Foley the only coach retained... | The Boneyard

Foley the only coach retained...

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Aug 27, 2011
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The fact that Foley is only referred to as Tight Ends Coach rather than mentioning the O-Line (which is the place I assume he's wanted for) makes me wonder about the accuracy of the info. Nevertheless, this is Diaco's team and as long as he doesn't have GDL's phone number I'm willing to give him the keys to the kingdom.
Aug 24, 2011
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how is that possible? I mean wouldn't you want some continuity? you have to know get the kids somehow, their strengths and weaknesses. Just strange.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I was hoping Foley and Wholley would be the only coaches retained. Looks like just Foley and hopefully they'll come around and stick him on the line.
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't expect the whole staff to stay, but more than one would make sense to me, just saying.
Feb 4, 2012
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When you're coming off 5, 5 and 3 win seasons, maybe it's time to break up this continuity?

Exactly, it wasn't working, so why not make a change? Foley, to me, was the most important out of the whole staff and he's here. I'm happy with that. Now, Diaco is going to bring in a staff he's going to have continuity with. I think this is another smart move by Diaco.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm a huge Foley fan, and I'm glad he appears to be staying, but I also wonder why he has not moved on with these coaching changes. He obviously has talent and we are lucky to have him but I am curious why one of the "big boys" didn't come in ans swoop him up. Glad they didn't.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm a huge Foley fan, and I'm glad he appears to be staying, but I also wonder why he has not moved on with these coaching changes. He obviously has talent and we are lucky to have him but I am curious why one of the "big boys" didn't come in ans swoop him up. Glad they didn't.

Maybe Foley doesn't want to leave CT? Glad he stayed too. Does anyone know if FCRE tried to get him to Maryland?
Sep 18, 2011
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I don't expect the whole staff to stay, but more than one would make sense to me, just saying.

I dislike criticizing coaches, but what area of UConn football has excelled over the past 3 years? You could say the defense under Don Brown, but that's about it and he's gone. We know Foley did a great job with the OL over his career and he helped the OL recover from GDL. He is a top coach and should be kept.

I want better coaches, better recruiters, better schemes, better player development,... I want one or two good Florida recruiters, a good NJ recruiter, a good PA/Ohio recruiter. Hopefully, this is what Diaco will bring in.
Jan 29, 2012
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I dislike criticizing coaches, but what area of UConn football has excelled over the past 3 years? You could say the defense under Don Brown, but that's about it and he's gone. We know Foley did a great job with the OL over his career and he helped the OL recover from GDL. He is a top coach and should be kept.

I want better coaches, better recruiters, better schemes, better player development,... I want one or two good Florida recruiters, a good NJ recruiter, a good PA/Ohio recruiter. Hopefully, this is what Diaco will bring in.
Linebackers excelled. canning wholley was a bad move


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Wholley saying his goodbyes (I posted this in the other thread too)…

Coach Jon Wholley ‏@JonathanWholley5m
Sad to leave, but I like to thank everyone for making my time at UCONN so special ! Soo many great memories! Been very blessed! Go Huskies!
Aug 28, 2011
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The fact that Foley is only referred to as Tight Ends Coach rather than mentioning the O-Line (which is the place I assume he's wanted for) makes me wonder about the accuracy of the info. Nevertheless, this is Diaco's team and as long as he doesn't have GDL's phone number I'm willing to give him the keys to the kingdom.

That's very big of you to let him run the team. Very gracious.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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While a bit disappointed, I cant say I am surprised. Diaco is young with a seemingly big personality. Much of the current coaching staff, which is rather seasoned, probably didn't see themselves as a good fit with the young puppy.

Keeping Day, Foley and Weist would be ideal, but if its only Foley, then so be it. The next big question is who can Diaco bring along from his relatively short coaching career. It might not be that easy to bring people from his past to the AAC.

Hoping for the best.....hoping Diaco has an ace up his sleeve for the OC and DC positions.
Aug 27, 2011
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If Diaco starts pulling in some intriguing assistant coaching names it may keep us in the media for a while longer. Any opportunity for our program's "perception" to be heightened, even if only through positive reactions to coaching hires, while other teams go bowling, is a good thing. This is a complete football program reboot. We need to grow and excel and be perceived as one of the top football guns in our conference. There is no reason our football performance and perception shouldn't be on a more even footing with our basketball, like Louisville. The ball is (literally) in our court. It's in Susan's, Warde's and Diaco's hands. I like our chances.
Aug 28, 2011
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Wholley saying his goodbyes (I posted this in the other thread too)…

Coach Jon Wholley ‏@JonathanWholley5m
Sad to leave, but I like to thank everyone for making my time at UCONN so special ! Soo many great memories! Been very blessed! Go Huskies!
This guy will do well where ever he ends up... There's plenty of off opportunity for him to grow right here in CT, if he wants (CCSU, in my opinion... he'd be a SOLID pick up there in some capacity)
Sep 5, 2011
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Saddened for staff, especially TJ, but not surprised. Maybe they gave an effort that fell short of BD's optomism and criteria for the program.

