Fair question about Boston from a UCONN fan perspective | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Fair question about Boston from a UCONN fan perspective

Jul 26, 2021
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The term "generational player" is waaaaaaaaay overused.

Stewart was the last one who qualifies in ny mind. Bueckers and Boston have not reached that status - Ionescu comes close. Maybe the word "yet" can be used here for all three. Clark maybe.

Still alot of proving to do for Boston, Beuckers and Clark. Multiple NCAA championships as the team's dominant player is a start. Boston and Buekers have the potential, Clark probably not. But the "generational" tag is never really warranted until the pro career is reviewed.
absolutely Paige is not generational to me either, she is a really good player but still has to improve a lot defensively and get stronger.
Feb 8, 2016
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Yes, Boston is the generational player of this era. She clearly is. No one else is more dominant. She would be most people's first pick in a draft situation. Let's give credit where credit is due. I can't believe how many people are still debating it. If not her then who else is?
No college player is generational. Some, like Boston, can become generational if , and not until, they have proven themselves in the pros - that is a league of the best of the best.
Boston is filling the card but the card will be incomplete for at least six More years.

2020 - unanimous freshman of the year. Heavy contributor to a 32-1 team, number one ranked team (with two strong seniors. Accomplishments against top two strength of schedule.

2021- all American led team of underclassmen to Final Four, one point loss to champions. Again played against a top 2 SOS. Robbed by fate of an opportunity to compete fir a national championship. Academic player of the year if that matters.

2022 - transformed her body to another level. won every NPOY award. Final Four MOP award. National championship. Beat UConn (x2) Stanford, NC State, Louisville as part of another top 2 SOS. Academic All American again if that matters.

There is little more she can do to fill her card other than improve her scoring and assists from the high post and 3 point line while winning another championship. We’ll see.

The card is filled - at this point.

She has the POTENTIAL to become recognized as a generational player. She also has the potential to ditch it all by never playing pro ball and pursuing success as a doctor or other highly paid professional. She could choose to play a fifth year while pursuing a graduate degree or proceed on academic rather than athletic scholarship. Heck, she could transfer to Stanford or Princeton for her fifth year. Rhodes scholarhip over first draft choice in the low-paying WNBA would be a no-brained for me.

We don’t know and can’t know at this point whether she will attain “ generational status - but she has filled the card.

Paige is not “generational” - yet -though she is filling her card too. Azzi ain’t even in the picture - yet(?) - despite her anointment by some - in high school.

BTW, we’re Bird and Magic “generational” despite graduating the same year?
Dec 5, 2018
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Ha! Better not vacation in the UK or Ireland... roundabouts are the way to go there and keep traffic moving very much better than traffic lights.
Stationed two years in Scotland. I know all about them.


LV Adherent. Topic Crafter
Dec 19, 2011
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Gray and Davis was only there for the championship year. I am talking about the whole team as far as talent. After the top 3, there was a significant drop off in talent with Dawn's early team compared to her present team. Just look at who A'ja had at the point guard and who Boston had at the point guard. A'ja had Sessions who was solid. They both had Ty Harris, but there is a big difference between a young Ty Harris and a Senior Ty Harris with Destanni Henderson. If you are looking at the numbers, it would tell you A'ja was the better offensive player and Boston was the better Defensive player. The accolades are the same after 3 years. Boston still has one more year to add to that. A'ja will still be the school all time leading scorer and probably shot blocker. Also she is the only player in SEC history to have won 3 SEC player of the year. Boston, if she has a great year, will probably be the most decorated player. She will probably go down as the school's leading rebounder. If she scores over 2,000 points, then it will be an argument. A'ja has about 2,400 and didn't even start her Freshmen year.
Agree about the PG comparison, though I wasn't impressed by Henderson to the same degree until this year. Wilson's teammates were very good even if players 4-9 were stronger than Boston's. Boston has never played with a player comparable to Tiffany Mitchell (3x AP All American) or Alaina Coates who was 4x All SEC.

Career stats are irrelevant considering Boston has missed about 14 games due to covid. If you add those in, she's far ahead of Wilson in terms of blocks and would be at around 1650 career points, well ahead of pace to hit 2000.

At the end of the day, Boston's teams have been flat out better IMO than SC was from 2015-2018, and the biggest reason is Aliyah Boston. SC in Wilson's era was consistently getting blown out by UCONN and was never viewed as a title favorite or top dog. In 2 of Boston's 3 years, they've been the top team for most of the year and in the third year they were painfully close to getting back in the title game where they would've been a heavy favorite to beat Arizona. It's somewhat of a reach, but not out of the question to say they had a good shot to win 3 straight if not for covid and a missed putback. Going into her senior year, SC will again be the odds on favorite to repeat. Wilson was great but never had the program anywhere close to a similar situation like that.


