Seems to me the rule with the largest potential impact is the one banning continuous leaning. A number of centers & PFs are going to have their usefulness rating downgraded significantly.
The ownership of a spot on the floor is probably second. You can't push someone out of the place they own, whether by hooking, or pushing your butt into them or running into them (except for the screening exception), or extend your arms into the space over their head or your feet into the space under them. Major change.
And I majorly applaud the protection of the shooter while in the air. Do the refs have the option to call a flagrant on an undercut?
No rule changes involved, as it relates to your points. Basically, an insistence by the powers that be that the existing rules be enforced. The box related to the restricted circle is new, however.
In other words, the rules existed, but were rarely called. Absolutely never could extend your arms over them (principle of verticality), but of course that can look different from different spots on the court.
The one-touch rule was instituted with much fanfare a few years back, and I think we all know how long it was enforced. Except every once in a while when an official would randomly call a hand check. It seemed random, as I have seen continuous arm-bars, multiple touches, etc. extensively over the last couple of years. Unlike some, I never have thought officials are all that bad on the clutches and grabs that they see, however, if you are letting touch contact go, you might not see the clutch and grab, thinking it is only a touch you are not going to call. If you can't touch, then obviously you can't grab, either.