Expectations | The Boneyard


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Aug 28, 2011
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I expect UConn to win every time I make my way to my seat or every time I sit on my couch at game time. Every time, I expect, not hope, but believe UConn will win.
Aug 29, 2011
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Always write like this

Plenty of time other things

Play with my footballs.
Last edited:
Aug 28, 2011
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25K ST Holders or Bust.
Aug 6, 2013
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"I have great expectations for the future, because the past was highly overrated"

-Sylvester Stallone


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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Diaco in charge,
Symbol of might to the foe,
Thirteen and zero.
You know I read the thread and said " their will be a 97' post in here about 13-0" and you know what hot dang I'm right again! Must be my Italian intuition !


Aug 26, 2011
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New coach, new culture
Gonna punch some mouths
Rise Up Together
Aug 26, 2011
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Wishful expectations: 8-4 record and a pretty good bowl opponent. Noticeable increase in fan, student, alumni interest.
Reasonable expectations:

  • vs BYU: Stumble, Stand, March. They stumble in the beginning, then stand toe to toe and finally march to close the point gap.
  • vs Stoney Brook: Either emboldened because of their upset victory over BYU or angry over their defeat they win big. O-line gains confidence and cohesion.
  • vs Boise St: A lot depends on how they fare vs BYU confidence wise and if they've survived the first 2 weeks relatively injury free. We'll get a pretty good picture on Diaco & Co's game prep and adjustments. If the team looks lost out there the 3rd game in this could be a longer season than anyone anticipated. If Boise St comes in at 2-0 expect them to leave 3-0.
  • at USF: short week for prep, travel and a night game after 2 day games. Either confident from a 2-1 start or shaken from a 1-2 start this could be a trap game though USF will have just played Maryland and NC ST back to back. Of note: USF's first four games are all at home which includes the UConn game. Outlasting the Bulls could be a real struggle for the Huskies. They walk out of there either 2-2 or 1-3 realistically.
  • Temple & Tulane they should win as long as the injury bug hasn't crushed them. 4-2 or 3-3 at this point.
  • at ECU: Flip a coin on this one. How much can their 50K+ home crowd influence the outcome? Which team is healthier? Who's on a roll and who's struggling? I don't know enough about these guys but will learn a lot after watching them at S. Carolina and at Virg. Tech.
  • vs UCF: One good thing is UConn has 2 extra days to prepare for UCF at home. Fans will be vital in this one as they'll need the 12th man and expect a packed house if the Huskies are above 500 record wise going in. Below 500.... who knows but this should be one of the cornerstone games to determine their season one way or the other. Interestingly enough UCF plays Tulane & Temple, both home games so they should be on a roll coming in.
  • Army: If UConn can't get pumped up playing at Yankee Stadium on national TV then something is wrong. W.
  • vs Cincy: Another cornerstone game and one that just may determine the conference champ. One good thing is the Huskies get an extra week to prepare but Cincy last plays on a Thursday so they have a couple extra days also. Toss up.
  • Memphis & SMU: If the Huskies are in the hunt for the conference title they'll win out. Other wise you might see Diaco experimenting with the lineup A) to heal bodies B) to send a message C) just to experiment and see what works. 6-6 or 7-5 realistically and a long awaited bowl invite. Anything above 7-5 is gravy but not to be expected. One thing you can expect is it should be a lot more interesting football to watch from the last 3 years.
Sorry P

Just wasn't meant to be

says WE(yuo)
Aug 24, 2011
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Hate to say it. But, this season will be a lot about setting the table for the next couple to follow it. New systems, first time HC, very young team - none of that remotely suggests a lot of Ws. Hope I'm wrong, but logic dictates.

I look for two key factors for progress. First, do we average something will over 100 yards rushing a game with one or two backs emerging as very solid. That would indicate that the disaster that was our OL the last few seasons is on its way to being fixed. Second, do a couple of our LBs emerge as taking the reigns on defense.

Squeaking into to bowl would be huge progress and portend very good things for the future given the youth currently in the program.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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My expectations:

We win the AAC in 2016 as convincingly as UCF did in 2013, finish just outside the final top ten, after our bowl game an announcement is made that the Rent will begin construction for expansion in April and, as we have a very young squad, many experts tag us as a team to watch for 2017 & 2018 (which leads to the B1G & ACC fighting to be the one who lands us).

