is I'm sure Paige can do that and get used to pushing the ball up the floor.One thing in Paige's interview was that she said she needs to adjust her game to always bring up the ball by running full speed and Evina is on her to do that At Hopkins, she was often very deliberate but Geno wants fast break speed on each play.
I hope the opposing teams have good medical personnel because PB is going to leave a lot of players with some very soar ankles.