Chief Didacticist
Sep 5, 2011
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Can you be a "transcendent" player without ever winning a championship? I think you have to win championship(s) in order to be considered, no matter what your stats look like. Can you think of one that you would consider from the past?
See Oscar Robertson
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Rutgers Rooter
Oct 11, 2011
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Do I think Boston is a "generational" player? No, I don't put in her in the class of DT, Parker, Maya, Stewie, Griner and maybe EDD (If/when healthy). Those all have a unique combination of skill sets and athleticism.

I think the best comparison for her is Sylvia Fowles, who I wouldn't consider a "generational player" but has won a WNBA MVP, 4 WNBA championships, 4 WNBA DPOYs, and 4 Olympic medals. IMO, Boston's ceiling is best center in the world.
Oct 29, 2021
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No one said anything about a "season". To me a generational player is a 4 year period in regard to college players. If there is someone more impactful than Boston during her 4 year college run I don't know who it is.

And to a degree, yes, there is always a generational player but I don't think I would bring up one if no one stood out. It's possible there are down years for 3-4 years in a row but highly unlikely. So yes, usually there are generational players at least every 4 years. It's almost by definition.

And quite often they are bigs. Bigs are a statistical anomaly in itself and often the dominant players in basketball. At least some of you know who I think is most likely to be the next generational player. Lots of people have stated I'm flat out wrong but we will see won't we. Until someone emerges for sure no one really knows.


Dec 3, 2021
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To be generational, wouldn't Boston need to continue being dominant in the WNBA and the Olympics and perhaps internationally for some time into the future?
Just because she's been blessed with so many honors as a college player doesn't mean that her level of dominance will continue.
How long before she becomes a WNBA All Star, and possibly a medalist in the Olympics?
These are unfulfilled prophesies, just like for Paige or any other super prospect.
Personally I think that Paige has more upside to be generational, but the knee injury did set her back and may have harmed her future potential.
We'll see.
IMO Boston needs to continue to dominate WBB at the professional and international level if she's to be considered generational.
That's the only way to determine whether she's been blessed with more talent than luck or not.
Nov 14, 2021
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I have never seen or heard the phrase "high emotional truisms", but by definition all truisms, emotional or emotionless, are true. So no hope is needed, high or otherwise. ;)
Your definition is halfway correct. Those truisms put forth by the ill informed or for devious reasons may be emotionally presented or meant to blur the meaning. All truisms are not true. Remember Webster lived before the internet. Fans often present half thought out facts when speaking or writing about their favorite team. Then they may present EMOTIONAL truisms. Human's are emotional animals, some more, some less so.
Nov 14, 2021
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Something to chew on for a Monday - I have a question about Aliyah Boston. This is speculation only. It's NOT about her being a generational player, it has to do with her being the best post in the country and the NPOY. I'm preferencing my question by acknowledging this WILL NOT HAPPEN!!!

IF Boston was to transfer to UConn for her senior year, would that make UConn the prohibitive favorite to win the NC next year? A dominate post that routinely posts a double double and protects the rim without fouling, That would also mean Boston would not be playing for SC.

I understand that right now, there is some uncertainty at the post position for UConn next season. I am in the camp that thinks UConn could use another "seasoned" 6'5" post player if one can found in the portal to replace Piath Gabriel on the roster. A player that could come in and give Geno 12-18 minutes a game and hold her own. As I write this comment, we don't know if 6'5" Sophomore Amari DeBerry or incoming 6'4" freshman Isuneh "Ice" Brady can/will claim and hold the starting post position this coming season.

If either one does, it would answer a lot of questions and solve the mystery of who will replace Nelson-Ododa who was the starting post player for UConn the last 4 years. Does Geno go with one of these post players, or will he resort to using an undersized
Aaliyah Edwards (6'3") or 6'5" Dorka Juhasz neither of whom are post players?

I would like to comment on 2 of your paragraphs. The hypothesis that should Boston Transfer to Uconn would that (I'm injecting a word) ALONE be enough to make Uconn an NC winner. Yes and No. Not alone she won't but with the supporting cast now at Uconn --just mail the trophy to Storrs.
I agree Uconn needs an immovable force with talent. Undersized Edwards is worth every pound of her but 6 ft 5 she isn't.
Dorka like ONO were both Forwards and not Centers and extremely good in that position. Azure was a very talented forward but not anywhere near a good post. To counter a Griner or Boston you need size in every meaning of the word. I wasn't a fan of Griner but I bow to Bostons advancement of her skills set.
'Geno I believe will send out runners to search high and low for a talented, special, anti-Boston player I say that because De Berry is lacking in girth and especially in Division 1 game time experiences, and too Geno needs a back up or 3 for that position.
Feb 8, 2016
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Well, Under Armor Considers her "generational." ALIYAH BOSTON IS TURNING HER SUCCESS INTO HER LEGACY

“Aliyah Boston is a once-in-a-generation talent and someone who inspires us all with her dedication and willingness to stop at nothing to achieve her dreams. This has been a huge year not just for Aliyah, but for the University of South Carolina, and all who support, play, and work within women’s sports. Teaming up with Aliyah will help in increasing access to basketball for young women around the world.”
Nov 14, 2021
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Yup. Definitionally you can’t have a “generational player“ in every high school class.

