Farewell to BCS - Things change, yet stay the same. | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Farewell to BCS - Things change, yet stay the same.

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Aug 26, 2011
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LOL. This website is a lot more engaging, IMO, than anything in the CT sports papers. Beat writers have to draw a big line between reporting news/facts and writing opinion though.

I like #4.

When we lost in our little runoff with Louisville last year, some frustrated Syracuse poster came over here and asked the question: "where are your advocates? you guys got your butt kicked nationally because literally nobody was speaking out for you, how is that possible?". We literally got killed in the media with alot fallacies about the nature and impact of NCAA sanctions and even our facilities. Our facilities on campus remain a well kept secret to everyone for some reason!

The answer is that even though this athletic dept has enjoyed big time success, many of the things it does is still small time. We suck at the information game. I hope Warde is doing what he can in cozying up to some figures in the media so that the next time we need some support in the national press we can actually get some. Having a School PR dept only takes you so far, you need some unofficial PR and some well placed advocates.

We need to step up our game bigtime. Except this season we needed to keep our football team a secret:)
Aug 26, 2011
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Very true. THE MWC took their Boise St success and pumped it way up in the media, so much so, that Boise almost became a conference member. Good lesson there. Hopefully somebody in Providence reading this.

I don't like Tranghese one bit, and IMO, it's marinatto that managed to keep the league together for as long as it lasted, but to be fair, Tranghese was a very good basketball mind in intercollegiate athletics. Not fair to call him a worthless conference commissioner, he was just a worthless football commissioner, and our own university he just didn't care about football, certainly not enough to make it a priority in the conference. Our own university leadership was riding his coattails and the basketball success, while the rugs were getting pulled out from underneath as early as 1998 when we were still contemplating upgrading. My personal opinion is that he doesn't like the sport at all.

What irks me the most about the guy, is that to this day, he will say that the Big East's problem in football is that the programs did not win enough. It make me want to knock his teeth out.

He was worthless Carl. He failed to see the shift in landscape and refused to acknowledge how important football had become. The irony is that his lack of foresight resulted in the death of his precious basketball league. And college sports is worse off for it!

He could have shored up Miami, VT and BC years in advance but the truth is that "earners" in the old Big East were fed up with all the dead weight such as Rutgers. He should have had the brains to secure FSU. I was in high school when the Big East football conference emerged and it just looked like a conference that was built to give Miami a conference championship every season, why would they not lock in their rival? The whole thing was imbalanced from the start! The only real smart move they made was getting VT, but even still they bungled that one by not giving them full membership from the getgo.
Aug 29, 2011
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When we lost in our little runoff with Louisville last year, some frustrated Syracuse poster came over here and asked the question: "where are your advocates? you guys got your butt kicked nationally because literally nobody was speaking out for you, how is that possible?". We literally got killed in the media with alot fallacies about the nature and impact of NCAA sanctions and even our facilities. Our facilities on campus remain a well kept secret to everyone for some reason!

The answer is that even though this athletic dept has enjoyed big time success, many of the things it does is still small time. We suck at the information game. I hope Warde is doing what he can in cozying up to some figures in the media so that the next time we need some support in the national press we can actually get some. Having a School PR dept only takes you so far, you need some unofficial PR and some well placed advocates.

We need to step up our game bigtime. Except this season we needed to keep our football team a secret:)

It's a combination of factors. The opinion writers for the papers in CT, have made a living for years in being adversiarial with the big personalities in the UCONN athletic department. In basketball, that kind of thing doesn't matter. When the football program was 1-AA, and the yankee conference was struggling to hang on to football, only, and the football program was looking for a home through the Atlantic 10, and then independence, and struggling to go to 1-A, how many people in CT really knew about it? Who was writing about it?

The media, it matters in national college football. I do think that 2014, should involve a goal from Mr. Manuel of seriously evaluating the direction, goals, achievement and future of the SID department.
Aug 29, 2011
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He was worthless Carl. He failed to see the shift in landscape and refused to acknowledge how important football had become. The irony is that his lack of foresight resulted in the death of his precious basketball league. And college sports is worse off for it!

He could have shored up Miami, VT and BC years in advance but the truth is that "earners" in the old Big East were fed up with all the dead weight such as Rutgers. He should have had the brains to secure FSU. I was in high school when the Big East football conference emerged and it just looked like a conference that was built to give Miami a conference championship every season, why would they not lock in their rival? The whole thing was imbalanced from the start! The only real smart move they made was getting VT, but even still they bungled that one by not giving them full membership from the getgo.

Tranghese never wanted football in the Big East, he only agreed to form a football conference because Syracuse, Boston College, and PIttsburgh would have left in 1991 to form the orginial 16 team superconference model (with many of the programs (including Miami and FSU and Penn State) that either did join the Big East or will be AAC members . this has been discussed in detail elsewhere many times over. Virginia Tech was a football only member and was BEGGING to get into the conference for all sports in 1994. A vote was had, managed by Tranghese that kept them out, said that the conference would not be changing anything - no adding basketball members. This is truth now - less than a week after that vote, Tranghese was on the phone agreeing to let Notre Dame join the conference for basketball, and all sports other than football. The leadership at Virginia Tech had a lot more to be upset with the Big East about than Donna Shalala.

Ugg - I knew this would come to this, when I started poking at the numbers.

I'm glad UCF won their game. I hope Houston wins their game.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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We seriously need fresh blood writers in CT. People that will attach themselves to the success of the football program, and therefore the entire athletic department.

I don't want the local beat writer to be just a PR person for the program. That's what Dez had been for P.
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