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Even I left


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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This is on the players and fundamentals or a lack thereof.
Coaches can only put you in position it is up to you to make the play
Jan 12, 2013
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You would think after this jump, a jump played all over ESPN and all over the Internet, that Bob Diaco could recruit at least one DB! ONE!
Jun 17, 2013
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I have an intense desire to line up Hathaway, Pasqualoni, Manuel and Diaco against a wall and kick them repeatedly in the nuts until my leg falls off...


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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They are just unlucky. If the ground were two feet higher, a lot of those knees would’ve hit the turf. They are trying block,shoulder or one arm tackles constantly and the runners are keeping their balance. The last two weeks have been especially horrible. The pass D hasn’t been a pass D all year.
Sep 21, 2013
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I have an intense desire to line up Hathaway, Pasqualoni, Manuel and Diaco against a wall and kick them repeatedly in the nuts until my leg falls off...
I pray that I run into P in Cheshire someday so I can tell him he has something on his chin...oh wait Paul, that's just George's d#ck. Enjoy Paul.
Sep 17, 2011
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Swann missed the tackle on the 95 yarder. He is out there trying but no way does he pass the eye test at CB. He is too small and will be abused all day by the bigger wideouts we are seeing on a regular basis. I would put him in Arkeels role on offense. If he is starting at CB next year we are in trouble.
Aug 29, 2015
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Swann missed the tackle on the 95 yarder. He is out there trying but no way does he pass the eye test at CB. He is too small and will be abused all day by the bigger wideouts we are seeing on a regular basis. I would put him in Arkeels role on offense. If he is starting at CB next year we are in trouble.
lol r-e-l-a-x. he's a true frosh. no point writing him off now
Sep 17, 2011
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The height difference Mick is a real problem as well as the physicality to make the tackle.
Sep 17, 2011
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Okay. Lots in this thread that is whacky . PP recruited D1 talent. The best upper classmen on the field were from Pp. Diaco recruited mid level FCS talent. Those kids are playing hard and quite possibly above their talent level, But 75% of the starters are not even low level FBS talent

The play calling reflects the reality of the season. Uconn does not have the talent to compete against the top of the conference. The lack of basic tackling fundamentals, (cop out coming) is all Diaco. The D fundamentals of basic assignments and how to wrap up look like BD the prior two seasons. Crap coaching = crap technique. the D starters by and large are Diaco recruits and reflectsvereal years of winning meal time and lack of coaching.

Edsal’s basic conservative offensive instinct remains. The D, it needs an entire overhaul and infusion of toughness.

Finally, anyone that craps on Sherriffs needs to put behind center and suffer the abuse he has taken. Kid literally bleeds for this team. Give me 4 of him on D, and a bowl would stil be an option this yea.
Aug 28, 2011
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Swann missed the tackle on the 95 yarder. He is out there trying but no way does he pass the eye test at CB. He is too small and will be abused all day by the bigger wideouts we are seeing on a regular basis. I would put him in Arkeels role on offense. If he is starting at CB next year we are in trouble.

I honestly feel bad for Swann. Completely overmatched in coverage and he cannot shed blocks or tackle. He shouldn’t be on the two deep. USF looked to where Swann was on the field and threw the wr screen to his side non stop. At some point you just have to take the kid out of the game. He needs to be switched to offense because he is such a liability on wr screens. I mean he was getting destroyed. Every play.
Nov 19, 2011
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I have an intense desire to line up Hathaway, Pasqualoni, Manuel and Diaco against a wall and kick them repeatedly in the nuts until my leg falls off...

One more combined year of the current football/men's hoop performance should earn Mr. Benedict a spot in that lineup.
Aug 26, 2011
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Swann missed the tackle on the 95 yarder. He is out there trying but no way does he pass the eye test at CB. He is too small and will be abused all day by the bigger wideouts we are seeing on a regular basis. I would put him in Arkeels role on offense. If he is starting at CB next year we are in trouble.
I honestly feel bad for Swann. Completely overmatched in coverage and he cannot shed blocks or tackle. He shouldn’t be on the two deep. USF looked to where Swann was on the field and threw the wr screen to his side non stop. At some point you just have to take the kid out of the game. He needs to be switched to offense because he is such a liability on wr screens. I mean he was getting destroyed. Every play.
Edsall Post game:

>>On the teams tackling -
As I told the team afterwards. Tackling is a want to. That’s a want to. There were some guys, one of the guys [redshirt sophomore defensive back] Marshé Terry was much more aggressive tonight. He actually went and took a shot. One time he might have missed but other times he was aggressive and that’s what I want. I want guys to be aggressive. [freshman defensive back] Jordan Swann is not aggressive. He’s probably in a pretty big funk right now but tackling is just a want to, a desire to want to get there and then when you get there you want to punish a guy. I think some of these young guys have maybe hit the wall a little bit but it’s who we have, it’s what we’re going to go with and then again you can’t sit there during a week of practice and just bang them bang them bang them because then you won’t have bodies left for the game. <<
Aug 29, 2015
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One more combined year of the current football/men's hoop performance should earn Mr. Benedict a spot in that lineup.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm usually a "scheme/coaching is the problem" guy, but in this case, it really does seem that we are so far behind our opponents talent/speed- wise, that it's ridiculous. Watching our guys try to chase down that long TD pass was what we all knew to be the case. Not just that, but we are playing so many 1st or 2nd year guys...which never looks pretty.

