This is about as big as a league can get without separating into haves, and have nots, which is what happened in the old BE when it got large. Yeah, it was great to send 11 teams to the NCAA's, but it wasn't so great for Rutgers, PC, SH, etc., who got buried by the massive amount of good teams in the league. ND would certainly be a have, and we expect UConn to be one as well. Add Xavier to the list, and it starts to become hard for the teams at the bottom to rise. Finish out of the money for 3, 4, 5 years, and your image becomes that of an also ran, like DePaul. Thus, while adding ND, and maybe Gonzaga, would be great for the image of the league, and the quality of play, there would be some who would be losers in that scenario.