Geno Auriemma says he would hire Rick Pitino despite firing | The Boneyard

Geno Auriemma says he would hire Rick Pitino despite firing


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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It was a hypothetical question as in if you were coaching a professional team would you hire Rick Pitino.
"If I had a job opening? Yes," Auriemma said Wednesday on Barstool Sports''

Auriemma would hire Pitino despite firing

Mechelle Voepel weighs in here:
Geno Auriemma has no reason to give Rick Pitino the benefit of the doubt

"But sometimes Auriemma opts to tread on ground that you think he'd do better to avoid -- even for someone so fearlessly opinionated. Such was the subject of Rick Pitino's future employment."

I'm siding with Mechelle on this one, love Geno for being fearlessly opinionated but disagree with this particular opinion. I would not hire Pitino for any job that requires an ounce of integrity because Pitino clearly has none.



Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Geno, in clarification, said he'd hire Pitino as an Assistant Coach for a pro team. Guess Geno figured that would be safe, since the cheating potential goes way down in the pros. Still, it was a tone deaf thing for Geno to say about the singularly sleaziest guy in the game.
Jan 5, 2016
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Well, you make it in the coaching business by having friends. No telling what young woman basketball player he knows, knows of, or whose coach he knows. Pitino is really, really well-connected. And no telling when they end up on some sort of panel together. If Geno can give a lead gift to Pat Summit's charity, it shows that he has both compassion and superb political instincts. I'm sure Geno didn't want to answer that question, but handled it right: would be fine for the pro game, and dodged the bullet, really.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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I listened to the podcast earlier in the week. I'm not sure why Geno chose to go on this show but he did. The question was a silly hypothetical, I think after the hypothetical about coaching the Knicks. As soon as he answered the question the way he did, I thought to myself: "here we go." It seems he chose not to pile on someone in the coaching profession but he should know better. He always talks about the "world we live in today" but he seems to forget that the world we live in is ESPN looking for issues like this. I knew it was only a matter of time before Voepel writes about this and it's on the ESPN home page.

It reminds me of the Zach Lowe interview he did a couple of years ago. The interview was absolutely fantastic, full of interesting stories and great insights on the game. What did he also say in that interview? He mentioned that he gets emails from UConn fans after his team loses and he called them "g-d stupid fans" or something like that. What made the ESPN home page a few days after the interview? The fact that Geno called UConn fans "g-d stupid." What did Mechelle Voepel write a column about? The line about "g-d stupid fans." I don't even think she listened to the interview because there's no way that would be the takeaway from an otherwise funny, engaging and fantastic interview. It's called click bait.

I get that Geno doesn't want to come off as self-righteous on these questions. He didn't need to call Pitino a sleaze bag but he should have found a way to punt the question even though he tends not to do that. He clarified by saying he was talking hypothetically about a pro team. The questions were silly.

I wonder how Jeff Walz would answer that hypothetical question and whether his answer would make the ESPN home page.
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Oct 14, 2015
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It was a hypothetical question as in if you were coaching a professional team would you hire Rick Pitino.
"If I had a job opening? Yes," Auriemma said Wednesday on Barstool Sports''

Auriemma would hire Pitino despite firing

Mechelle Voepel weighs in here:
Geno Auriemma has no reason to give Rick Pitino the benefit of the doubt

"But sometimes Auriemma opts to tread on ground that you think he'd do better to avoid -- even for someone so fearlessly opinionated. Such was the subject of Rick Pitino's future employment."

I'm siding with Mechelle on this one, love Geno for being fearlessly opinionated but disagree with this particular opinion. I would not hire Pitino for any job that requires an ounce of integrity because Pitino clearly has none.

Since when did being a "professional" coach require any integrity?


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Well, you make it in the coaching business by having friends. No telling what young woman basketball player he knows, knows of, or whose coach he knows. Pitino is really, really well-connected. And no telling when they end up on some sort of panel together. If Geno can give a lead gift to Pat Summit's charity, it shows that he has both compassion and superb political instincts. I'm sure Geno didn't want to answer that question, but handled it right: would be fine for the pro game, and dodged the bullet, really.
Geno has many friends in the men's profession and I wish he had answered that question similar to the way one of his best friends Phil Martelli of St. Joes did.
When the FBI sting/scandal broke Phil was the radio that week and said among other things: "He was heart broken . It reflects badly on everyone in the profession that does things the right way".


