When you wrote the Inferno it was about the AAC wasn't it?
As for the record. This might be news to some but regular season records don't much matter.
Oh because UConn missed some free throws and got beat at the buzzer a few times that means we should be lumped in with East ******* Carolina. That shouldn't be an affront to a team with 4 National Championships in 15 years. A schools that spent 30 years battling night after night within the best league that has ever existed.
Oh because UConn lost some REGULAR SEASON games we should just accept Tulane and East Carolina into our hearts.
Seriously the AAC is a ******* living nightmare. UConn is in a 5 game conference stretch where 4 opponents have RPIs that HAVE THREE DIGITS AND START WITH TWO.
I was one the many who said this was a one bid league and guess what? UConn has struggle in this " C-USA league" and from the looks of it we are not getting that one bid, we are banking on the AACT
Tulsa is having a good year so let's trash them because well they are from the C-USA. We are UConn I get it I also get UConn didn't start day one with 4 national championships.
Let's attack the Memphis fan because he's pointing out how ECU is trying to get better, is that us showing class or us being jerks?
And who is lumping UConn with ECU? and what is your problem UConn losses this year was more then just missed fts, those UConn teams from the BE is not the one we seeing on the court this year is it? Last year championship team is not the one we are seeing this year either, Jesus I said I thought we would be more humble and you get your panties in a twist.
Tulsa, Houston and USF made hires to get better whats to say other won't follow. Losing to WV, Texas, Duke and Stanford is not the fault of those teams in the AAC with 300 plus RPI and its not their fault we lost at home to YALE.
The P-5 don't want us the 4 championships mean nothing to them, like it or not this is our home. How on earth did you get " accept Tulane and ECU in you heart" from what you quote me is beyond me let me ask you did you accept PC, Seton Hall, St. Johns, Syracuse , Depaul, Nova ect.. in to your heart? I guess I would understand if you heart is broken