Hank Hughes unleashed..... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Hank Hughes unleashed.....

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Aug 27, 2011
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Nobody is saying they played poorly.

Is this really a thread about whether our defense played well on Saturday??????

6 points, com'on!

Of course they played well. Nobody has said they didn't. But the title of the thread is "Hank Hughes Unleashed"...which is a little over the top IMO. Last I checked, he was the DC when we played Buffalo also. We'll see if this holds, but it was USF (who isn't very good - and who was missing guys on offense). I'm hopeful that it does. I think he might have more reign under TJW than he had under PP. Which is probably a good thing.
Aug 27, 2011
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BL, will you be writing a "View From" this week?

It won't be a view from 241 - because he wasn't there (not getting on his case...just saying...we all miss games from time to time). Looking forward to his insight.
Apr 21, 2012
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Easy now. We had them pinned down couple of times and let them escape. They didn't end up scoring, it affects both the clock and field position, limiting our chances - and god knows we needed all of them. Overall a good effort, but don't tell me that you didn't groan when they were 3rd and long inside their own 5 and the RB runs up the gut for like 15 yards carrying 3 of our guys the whole way. 3rd down defense wasn't great in spots. That's all I'm saying.

That happens in literally every game ever.....played.........Every single NFL defense has given up a 3rd and long inside the opponents own 20 this year.....Probably a few of them each.....Who cares. That's what happens when an offensive team successfully executes or gets a little lucky (ie a guy slips, confusion in assignments, sun in their eyes, illegal pick plays, offensive PI not called)... But it doesn't matter......because once again its all about big plays and subsequently POINTS......They gave up 6! and the long plays were 27 and 20, aside from that they had nothing all game....>AGAIN 228 yards given up! Anybody who complains about that is being ridiculous.
Aug 29, 2011
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The defense, as well as it played, did not play well enough to win. The offense, did not play well enough to win, and they didn't have nearly as good a game as the D. Same for the kicking game. They didn't play nearly well enough to win.

It's a team game, the team lost. If the defense is going to be awarded points for being the best unit on the losing team? I got no time for that. Everybody needs to play better, and that includes the defense. Hughes? He'll need to prepare, and coach differently for this Sat, than he did for last Sat, and he'll need to do a good job of it.
Aug 26, 2011
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The defense, as well as it played, did not play well enough to win. The offense, did not play well enough to win, and they didn't have nearly as good a game as the D. Same for the kicking game. They didn't play nearly well enough to win.

It's a team game, the team lost. If the defense is going to be awarded points for being the best unit on the losing team? I got no time for that. Everybody needs to play better, and that includes the defense. Hughes? He'll need to prepare, and coach differently for this Sat, than he did for last Sat, and he'll need to do a good job of it.

The defense did not play well enough to win? Um...OK. :confused:
Aug 27, 2011
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The defense, as well as it played, did not play well enough to win. The offense, did not play well enough to win, and they didn't have nearly as good a game as the D. Same for the kicking game. They didn't play nearly well enough to win.

It's a team game, the team lost. If the defense is going to be awarded points for being the best unit on the losing team? I got no time for that. Everybody needs to play better, and that includes the defense. Hughes? He'll need to prepare, and coach differently for this Sat, than he did for last Sat, and he'll need to do a good job of it.

This is all that I'm saying.
Aug 29, 2011
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The defense did not play well enough to win? Um...OK. :confused:

They didn't. Othewise we would have won.

I hate losing sports art. I frigging hate it. That run they gave up, was the turning point. Thinking that the defense played well enough to win, and being ok with it? You think that's healthy for this team?

You know better.
Aug 24, 2011
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It won't be a view from 241 - because he wasn't there (not getting on his case...just saying...we all miss games from time to time). Looking forward to his insight.

My wife is in her third townwide election this fall. She scheduled an event for a gameday. I said her event wasn't my issue. Then both the Lt. Governor and the Attorney General decided to come to her event. I could still have missed her event, but then I'd need a different wife by next election cycle.
Aug 26, 2011
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They didn't. Othewise we would have won.

I hate losing sports art. I frigging hate it. That run they gave up, was the turning point. Thinking that the defense played well enough to win, and being ok with it? You think that's healthy for this team?

You know better.

