That's good news for the Atlantic salmon!!! They eat their weight in fish daily! Go Kia!Actually, the big sport is Leopard Seal fishing with a wet suit and 2 6 inch daggers. Nurse has 14 kills in the last 3 seasons.
Interesting about the tattoo- thought they were Taboo?I was at the game. Gabby played sparingly especially in the second half. Her game reminds me a little of Maya of maya as she can do it all. She jumped center, played pg, played center and absolutely outclassed anyone on the floor. It would be fun to see her against better opponents and see how she looks. They so outclassed Wooster that it looked like a high school team playing a an elementary school. In any event, you can tell she's an amazing athlete and will definitely get serious minutes at UCONN at some point. Cute girl too.
Ps. She looks to have a pretty big tattoo on her left shoulder/back. Doesn't geno make the girls cover up tats?
Apparently not when you have crazy game.Interesting about the tattoo- thought they were Taboo?
She must have gotten that tat AFTER she signed her LOI. I can't believe Geno or any of the coaches would have offered if they had seen a tat while scouting her.Interesting about the tattoo- thought they were Taboo?
She must have gotten that tat AFTER she signed her LOI. I can't believe Geno or any of the coaches would have offered if they had seen a tat while scouting her. weird that they would get tats in HS... most are under 18yrs old so the parents would have to approve this.
She must have gotten that tat AFTER she signed her LOI. I can't believe Geno or any of the coaches would have offered if they had seen a tat while scouting her.
Neither of my 2 sons have tats. And they look at me like I'm nuts if I ask if they ever would. However, my daughter has a couple. Go figure? My two step sons both have one.boys are a lil different from girls... parents don't mind their boys to look hardcore. men coaches don't give a cause they just want a great athlete. on the girls side you can be a lil more selective. I like the players and parents that didn't fall for the "its the culture" thing. thanks for link, interesting
Hmm.........Thats a good idea VA Mike. Because I am sure Geno and staff don't want to start the tat thing.Maybe a t-shirt underneath, a la Patrick Ewing?
Kib, a small ankle tat (which can be covered with socks or sneakers) is different than a visible back or shoulder tat. Geno may want to think whether to open Pandora's box. Because it could go from shoulders, to back , to full arms...etc.I can't imagine that Shea Ralph (ankle tat) would have any difficulty conveying an offer to Gabby. And I have to believe that Geno and CD will welcome Shea's advice as to how to deal with Gabby''s tat and get her on the court.
Play ball!
all under 18?Neither of my 2 sons have tats. And they look at me like I'm nuts if I ask if they ever would. However, my daughter has a couple. Go figure? My two step sons both have one.
Nope. They were all old enough to do it on their own. Well one step kid was younger (16), but that was before me....and he got it done in another country. (and it wasn't very good - luckily for him it was pretty small)all under 18?
Is it really big deal or are some of you all joking? Saniya Chong doesn't cover her tattoo at all.
Geno will actually work it off her in practice.Geno has already said that the world has changed regarding tattoos.
Hmm....Thats a good idea VA Mike. Because I am sure Geno and staff don't want to start the tat thing.