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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It was a hypothetical question as in if you were coaching a professional team would you hire Rick Pitino.
"If I had a job opening? Yes," Auriemma said Wednesday on Barstool Sports''

Auriemma would hire Pitino despite firing

Mechelle Voepel weighs in here:
Geno Auriemma has no reason to give Rick Pitino the benefit of the doubt

"But sometimes Auriemma opts to tread on ground that you think he'd do better to avoid -- even for someone so fearlessly opinionated. Such was the subject of Rick Pitino's future employment."

I'm siding with Mechelle on this one, love Geno for being fearlessly opinionated but disagree with this particular opinion. I would not hire Pitino for any job that requires an ounce of integrity because Pitino clearly has none.
The question is specific. "Would you hire Pitino for a pro job?" You don't have to worry about his recruiting/moral laspes. Pitino is, undisputedly a good Xs and Os guy.

Geno's answer was fine.


Can you say UConn? I knew you could!
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah even professional athletes need prostitutes some time, And Pitino has that experience. Professional athletes get paid so when he was in a program that gave recruits money he was just prepping for the big leagues.

Methinks the Auriemma pedestal just got a little kick.


La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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Mechelle Voepel reached for some low-hanging fruit to fulfill her weekly word quota.
Jun 12, 2014
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Yeah even professional athletes need prostitutes some time, And Pitino has that experience. Professional athletes get paid so when he was in a program that gave recruits money he was just prepping for the big leagues.

Methinks the Auriemma pedestal just got a little kick.

Of course pedestal kickers have their own agendas, but perhaps Geno Auriemma is one of those "innocent until proven guilty" folks.
Apr 25, 2013
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The question is specific. "Would you hire Pitino for a pro job?" You don't have to worry about his recruiting/moral laspes. Pitino is, undisputedly a good Xs and Os guy.

Geno's answer was fine.

Come on. Geno has a lot of blind spots-- is daughter said that much. He is, sometimes, hardly a moment away from the cliff, and might very well, sadly, fall before leaving Uconn. Even a 6 grade student would read-out the ethical lapses over the 'technical' accomplishments in the question. And there are somethings you should not be 'cute' about. I have no doubt that Pitino will get another job, even at another Univ., but there are ethical concerns. Thank Heaven that Geno will never be in a situation to bring Pitino on Campus. I'm incline to think that he heard the question as: will Pitino get another job? Or, Were Pitino to be washed of his sins would give him a(nother) chance? Yes, all deserve another chance after paying for their sin(s).


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm incline to think that he heard the question as: will Pitino get another job? Or, Were Pitino to be washed of his sins would give him a(nother) chance? Yes, all deserve another chance after paying for their sin(s).
I take your statement that you are inclined to think this at face value, just as I take Geno's statement that that he was asked about whether he'd hire Pitino as an assistant on a pro team at face value. I don't see much point in calling people liars without compelling evidence.
Jan 13, 2014
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I'm incline to think that he heard the question as: will Pitino get another job? Or, Were Pitino to be washed of his sins would give him a(nother) chance? Yes, all deserve another chance after paying for their sin(s).
He didn't hear hit that way. The question was very direct: "Would you hire him?" Geno repeated the question and, after saying he would hire him if he had an open position - he said, "We all have baggage, don't we?"
Aug 26, 2011
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Voepel is a hack. Amazing how willing she is to weigh in and take a position on an integrity/cheating issue involving a MAN/men’s basketball coach and yet when the exalted Pat Summit was smearing Geno and UConn she stayed silent and neutral (and has to this day). Her “reporting” such as it was consisted of “he said, she said, who knows?” as if there was equivalency, and as if she didn’t have the sources, connections and responsibility to dig a little and get the true story. She has no credibility on honesty/cheating issues whatsoever.
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Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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The question is specific. "Would you hire Pitino for a pro job?" You don't have to worry about his recruiting/moral laspes. Pitino is, undisputedly a good Xs and Os guy.