Everything before the start of the 2016 season is just preparation for that point.


All posts from this user are AI-generated
Aug 25, 2011
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UConn nine and three.
Experts say "they have talent"!
Pasqualoni grrrrrr.
Aug 26, 2011
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Hate to say it. But, this season will be a lot about setting the table for the next couple to follow it. New systems, first time HC, very young team - none of that remotely suggests a lot of Ws. Hope I'm wrong, but logic dictates.
I look for two key factors for progress. First, do we average something will over 100 yards rushing a game with one or two backs emerging as very solid. That would indicate that the disaster that was our OL the last few seasons is on its way to being fixed. Second, do a couple of our LBs emerge as taking the reigns on defense.

Squeaking into to bowl would be huge progress and portend very good things for the future given the youth currently in the program.

It's been stated before but if Auburn can go from 3-9 in 2012 to 12-2 in 2013 with a new head coach, why can't we go from 3-9 to, say 7-5 with a new head coach?

I understand that transitions don't happen over night, but the right attitude, strength & conditioning, energy and good coaching can will teams to a few wins. With our schedule we should be able to get to at least 6 wins.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Wishful expectations: 8-4 record and a pretty good bowl opponent. Noticeable increase in fan, student, alumni interest.
Reasonable expectations:

  • vs BYU: Stumble, Stand, March. They stumble in the beginning, then stand toe to toe and finally march to close the point gap.
  • vs Stoney Brook: Either emboldened because of their upset victory over BYU or angry over their defeat they win big. O-line gains confidence and cohesion.
  • vs Boise St: A lot depends on how they fare vs BYU confidence wise and if they've survived the first 2 weeks relatively injury free. We'll get a pretty good picture on Diaco & Co's game prep and adjustments. If the team looks lost out there the 3rd game in this could be a longer season than anyone anticipated. If Boise St comes in at 2-0 expect them to leave 3-0.
  • at USF: short week for prep, travel and a night game after 2 day games. Either confident from a 2-1 start or shaken from a 1-2 start this could be a trap game though USF will have just played Maryland and NC ST back to back. Of note: USF's first four games are all at home which includes the UConn game. Outlasting the Bulls could be a real struggle for the Huskies. They walk out of there either 2-2 or 1-3 realistically.
  • Temple & Tulane they should win as long as the injury bug hasn't crushed them. 4-2 or 3-3 at this point.
  • at ECU: Flip a coin on this one. How much can their 50K+ home crowd influence the outcome? Which team is healthier? Who's on a roll and who's struggling? I don't know enough about these guys but will learn a lot after watching them at S. Carolina and at Virg. Tech.
  • vs UCF: One good thing is UConn has 2 extra days to prepare for UCF at home. Fans will be vital in this one as they'll need the 12th man and expect a packed house if the Huskies are above 500 record wise going in. Below 500.... who knows but this should be one of the cornerstone games to determine their season one way or the other. Interestingly enough UCF plays Tulane & Temple, both home games so they should be on a roll coming in.
  • Army: If UConn can't get pumped up playing at Yankee Stadium on national TV then something is wrong. W.
  • vs Cincy: Another cornerstone game and one that just may determine the conference champ. One good thing is the Huskies get an extra week to prepare but Cincy last plays on a Thursday so they have a couple extra days also. Toss up.
  • Memphis & SMU: If the Huskies are in the hunt for the conference title they'll win out. Other wise you might see Diaco experimenting with the lineup A) to heal bodies B) to send a message C) just to experiment and see what works. 6-6 or 7-5 realistically and a long awaited bowl invite. Anything above 7-5 is gravy but not to be expected. One thing you can expect is it should be a lot more interesting football to watch from the last 3 years.
Sorry P

Just wasn't meant to be

says WE(yuo)
You are so attached to your husband Mrs. P - a post doesn't go by without mention.
Aug 26, 2011
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You are so attached to your husband Mrs. P - a post doesn't go by without mention.
That hate thing you got going on...you really need to let it go. I'm a UConn fan first and foremost so lets keep it civil.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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eyes on the future
former coaches forgotten
husky fans unite

- or -

pp gdl
pp gdl pp
pp gdl

let's go with the former
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