Something sticks with me about BD's commentary during his introduction. He talked about the population size of the region and the "talent rich" northeast footprint.

Maybe he believes he needs a staff of coaches that can tap that resource better than UConn has done and sell the university and program better than the previous coaches. I'm not specifically referencing the New England states, which I think most "talking heads" refer to as deficient in talent (numbers wise). By why can Schiano take a school like Rutgers, who many have suggested no one wanted to go to, all of a sudden successfully compete against some of the more prestigeous schools for top talent.

UConn is practically in the same place Rutgers was 15 years ago. Lowly rated program, lowly rated league. "Why does anybody want to play for UConn in the AAC?"

I'm telling you, BD is really energizing my enthusiasm. Maybe he thoroughly believes he can get individuals that can coach with a higher level of energy (like him), sell the program, and recruit like a Schiano!

Is this a new era where we learn that the competition for our recruits do not mainly come from FCS, C-USA, and MAC schools?
Aug 29, 2011
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It has to be all about recruiting what Diaco is doing. Retaining Foley is a good move for a variety of reasons. One of which, you can't underestimate is public relations. He might be the most beloved coach UCONN football has ever had, and I'm not joking about that. Not saying that is THE reason, because I have no idea what the reasons are, but to me, in my chair, it makes perfect sense to keep Foley for a whole number of reasons, of which his ability to coach the game, specifically the OL play, and recruit is just one.

As for recruiting, I've written this elsewhere but will try to sum up in as few words as possible for me.

We are sitting right in the most dense population area in the entire country in the northeast corridor from D.C. to Boston. Our local recruiting footprint is this: New England, the Tri-state metropolitan area, upstate New York, the I-95 corridor to D.C. and eastern PA. That's our local region. A 350 mile (6 hour drive approx.) radius from Hartford gets you to Wilkes/Barre Scranton region of PA, Harrisburg, PA, (state college, PA)....... Washington D.C. (Philly, Baltimore,) Buffalo, (Toronto/Montreal - as we know we've recruited Canada before),

Get a map and connect the dots between all those cities and New England. That's our recruiting circle for a day drive.

It's 1 1/2 hour flight to Pittsburgh out of Hartford. A few minutes literaly more flight time to Ohio. it's a 4 hour flight to Miami out of Hartford. Approximately the same to Dallas and Houston.

That's our longer reach.

That is our recruiting territory, and there are plenty of players in it. We need people that can find the best players that fit the profile we want in a student/athlete football player, and sell UCONN to the players in those regions.

and here is the take home point - these are my opinions only - the rest of that I just wrote is FACT.

#1. Randy Edsall recruited IMO with a sales pitch of building something from nothing, and sold himself as the program, and did not sell the school. It was an effective sales pitch, and he found lots of players that played with a chip on their shoulder and built this program into a regular bowl game winner. It basically started with convincing Dan Orlovsky to come to UCONN, and he used the same plan for the next several years. His plan didn't seem to work that well anymore after we actually started winning titles. You can't sell someone the process of building a winner from nothing, when you've got conference titles.

#2. Paul Pasqualoni started taking the resources that UCONN has, and put them to work in recruiting, but his was a half ass effort, based entirely on 40 years of coaching contacts and the promise of getting his contacts scholarships for his players. THe truth is that pasqualoni brought in 2 pretty good classes that are already contributors, in a big way, to winnign games, but he did it based on his resume and contacts.

#3. Diaco - is the first coach in the 1A era to show up and clearly lay out a plan to put the full weight of the University of Connecticut in 2013, and what it can offer to student athletes behind recruiting for football in our region. Edsall didn't do it, nor did Pasqualoni. They each were successful, as there are many ways to recruit, but I like the way we're moving now.

And make no mistake about this - what the University has to offer, and how it's grown over the past 25 years, is entirely about the success of the basketball programs. Football needs to take what has been built and run with it.

Diaco needs to bring in a staff that he knows will have the same direction, motivation and plan on building that he has.
Aug 29, 2011
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how is that possible? I mean wouldn't you want some continuity? you have to know get the kids somehow, their strengths and weaknesses. Just strange.
Pretty standard practice when a head coach changes, especially after a disastrous season. Even after a good one. Typically the head coach replaces most coaches. Often they keep 1 or 2 from the previous regime, but seldom more than that. Pasqualoni retaining virtually all of Edsall's staff when he came was the exception, not the rule in college football.
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