Gampel fans need to bear this in mind on Feb. 9th | The Boneyard

Gampel fans need to bear this in mind on Feb. 9th

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Jan 13, 2014
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Should have the UCONN men's BB crowd attend that game then. They are order-of-magnitude louder and more energetic than a sold-out women's crowd.


Crowing rooster
Jan 27, 2014
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Should have the UCONN men's BB crowd attend that game then. They are order-of-magnitude louder and more energetic than a sold-out women's crowd.
I've noticed that at our games, too. Does anyone have any theories on that? Is it because there is a higher percentage of women at WBB games, in your opinion?

I treat women's games just like men's games. I use the same chants ("Three Blind Mice" for the refs, "Can't Shoot Free Throws", etc. for the players) I get on opposing players the same way, but I can tell you that I have female friends get on me for being "too into the games". I rarely have people say that at men's games. Is there a double standard? In my opinion, it would be s exist to treat women's players differently than men. What say you guys?

Speaking of the CLAW (Colonial Life Arena), we've increased season ticket sales by about 75% over last season and we should challenge UT for the top spot in attendance this season.
Jul 19, 2013
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I've noticed that at our games, too. Does anyone have any theories on that? Is it because there is a higher percentage of women at WBB games, in your opinion?
Close. Replace higher percentage of women with higher percentage of old people. Even the players, at least the UConn's WCBB team, have noted this phenomenon. And, if they're not old, they're often very young. Just different demographics when it comes to the crowd at a women's vs. men's game.
Jan 13, 2014
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I've noticed that at our games, too. Does anyone have any theories on that? Is it because there is a higher percentage of women at WBB games, in your opinion?

I treat women's games just like men's games. I use the same chants ("Three Blind Mice" for the refs, "Can't Shoot Free Throws", etc. for the players) I get on opposing players the same way, but I can tell you that I have female friends get on me for being "too into the games". I rarely have people say that at men's games. Is there a double standard? In my opinion, it would be s exist to treat women's players differently than men. What say you guys?

Speaking of the CLAW (Colonial Life Arena), we've increased season ticket sales by about 75% over last season and we should challenge UT for the top spot in attendance this season.
Testosterone. The men's crowds are younger as well as higher male content.


Crowing rooster
Jan 27, 2014
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Close. Replace higher percentage of women with higher percentage of old people. Even the players, at least the UConn's WCBB team, have noted this phenomenon. And, if they're not old, they're often very young. Just different demographics when it comes to the crowd at a women's vs. men's game.
Yes, you're right. It's the same way with us - a lot of older fans, probably because of inexpensive ticket prices. As far as the young, though, I love the games when they recognize honor roll and other students because the kids can be loud.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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Prolly a considerably lower blood alcohol content as well as lower testosterone, also.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Yep, the distinguished folks above have hit on it, I think. I like the phrase "too much testosterone" - exactly what my wife and I said after attending a NIT game that the Rutgers Men were in some years ago at MSG. It blew our minds - and was unpleasant as well.

I do think that the women are usually treated differently - but not for some kind of a male / female thing, but because the crowd is different. The folks that are primarily women's fans - and we saw this at Rutgers - generally objected to the more general RU fan's (and band's) behavior and remarks that would be perfectly acceptable at a men's game. Not because it was inappropriate due to the players being female, but because this fan base considers that kind of behavior generally not appropriate.
Oct 31, 2014
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The women's games are not nearly as close, usually, as well as many blow-outs, so i think this leads to less interaction. And for so many years. I think crowds were bigger and possibly louder 10-12 years ago, when it was still fairly new.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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I love the Men's game in person at the XL Center... women games not so much! The fans are electric at the mens games, music pumping... student section jumping, its awesome! Of course the ticket prices are about 10.00 more per game.

Womens games the fans get excited for big games... and if they are easily winning the noise fizzle. If its close (ND) they may roar to show some support for the team.

DannyK is the most exciting thing at the womens game except when KML knocks down a 3.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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Probably more students at the men's game versus the women's games makes up some of the noise level differences. Also the dunking and athleticism of the men brings out more excitement in the fans.


Windy City Kitty
Aug 26, 2011
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I stopped going to the men's games at the XL because of too many drunks swearing their brains out, pushing and bumping into people. It's hard to enjoy (or see) the game when surrounded by bozos. Then the joy of trying to get out of the parking lots with those same drunks....

On the other hand, I do miss the noise there USED to be at the women's games. I remember during some VaTech and BC games, and of course Vols games, when the building would shake from the cheers and the stomping (both venues). I would like to see more of that again.....
Jul 19, 2013
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I stopped going to the men's games at the XL because of too many drunks swearing their brains out, pushing and bumping into people. It's hard to enjoy (or see) the game when surrounded by bozos. Then the joy of trying to get out of the parking lots with those same drunks....