Geno's answer was fine.
NO, the answer isn't fine. I absolutely respect everything that Geno has done not only for Women's College Basketball, not only for Women's basketball but for basketball overall-hence his enshrinement in the BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME. However, he is not perfect and this answers and others he has given over the years show he sometimes makes a mistake-and that is ok.
In this case-Rick Pitino has once again exhibited he has ZERO CHARACTER. Does that mean he doesn't know x's and o's? Of course not, but shouldn't pro sports and any profession try to keep the bar raised and not lower it to a standard where we say "ok, let's hire this guy who cheated, lied and basically did anything to win outside of the rules". That should not be in any realm of life, IMHO.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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NO, the answer isn't fine. I absolutely respect everything that Geno has done not only for Women's College Basketball, not only for Women's basketball but for basketball overall-hence his enshrinement in the BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME. However, he is not perfect and this answers and others he has given over the years show he sometimes makes a mistake-and that is ok.
In this case-Rick Pitino has once again exhibited he has ZERO CHARACTER. Does that mean he doesn't know x's and o's? Of course not, but shouldn't pro sports and any profession try to keep the bar raised and not lower it to a standard where we say "ok, let's hire this guy who cheated, lied and basically did anything to win outside of the rules". That should not be in any realm of life, IMHO.
Of course the way he cheated isn't applicable or a risk for the pros, right?


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Of sign course the way he cheated isn't applicable or a risk for the pros, right?
Which parts don't you think apply?
You mean it would be ok for professional coaches to cheat on their wives?
Or did you mean it would be ok to use prostitutes to gain a competitive advantage.
Or perhaps you mean it would be ok to bribe a public official to get one of your "professional" players out of a charge. Ethical conduct applies to ALL professions. Rick Pitino is not an ethical person. As a professional coach Pitino would just be operating under a different set of rules. The Unethical, like Pitino, find a way to twist the rules regardless of what the rules are or the profession which the rules govern.


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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Of course the way he cheated isn't applicable or a risk for the pros, right?
His lack of character is the issue and the mere fact you want to parse this that “pros” don’t have to recruit and only have to “coach” worries me greatly. Coaches still have to lead and and his past history (besides this latest incident) tells me he is not someone who should be leading any organization or group. Again, and pay attention to this- it is about aspiring to hold values high, regardless of profession. But hey, if you think any “pro” coach should have sex in after hours at a restaurant while married, have 3 people lie for you under oath, pay extortion money, have an assistant coach pay for escorts for the players and now have another coach pay off the parents money all against rules and laws that govern your profession (which the NBA has behavior rules as well), go ahead and have him as your coach but I won’t.


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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Which parts don't you think apply?
You mean it would be ok for professional coaches to cheat on their wives?
Or did you mean it would be ok to use prostitutes to gain a competitive advantage.
Or perhaps you mean it would be ok to bribe a public official to get one of your "professional" players out of a charge. Ethical conduct applies to ALL professions. Rick Pitino is not an ethical person. As a professional coach Pitino would just be operating under a different set of rules. The Unethical, like Pitino, find a way to twist the rules regardless of what the rules are or the profession which the rules govern.
Thanks Coco, I was too apoplectic in trying to type my response I didn’t see yours until I hit reply. Let me know when you’re ready to go for a “shot and a beer”, my treat.:)


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Which parts don't you think apply?
You mean it would be ok for professional coaches to cheat on their wives?
Or did you mean it would be ok to use prostitutes to gain a competitive advantage.
Or perhaps you mean it would be ok to bribe a public official to get one of your "professional" players out of a charge. Ethical conduct applies to ALL professions. Rick Pitino is not an ethical person. As a professional coach Pitino would just be operating under a different set of rules. The Unethical, like Pitino, find a way to twist the rules regardless of what the rules are or the profession which the rules govern.

His lack of character is the issue and the mere fact you want to parse this that “pros” don’t have to recruit and only have to “coach” worries me greatly. Coaches still have to lead and and his past history (besides this latest incident) tells me he is not someone who should be leading any organization or group. Again, and pay attention to this- it is about aspiring to hold values high, regardless of profession. But hey, if you think any “pro” coach should have sex in after hours at a restaurant while married, have 3 people lie for you under oath, pay extortion money, have an assistant coach pay for escorts for the players and now have another coach pay off the parents money all against rules and laws that govern your profession (which the NBA has behavior rules as well), go ahead and have him as your coach but I won’t.

"Or murder! Murder would be horrible. CL82 you support murder!!"

Sorry, I thought I'd just anticipate the next post.

Remember this isn't my opinion it's Geno's. I just understand it. The bulk of Pitino's problem's arose by his ignoring NCAA compliance rules. He wouldn't have that issue. I'm not saying that Pitino is a good guy, but he is a good coach. I think that I understand Geno's thought process and I've tried to describe it. If you disagree, that's fine, but it doesn't invalidate Geno's opinion.

