you said Ashley had good against UConn (is this her best game ever? you're on a UConn board boasting about a loss), I said Tiffany did better (you called my comment a "cheap shot") (I don"t care who was guarding her). U then made the "cheap shot" that Ashley held Tina to "5 points"... I then said you saying Ashley "held Tina to 5 pts" is a cheap shot.
no mention of who are friends and who took selfies together while vacationing in Utah (sarcasm, do I need a smiley face attached)
and please don't call me "honey"... you don't know me!
BTW did you enjoy the video of Tiffany vs Cal... what was the final score? and Tina scored ONLY 5 pts WOW, go Ashley
"clap back"?... knock it off, nothing to prove to me!
since you're a Christopher Wallace fan