Don't find a lot that I disagree with him about.
Don't find a lot that I disagree with him about.
The guy is a joke. Up there with Dan Gilbert and Jim Irsay.
He need to just shut up.
And yet, I agree with damn near every word...
And yet, I agree with damn near every word...
Bingo. He rutgersed that performance. totally inappropriate and if a college ikid had said those things they'b rightly be all over him. Anti-Catholic, insulting to other schools and conferences. What, he didn't couldn't fit any anti-Semitic comments in there too? Totally inappropriate for a college president! Totally. I'd even say it might rise to the level of being fired.Yeah, but that's stuff you say at the bar, not as a college president. Unprofessional, Rutgers-level behavior.
whether you agree with what he says or not does not determine whether his actions are appropriate or not.
They are not. A college president saying this stuff is ridiculous.
Yes, spin is the mark of a college president; honesty in a college president is ridiculous.
"You just can't trust those damn Catholics on a Thursday or a Friday, and so, literally, I can say that,"
I am glad you are defending a man who represents a major university taking that stance publicly. Some people get it, some do not, you and Gee clearly don't.
This guy is a piece of , when president at Vanderbilt he had a 7 million dollar home, which he said was necessary for throwing parties and fundraising. Since he has been at Ohio State he is the highest paid president in the country and has still managed to spend 8 million dollars on his expense account. These comments are par for the course for this guy.
Story is 6 months old by the way!!!
For a highly educated and respected person (check his Wiki) his words in front of an audience mimic Marge Schott and Joe Biden. Many may remember his fear that his football coach might FIRE him.
Eh, some people take things way too seriously on internet forums, some people do not. You clearly do.
The Associated Press @AP
BREAKING: Ohio State president retiring after jabs at Notre Dame, Roman Catholics, SEC in recorded remarks.
I guess other people take it seriously too
Yah, but they are not shooting the on an internet forum. Settle down chauncey.
Ok tough guy, thanks.