My 2 cents.............most folks here in the yard have heard of "The peanut Gallery", but few know its origin. Anyone under 60 has no clue unless the looked it up.
Geno eclipsed her record in another way. He surpassed her win total in LESS GAMES (years) than she did.
I would like to see/hear ANYONE that makes reference to this record also mention Chris Dailey as well. She was sitting right next to him for everyone of those wins.
View attachment 63778
The Howdy Doody Show with Buffalo Bob and the Peanut Gallery - Circa 1948
I think I read somewhere that she missed a game to attend a funeral once? Geno said he could have never done it without her. Whatever banners, etc. they present Geno when it's all over, they should present CD with the same thing!!
They are a team. I understand the coach-assistant coach relationship. Theirs is a unique one. Think about it for a moment. How many coaches RIGHT NOW have coached as long as Geno has, and has had the same assistant there the whole time?