On the other hand, I do miss the noise there USED to be at the women's games. I remember during some VaTech and BC games, and of course Vols games, when the building would shake from the cheers and the stomping (both venues). I would like to see more of that again.....
Those days aren't ever coming back. Lots of sports are facing a downward trend in attendance and interest in general.
Feb 5, 2014
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It is hard for the women's crowd to be as noisy when there is less suspense in the games. I agree too that the audience is different. I like that they tend to root for the team rather than insulting the other team. (Even the men's crowd doesn't seem as bad as the crowds I have seen at other U's. Some consider it supporting their team but when carried too far, I just find it ugly )
I wonder if the UConn women are partly a victim of their success. For many years they sold out and people believed that you just couldn't get tickets. By the time more tickets were available fans seemed pretty comfortable watching on TV. It seems like they haven't replaced some of the early, older fan base.

Two things I wish they could do: Run transportation from some metro areas for fans who are intimidated by the driving and parking aspects. (Tho these are not likely real noisy fans, at least there are more bodies!) I wish they could get more students in. Find some way to encourage attendance from the students and maybe have them fill the unsold or sold-but-not occupied seats at Gampel.


Good Guy for a Dookie
Aug 29, 2011
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Loudest WCBB game with the most student interaction and involvement was the UConn-Duke game in Cameron in 2003. That was as loud as any of the top men's games in Duke's history.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Two things I wish they could do: Run transportation from some metro areas for fans who are intimidated by the driving and parking aspects. (Tho these are not likely real noisy fans, at least there are more bodies!) I wish they could get more students in. Find some way to encourage attendance from the students and maybe have them fill the unsold or sold-but-not occupied seats at Gampel.
Regarding the transportation idea - which is interesting - the problem is it isn't cheap. The bus rental would mandate that the persons being transported be charged (especially if you want to transport a significant number) - and how many would want to fork over that additional amount to attend what are already mostly premium priced events (at UConn). Now, I'll grant you that you might get someone to go once, but that really wouldn't address a long term issue.
Feb 5, 2014
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Maybe the cost is too much, but I think a significant number would pay for a bus. I know I would attend more games! You divide the bus cost by 50 or so fans and it shouldn't be too bad - especially when you are not paying for parking. And the cost of the tickets is the same anyway.
Dec 30, 2013
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I think that most of the prior statements about the crowd demographics are true. The women's game skews towards the older, families, and fewer students. It's just a less "crazy"crowd.
I also feel though that it's definitely true that The UCONN women are victims of their own success. Games are almost never in doubt and the core fans are complacent. Here's an example:
The game last year in Bridgeport had much more electricity and excitement in the crowd even though it was a blowout. That's because it brought in a whole new set of fans that don't normally get to a game and were truly excited to be there. While we were giving standing O's in my section for good plays the Gampel regulars sitting behind me ( I eavesdropped!) sat on their hands and made critiques like they were watching a debate.

I would probably get like that too if I attended blowout after blowout so maybe the solution is, as stated by previous posters, what are ways to get more students and new fans to attend?


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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The Eggman (goog-goog-a-chook) nailed what is probably major reason for the lack of ear-busting cheering. In researching this matter, I was trying to find a video of the 2002 regular season game between the Huskies and te Evil Empire. This was a game I attended with JS and some guy who may or my not have been Rasputin, the game in which DT kept the streak alive by tieing the game with a highly improbably 3 with about 3 seconds to play, and then leading the Huskies to victory in overtime. I wanted to see if I could determine what the noise lever was then. (I t was zero decibels while the ball was in the air, and prolly incalculable after it hit the cords.

However, what I actually found was the 2002 NC game, also with Tennessee, and I am really glad I did, because that may have been Diana's finest hour. She was playing with the remnants left after the gradation of the TASS force and freshmen Annie Strother and the Barbara Turner Express. She was also playing with a bad back and a foot problem; Geno said she was at about 65%/ So all she did was score 28 points and carry the Huskies to a five-point win. This was the game in which she made the incredible ldft-handed shot as she was falling out of bounds under the UT basket. It is also the game in which Brittany Jackson made the most unlikely 3-point shot in the history of UT basketball, not really a shot so much as a desperation heave as she was falling on her face that hit the backboard and bounced in, reducing it to a four point Husky lead. Annie made two clutch freebies with 20 seconds left to increase the lead to five, and then the Huskies stole the inbounds pass.

Many interesting facets to the game; the Vols outrebounded the Huskies about two to one, but the Huskies hit over of% of their threes. Probably not the most artistic game ever played, but way exciting. If your memory of just how all-fired good D was as a Husky, pop over to You Tube and five a look.

Aug 2, 2012
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Close. Replace higher percentage of women with higher percentage of old people. Even the players, at least the UConn's WCBB team, have noted this phenomenon. And, if they're not old, they're often very young. Just different demographics when it comes to the crowd at a women's vs. men's game.

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