I agree with you that Boston isn’t quite there yet. But she clearly is a very very good college player, probably the best in the country last year. That’s a pretty good start.

(The same can be said about Paige but she hasn’t achieved all that Boston has.)
That may be true. But they'd all be of the same generation. But the real question is how do you determine a Generational player while still within that generation? Other adjectives seem appropriate.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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That may be true. But they'd all be of the same generation. But the real question is how do you determine a Generational player while still within that generation? Other adjectives seem appropriate.
I agree. But like the term “blueblood” it seems to have devolved into a fungible term meaning whatever anyone wants it to mean in the moment.
Feb 8, 2016
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That may be true. But they'd all be of the same generation. But the real question is how do you determine a Generational player while still within that generation? Other adjectives seem appropriate.
I agree for the most part but . . .

Were Magic and Bird "generational?"
Nov 14, 2021
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I agree for the most part but . . .

Were Magic and Bird "generational?"
I'm not sure about Magic but not Sue. They were both very good players, in the times they played. Maybe just me but I don't buy into very or extremely good players like DT or Sue or Boston or Griner or 3 dozen other players being generational or transcendental. The game is played essentially as it was, with lots of tinkering with shot clock, 10 second clock, fouls--the powers that be changed the game, no player I have seen actually changed the game I didn't actually see Pistol Pete.. If lobo in her day went up against Boston in her day--whose day would it be?
Feb 8, 2016
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I'm not sure about Magic but not Sue. They were both very good players, in the times they played. Maybe just me but I don't buy into very or extremely good players like DT or Sue or Boston or Griner or 3 dozen other players being generational or transcendental. The game is played essentially as it was, with lots of tinkering with shot clock, 10 second clock, fouls--the powers that be changed the game, no player I have seen actually changed the game I didn't actually see Pistol Pete.. If lobo in her day went up against Boston in her day--whose day would it be?
Magic and LARRY Bird played for the national championship their senior year of college and multiple times for NBA Championships. Each winning several. Were they generational?
Nov 14, 2021
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Magic and LARRY Bird played for the national championship their senior year of college and multiple times for NBA Championships. Each winning several. Were they generational?
I remember Larry Bird going against Sidney Moncirth (sp) and J.R. Reed of Arkanasa--I was an Arkansas fan, Larry was good but there were college players as good or better--the answer for both is NO. Like you, adjectives have to be earned, not anointed. Sue and every top UCWBB player was extraordinary but still within the human classification. Generational to me means you'd better have changed the game significantly. To date I don't believe one player changed the game. Coaches have, officials, the NCAA has. The 4 corners got the shot clock. Fan support wanting a faster game got the 10 second clock, shooting after 5 fouls was, I believe, and NCAA fix--What fix resulted from a specific WOMAN player? The NBA inspired speed, dunking. A Uconn game 2 hours long at half time without the shot clock was (I think) 7 to 8, Yankee Conf Championship against R.I. (jam the rams). I listened to the whole game on the radio. Without 2 or 3 stars Uconn won.
Feb 9, 2016
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Yes, Boston is the generational player of this era. She clearly is. No one else is more dominant. She would be most people's first pick in a draft situation. Let's give credit where credit is due. I can't believe how many people are still debating it. If not her then who else is?
Kinda like Williams being a Wooden Award candidate? Some people are so right until they are proven wrong. Lol
Feb 9, 2016
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Well, Under Armor Considers her "generational." ALIYAH BOSTON IS TURNING HER SUCCESS INTO HER LEGACY

“Aliyah Boston is a once-in-a-generation talent and someone who inspires us all with her dedication and willingness to stop at nothing to achieve her dreams. This has been a huge year not just for Aliyah, but for the University of South Carolina, and all who support, play, and work within women’s sports. Teaming up with Aliyah will help in increasing access to basketball for young women around the world.”
That writer gets paid well to do his/her job. That’s all.
Sep 6, 2011
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Wilson had Coates, Mitchell, Gray and Davis. None of Boston's teammates seem particularly likely to get as good of pros or as talented as any of the listed above. I do think Wilson may be a better pro but Boston has been the clear better collegiate player through 3 years IMO.
A'ja had to play against Uconn with Stewie for two years, a big difference. That Uconn team went 76-1 and dominated everyone. There is no team like that in college now.


LV Adherent. Topic Crafter
Dec 19, 2011
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A'ja had to play against Uconn with Stewie for two years, a big difference. That Uconn team went 76-1 and dominated everyone. There is no team like that in college now.
True, but SC never even advanced far enough to meet with UCONN those years. SC, particularly in 2020 and 2022, was far stronger than any version of SC from 2015-2018 and the biggest reason why is Boston.

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