Its a public school so yes he can step on campus BUT he should not be welcomed to use any athletic facilities if he wanted to
I agree that he played KO and the guys, even if it was unplanned at the start
Would love to hear if he even called KO to explain and if so, what did he saythis whole Hami situation.
Saying he is an 18 yo as an excuse is BS, many of my college bound players were involved in the recruitment game and some were very competitive but none would have thought of handling the end as HD did on this one -
I hope his life becomes what he wants, but I, for one, will not be paying any attention to it
I feel for KO, I really do
A Cuse buddy of mine was quick to remind me of the similarities between that recruit they lost to Cali-Scumi, and this whole Hami situation.
You recruit a kid over a number of years, he's constantly on campus, but he then inexplicably "goes dark" over the last 10 days, and finally ends up declaring for UK. Fact is this was a shady situation which led to a shadier outcome. To simply pass it off as kids making decisions is being stupidly naive, IMO.
The NCAA sits back, says and does nothing, while Cali-Scumbag swoops in with World Wide, and gets these kids to sign on the dotted line.
Yeah, I know there's no proof or smoking gun proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, that favors are being extended . But consider that only Wooden at UCLA had this kind of recruiting streak, and we all know how his bag man, Sam Gilbert, always swooped in to seal the deal.
CaliScum-bucket is dirty. The NCAA knows it, and they choose to minimize and ignore. That's just college basketball nowadays, and we all have to live with it.