Sorry Carl but you have gone over the edge. If 6 points is not good enough, nothing will be. Now you're just attention seeking.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'll do one tonight. But it will be on the short side for a few reasons, including general disgust.

It's unfortunate that you weren't there BL. Would have liked your take. FWIW: I have no idea what the actual numbers were, but I'll go ahead and guess that the number of people still in their seats when that last pass dropped incomplete in the end zone, was near to, if not exceeding the entire gate count for the Towson game. Not only that, the entire crowd was actually hopeful for a miracle finish. Into it. Everybody in the stadium screaming for TO........

THis is what made it so emotionally and mentally draining for me. I was ecstatic, I was hopefully, I was happy. It was a beautiful day. My family and friends with me and having a great time.

But we LOST. AGAIN. I found myself wondering if I was happy after a loss? That has never happened to me before, and it had me confused. looking at things. Lashing out, being introspective.

What I've realized since, is that I wasn't happy with the loss, I was happy to see 100% effort again, and I was happy to have hope for the future.

We have a LOT Of work to do though, to climb up from where we at. On the field, and on the recruiting trail.
Aug 27, 2011
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My wife is in her third townwide election this fall. She scheduled it for a gameday. I said her event wasn't my issue. Then both the Lt. Governor and the Attorney General decided to come from her event. I could still have missed her event, but then I'd need a different wife by next election cycle.

Cool. I always wanted to meet Benson!
Aug 29, 2011
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Sorry Carl but you have gone over the edge. If 6 points is not good enough, nothing will be. Now you're just attention seeking.

No - I'm not. I'm absolutely right. This team, has to learn to think and play as a winning team again, and the attitude that one unit on the team has done enough, in a loss, is poison.

And I'm bored, and that's why I write. I could care less if anyone is paying attention. And you just motivated me to go get outside. Thanks. Forgive me if I'm cranky and not afraid to point fingers where I see fit. I've given a lot, and will continue to give a lot to this school and its ENTIRE athletic department.

I hate losing, and I'm tired of it.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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An entire thread based on the failings of a defense that allowed 6 points. There's only one way to describe this:

Aug 27, 2011
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What is your expectation bar set at?????? Unrealistic???? Or out of this world??????? The game is all about points......and our D gave up 6! The Seattle Seahawks could have only been 6 points better than our D in that game..........Gashes for big yards?? They only amassed 228 total yards......They had 7 total plays all game that went for over 10 yards...........Our D made them look like a GDL offense.......It's not much to hang our hat on because its USF....but what else can you really do???? Do they have to score 2 tds a game too just to please you?

Dude, I didn't say they played poorly. I said they played a bit above average against a really bad offensive team. That was more than enough to look dominant ,most of the time. There were break downs that had an impact on the outcome of the game. There were also turnover opportunities that were missed, meaning critical plays were not made at critical times, including several 3rd and longs. I also said, I expect they will continue to get better. Absent the outcome, I was pretty pleased with what I saw and could see the makings of a different team and higher level of play coming along on all sides of the ball. Execution was noticeably better, but the next step is guys making key plays when the opportunity presents itself. This includes making key catches and getting turnovers.
Aug 14, 2012
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This style of defense could be successful but I just don't like it. I much preferred the Don Brown way of doing things.
It would help if last years guys were still here too. Brown's scheme's might not work with this set of defenders. You take what is given by way of recruiting each year and make it work.
Feb 4, 2012
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It would help if last years guys were still here too. Brown's scheme's might not work with this set of defenders. You take what is given by way of recruiting each year and make it work.

If Don Brown was still here this defense would not be in the top 10 maybe, but I know it would be in the top 20. Like I said in a different post earlier, Sio Moore, Trevardo would not have thrived in this conservative defense. As you can see, when HH sends a blitz package its successful, but then he doesn't go back to blitzing. HH sends a blitz package once a game. With D. Browns' aggressive style defense Sio Moore thrived that's where most of his big plays came from. The blitz packages also allowed Trevardo to get one on one opportunities which he won most of the time because of his speed. Van and Ashiru have the speed and talent to blitz, so its not the lack of "talent" its simply because it's not HH style of defense.
Aug 30, 2011
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Terrible game by Hank. Our linebackers are standing around instead of attacking.
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