Yeah, personally I don’t get the whole “Gampel is a dump take”. Sure, it doesn’t have the same amenities as some of the newer arenas and could sorely use upgrades, but by no means does that make it a “dump”. I completely agree that Gampel has great sight lines to the court.. there really isn’t a bad seat in the place.
It would be tough to see Gampel torn down for a new arena but if the current structure of the building really limits renovations then I’m for it.
For hypothetical gampel renovations (with a decent amount of $$), I would LOVE (not expect) to see:
1. Luxury/suite boxes (maybe carve out the concrete above the top row of seats? Lol)
2. Chair backs throughout... let’s get those bleachers out of here.
3. A center hung video scoreboard... they can leave the two on opposing ends of the arena or maybe make they a stats scoreboard during the game (very expensive I know).
It might take away from the aesthetic of the dome... but I would be okay with taking some of the retired numbers/husky wall of honor, etc. and making them banners that can be hung around the inside on the dome itself. This could make room for more luxury suites/boxes and maybe even more advertising that can be done on the walls.