9 out of every 10 players BD signed would only have been signed at D2 schools if not for his ineptitude. I dont know what he was looking for, but it sure as hell wasn't D1 ball players. He built a big, slow defense that could defend any team that ran a "3 yards and a cloud of dust" offense. The problem is that WE WERE THE ONLY TEAM IN AMERICA RUNNING THAT OFFENSE !

Just look at the kid whose pulled offer caused that big stir right before signing day. He ended up at LaSalle...iirc. Thats a big neon sign marking what we were getting.

The 3-3-5 is a beautiful thing when done with athletes. The 4-3 is great when you actually have 4 DT's on your roster (which we don't). Often times we bring a LB up as the 4th lineman anyways. People are reading too much into the alignment. Now the 10 yard cushion is insane...but every time we try to press a bit, we get killed deep. No winning there either right now.

This rebuild is a genuine rebuild. It wont be good this year, and if we win 6 next year i will be pleasantly surprised. This one is uglier than most. We may have 6-8 guys out of 22 starters that are talented enough just to get us to .500. Most times coaches can motivate better, and put guys in better spots. That's not going to work for us. We're screwed for now. Randy is Randy, not Saban. He was about .500 here, and about .500 at MD.

Maybe it's the apathy talking, but hope is what's making us all upset, when what we have no choice but to have is patience. It's gonna suck for a while. We are way way behind. the 2019 season is when we'll know what we have to look forward to. Bags of crap until then.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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Crazy how every year, we've been saying "if only we had a decent offense." Finally we have a decent offense, but our defense is now one of the worst in FBS. How does that happen?!?!?!?!


Hired the wrong coach as DC.
Aug 26, 2011
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Players were putting up similar performances last year. It's not scheming. It's the play on the field, whatever the reasons may be.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Edsall Post game:

>>On the teams tackling -
As I told the team afterwards. Tackling is a want to. That’s a want to. There were some guys, one of the guys [redshirt sophomore defensive back] Marshé Terry was much more aggressive tonight. He actually went and took a shot. One time he might have missed but other times he was aggressive and that’s what I want. I want guys to be aggressive. [freshman defensive back] Jordan Swann is not aggressive. He’s probably in a pretty big funk right now but tackling is just a want to, a desire to want to get there and then when you get there you want to punish a guy. I think some of these young guys have maybe hit the wall a little bit but it’s who we have, it’s what we’re going to go with and then again you can’t sit there during a week of practice and just bang them bang them bang them because then you won’t have bodies left for the game. <<

This is what prompted by OP.

I’ve missed one home game since 99. Clearly I can stand bad football.

Yesterday was a case where the lack of effort to tackle was just so annoying I couldn’t stand being there anymore.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Edsall Post game:

>>On the teams tackling -
As I told the team afterwards. Tackling is a want to. That’s a want to. There were some guys, one of the guys [redshirt sophomore defensive back] Marshé Terry was much more aggressive tonight. He actually went and took a shot. One time he might have missed but other times he was aggressive and that’s what I want. I want guys to be aggressive. [freshman defensive back] Jordan Swann is not aggressive. He’s probably in a pretty big funk right now but tackling is just a want to, a desire to want to get there and then when you get there you want to punish a guy. I think some of these young guys have maybe hit the wall a little bit but it’s who we have, it’s what we’re going to go with and then again you can’t sit there during a week of practice and just bang them bang them bang them because then you won’t have bodies left for the game. <<
This bolder part I give a lot of credit to RE for saying. He’s not trying to blow sunshine up our butt. This is the team he was handed and this is what he’s doing and trying to accomplish. However, you can only do so much when your players talent level is what it is. I appreciate the honesty he brings as opposed to the fish oil we were given the past 3 seasons with Diaco.
Sep 7, 2012
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That 5'10" 230 Lb WR for USF might have been tackled by our frosh DB's once our guys get stronger.

But tackling is a problem. Hopefully experience and strength solve that.
Or they grab the guy with their hands. It seems like they only use their shoulders to tackle it's pathetic.

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