And your point is?
Most of us have argued the problem is universal! Not only are universities gaming the entry requirements, they are gaming the classes their student athletes take and the grades they receive. UConn, under Hathaway, was at a disadvantage to these other programs. I would applaud Hathaway if his objectives were based on integrity. But it wasn't. The guy did not have integrity. It was a power play to take out two strong male egos. His treatment of RE and JC is the major factor, if not the singular factor, for UConn being in the current predicament concerning CR.
I have no problem with people discussing UConn's dirt. I have a problem when it is singled out. I have a particular problem when someone is angry about the dirt and is angry about UConn's conference situation. If UConn is playing by the rules, or punished while other programs aren't, UConn is at a disadvantage. At the time of Nate Miles, it was stated that this entire system was a farce and needed to be investigated. People thought this argument was making excuses for UConn. It was anything but that. The NCAA made a couple of busts and the public felt comfortable that the governing powers were being diligent. They weren't. This process is no different than taking out a few lower level drug sellers while the majority of the big players stay free. The public is either too tired, too stupid or too apathetic to determine if the actions are meaningful.