(Oh and for the record, I am against murder.)
Apr 25, 2013
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I take your statement that you are inclined to think this at face value, just as I take Geno's statement that that he was asked about whether he'd hire Pitino as an assistant on a pro team at face value. I don't see much point in calling people liars without compelling evidence.

Not sure what you are reading here. I'm staying at the level of the statement itself-- that is, 'this' and not 'that' was said. It was not about who has and who do not have 'sins'. In these situations we need to be crystal clear about the question embedded in the questions: 'given these ethical concerns regarding X, would ........' One of these blunders will, one day, forced the car off the road. The graveyard of sports is filled with a lot of good Xs and Os coaches who have engaged in some unforgiving activities. Is Geno willing to hire a guy who is fine with the supplying of prostitutes, money under the table to his team because this is the NBA (not college-age young women)? The ethical question lies at the level of the acts: prostitution, exchange of money-- illegally, not at Xs and Os, not whether he is a graduate of Stanford or from a 'good' family. This should have been handled better-- I am a bit shocked that he stumbles so easily on such simple matters. Let us all give praise to Assoc. Head Coach Chris Daily for how regal she has handled herself, the team, and press. I am not knocking the man, but I do think he is slowly getting lost in his privileges. One of the little things that the team did during practices was to pinch the ear of a teammate-- getting them back to the moment (sometimes one an get lost in concentration, or simply lose concentration). Perhaps Chris Daily should pinch his ears, now and then.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Not sure what you are reading here. I'm staying at the level of the statement itself-- that is, 'this' and not 'that' was said. It was not about who has and who do not have 'sins'. In these situations we need to be crystal clear about the question embedded in the questions: 'given these ethical concerns regarding X, would ...' One of these blunders will, one day, forced the car off the road. The graveyard of sports is filled with a lot of good Xs and Os coaches who have engaged in some unforgiving activities. Is Geno willing to hire a guy who is fine with the supplying of prostitutes, money under the table to his team because this is the NBA (not college-age young women)? The ethical question lies at the level of the acts: prostitution, exchange of money-- illegally, not at Xs and Os, not whether he is a graduate of Stanford or from a 'good' family. This should have been handled better-- I am a bit shocked that he stumbles so easily on such simple matters. Let us all give praise to Assoc. Head Coach Chris Daily for how regal she has handled herself, the team, and press. I am not knocking the man, but I do think he is slowly getting lost in his privileges. One of the little things that the team did during practices was to pinch the ear of a teammate-- getting them back to the moment (sometimes one an get lost in concentration, or simply lose concentration). Perhaps Chris Daily should pinch his ears, now and then.
Too long, didn't read.

This thread has meandered quite a bit, but sum up Geno was asked whether he would hire Rick Pitino as an assistant on NBA team. He said he would. I don't find that to be a moral failing by Geno, in fact, one could argue it's just the opposite, but it's fine if you do.
Apr 10, 2015
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Geno, in clarification, said he'd hire Pitino as an Assistant Coach for a pro team. Still, it was a tone deaf thing for Geno to say about the singularly sleaziest guy in the game.

"But sometimes Auriemma opts to tread on ground that you think he'd do better to avoid -- even for someone so fearlessly opinionated. Such was the subject of Rick Pitino's future employment." Geno tends to use his less than bully pulpit with out thinking his comments to the fullest.

Thanks for the CLARIFICATION~.
What you fail to see is that I expect perfection from others--and for you to accept my faults (which you often do)
Apr 10, 2015
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Which parts don't you think apply?
You mean it would be ok for professional coaches to cheat on their wives?
Or did you mean it would be ok to use prostitutes to gain a competitive advantage.
Or perhaps you mean it would be ok to bribe a public official to get one of your "professional" players out of a charge. Ethical conduct applies to ALL professions. Rick Pitino is not an ethical person. As a professional coach Pitino would just be operating under a different set of rules. The Unethical, like Pitino, find a way to twist the rules regardless of what the rules are or the profession which the rules govern.

You went to my school. No ethical training, just ethical expectations. I've lived a life of frustration with those in high place or power positions it would seem that humans have feet of clay. Does not make it proper but I end up looking like Don Quito (sp) in a land without windmills.

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