Fruit Pitt Strike it Rich | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Fruit Pitt Strike it Rich

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Aug 26, 2011
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If you want to place blame as to why UCONN isn't in a Power 5 conference and Pitt, Louisville and Rutgers are then you need to look at past board of trustees and state legislatures who ultimately had the up or down vote on what goes on in Storrs. Sure, Hathaway was about as useless as a teet on a bull but I'm sure some of his predecessors like Toner and Perkins were trying their azzes off to get Connecticut to take Div 1 football seriously, only to fall on deaf ears. Warde Manual gets it. He went to Michigan. He played and administered there. Herbst came from Georgia and experienced first hand how big time college football impacts a university and the surrounding communities. Hey she might have bought into this re branding that changed the distinct all white Husky logo that was unique only to UCONN and recognized as such world wide and changed it to a generic Husky logo that looks like a poor imitation of several other schools logos. Or...maybe she simply had no say in the matter as the trustees dictated what was to be. Who knows..I don't. I personally think it was a mistake and aided in making UCONN look more G-5ish than P-5ish.

Blame the people that fell asleep at the switch 30, 40, 50 years ago. When the major networks and then the new comer, ESPN started broadcasting weekly college football and everybody, Pitt, Syracuse, BC, Penn St, W. Virginia, around us were being televised(and paid for it). Blame the state for being too small, too indifferent, too blind to see what many other states & universities saw a long time ago.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Can someone put the video on YouTube where the BOT chooses the athletic logo?

I'd like slo-mo on the part where they decide to make the helmets look like skunks.
Feb 10, 2012
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I will never, in 1 million years, understand how Pitt got out. I know they were UConn's replacement but how in the world did they end up with Pitt??? There is just zero interest in Pitt athletics.

Syracuse I can understand. They did a helluva job marketing themselves as "New York's College Team", regardless of whether it was true or not. A bunch of billboards, NYC cab signs, and 20-0 t-shirts (as well as decades of rampant cheating/cover ups) go a long way in today's world.
It's easy... Pitt has been part of college football for decades. Regardless of today's situation, they have helped get cfb where it is today.
Kicking them or any other school like them to the curb would open up a huge lawsuit.
Uconn, usf, and cincy can't claim that legacy.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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It's easy... Pitt has been part of college football for decades. Regardless of today's situation, they have helped get cfb where it is today.
Kicking them or any other school like them to the curb would open up a huge lawsuit.
Uconn, usf, and cincy can't claim that legacy.

I understand this, I really do. Same thing applies to Rutgers with the whole "they've been playing football for 1,000 years" argument. I know Pitt has had much more success in its history than RU, but I'm just looking at the past 10-15 years of Pitt football. Aside from a few years of above average seasons, including a BCS game, they are mostly an after-thought in the CFB landscape (and in their own city!).

I know I'm looking at things through UConn-shaded glasses, but these historical programs like RU, Pitt and Cuse ,that got their tickets punched based on longer histories, were not all that impressive in the Big East while we were a member. In fact, I'd say that we were on an equivalent level as Pitt/RU and surpassed Cuse in the Big East football pecking order under Edsall. It goes to show the potential that UConn football has if given an opportunity on equal footing against these programs and good coaching. It's just frustrating to me, that's all.
Feb 10, 2012
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I understand this, I really do. Same thing applies to Rutgers with the whole "they've been playing football for 1,000 years" argument. I know Pitt has had much more success in its history than RU, but I'm just looking at the past 10-15 years of Pitt football. Aside from a few years of above average seasons, including a BCS game, they are mostly an after-thought in the CFB landscape (and in their own city!).

I know I'm looking at things through UConn-shaded glasses, but these historical programs like RU, Pitt and Cuse ,that got their tickets punched based on longer histories, were not all that impressive in the Big East while we were a member. In fact, I'd say that we were on an equivalent level as Pitt/RU and surpassed Cuse in the Big East football pecking order under Edsall. It goes to show the potential that UConn football has if given an opportunity on equal footing against these programs and good coaching. It's just frustrating to me, that's all.
But the point is, they paid their dues.
I think that somewhere, there is an unwritten rule that upstart programs need to pay their dues. And a school like uconn or even usf getting an opportunity to start as an equal from almost day 1 May have ruffled some feathers.
Aug 24, 2011
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As someone who probably deals with things bigger than buying Snickers at the local convenience store ... this is idiotic.

First, WE are not in a Power 5 today because we came way late to the College Football scene. I don't even blame Jeff Hathaway ... whom I think was rotten at his job.

Further, while $18 to $19m is nothing to sneeze at, how are you gonna feel about $45m at Rutgers or Maryland. This AIN'T over. When you have that kind of disparity ($19 to $45m ... there's gonna be more moves). We need to push forward. We deserve to be in the top bunch at the B1G. The ACC used the wrong criteria to select Legacy schools and they will find that Rutgers and Maryland ... and UConn fill the programmatic box better.

May 23, 2013
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Yeah I agree Pudge has a mans outlook tempered with hope and take it from me a 63 yr old longtime eastern sports fan...UConn will NOT wither but end up where they belong in the B1G for many reasons the least of which is deserve. Though deserve you do!! Just try and hang in there..New Englanders are hardy.
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