When I first read Workman's comment, I shook my head. You should let sleeping dogs lie.
But hearing her speak, I didn't get the feeling that she was fronting. This didn't feel like an ego-driven thing.
Watching her play, I was impressed with her skills and more importantly her mental toughness. She played like a Husky.
I didn't hear Workman's comments, so I can't speak to whatever it was she said. I too was very impressed with her play last night. She did play like a Husky. IMO she would fit very well into the fabric of our team and would make significant contributions thereto. I would have no problem if she were a member of our team.
The following comment is speaking IN GENERAL in reference to anyone making statements or comments during interviews and press conferences.
What ever you say, is yours! You must own it then, and down the road. No matter how its perceived, you must own it. If you poke the bear, or tug on Superman's cape (I frown on cape tugging by the way), you've got to be willing to pay the consequences, and or face the music afterwards.
Its exactly like making comments or posting a take here in the Boneyard. You are held accountable for everything you post. You can't post something, then back track when someone calls you on it. You can't say that you were misquoted or "
that's not what I meant". If you post something that is factually incorrect, its still yours. Its happened me a few times. I acknowledged my error, apologized, and thanked the poster that corrected my gaff. You write it, you own it. Its yours.
I've always been extremely impressed with the way all of the UConn women comport and express themselves when ever a microphone is in front of them. They are taught and trained to NEVER say anything that is disrespectful (cheap shots - that's why I don't like
Skip Bayless. He does it regularly to in-studio guests, and other ESPN personnel. I think its disrespectful, unnecessary and very unprofessional), boastful or would shed a bad or negative light on themselves or the program.
They always say "WE", not "I". They always praise their teammates and give THEM credit for their success.
Chris Daley does an excellent job in tutoring her charges on the finer points of media relations. Its obvious that ALL of the UConn players must take and pass Media interviewing 101, BEFORE they are allowed to speak to the media. We all know how the media can and will take an innocent reference or comment, and blow it up way out of proportion.
If our girls can do it, so can others. Its just a matter of learning how to speak, what to say and what not to say. Its simply a matter of thinking BEFORE you speak.